Black Longnose Tang (Zebrasoma rostratum) Fish pet, Saltwater tank, Fish

The Black Longnose Tang, also known as the Longnose Sailfin Tang or the Longnose Surgeonfish, has a jet black oval body with blue pectoral fins, and an obvious white spot at the peduncle spines near the tail. A 180 gallon or larger aquarium is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room. Zebrasoma rostratum, the longnose surgeonfish, longnose tang or black tang, is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the family Acanthuridae, which includes the surgeonfishes, unicornfishes and tangs. This fish is found in the western central Pacific Ocean. Taxonomy

Black Longnose Tang `Zebrasoma rostratum" 1 Fish 2 Fish Dartmouth

Common Names : Longnose Surgeonfish, Black Longnose Tang, Longnose Sailfin Tang Care Level : Moderate, needs a bigger tank with lots of swimming space, the proper tank mates and abundant food. Size : 8 inches (up to 21 cm) Life span : 7 to 10 years and possibly longer The Black Tang, Zebrasoma rostratum, also known as the Black Sailfin Tang, Black Longnose Surgeonfish, or Black Longnose Tang, is one of the most rare and sought-after tang species in the aquarium trade. The Black Tang is entirely jet black with a singular diamond-shaped white dot just before its anal fin. Black Tang (Zebrasoma rostratum) is also known as Longnose Surgeonfish. The Black Tang should ideally be kept in temperatures between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. A pH value of 8.1 or 8.4, and a specific gravity of 1.020 to 1.025 should be maintained. When kept with invertebrates, the specific gravity range should be 1.020 to 1.025, for the invertebrate species.

Black Tang Zebrasoma rostratum Longnose Surgeonfish

The Longnose Tang, sometimes called the Black Tang or Black Longnose Tang, (Zebrasoma rostratum) is a member of the family Acanthuridae, which we know better as "tangs" or "surgeonfishes." Surgeonfishes gain this title from the scalpel like spine found on the caudal peduncle (part of the fish that narrows as the body meets the tail). Black Longnose Tang - Longnose Surgeonfish - Black Sailfin Tang Description: The Black Tang is found in the South Pacific off the coasts of the Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, Line Islands, Tuamoto Islands to the Pitcairn Islands. Black Tangs are a rare find and tend to be more expensive to acquire. The Black Longnose Tang are very beautiful fish with a white spine area and an overall black colored body and fins. They can grow to almost 8". We recommend a minimum aquarium size of 180 gallons or larger for this species. Water conditions: Salinity 1.020 - 1.025, Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Alkalinity 8 - 12 dKH. Black Longnose Tang, Longnose Sailfin Tang, Longnose Surgeonfish. This fish page needs some help! Please consider filling out a section, such as Origin; Sexing; Tank and environment Details; Diet; Behavior; Tank Compatibility; Identification; Special care instructions : Pictures

Black Tang Zebrasoma rostratum Longnose Surgeonfish

Black Tang - Hawaii Zebrasoma rostratum This tang is truly one of a kind and a great addition to your saltwater aquarium. Typically a Hawaiian native, it has the typical herbivorous diet and hardiness of other Zebrasoma members such as the Yellow and Sailfin Tangs. Vlamingii Tang and Black Longnose Tang The Surgeon fish family includes about 80 species, all living around the coral reefs. Many of the species are brightly coloured and popular for both the Reef or fish only aquarium. $ 1,999.99 The Black Longnose Tang, also known as the Longnose Tang or Black Sailfin Tang, is found only in Hawaii and the Christmas Islands. Perhaps one of the most ubiquitous saltwater fishes, the Black longnose tang has a typical Zebrasoma body shape that is entirely jet black in color. $1,699.99 From $153.44/mo with View sample plans Quantity: Add to cart Description Zebrasoma rostratum Tangs are also known as surgeon fish within the industry due to them having a sharp spine that looks similar to a scalpel at the base of their caudal fin (tail).

PoP Rarities Black Longnose Tang (Zebrasoma rostratum)

Black Longnose Tang Name Lat. Zebrasoma rostratum Family Surgeonfishes Family lat. Acanthuridae Order Surgeonfishes Order lat. Acanthuriformes Origin Pacific Habitat Lagoons, coral reefs Diet Herbivore pH 8.1-8.4 Hardness 8-10 °KH Behavior Semi-aggressive Keeping Individual, pair Reef Compatible Yes Care Level Moderate Life Span 8-12 years The Black Tang also known as the Black Longnose Tang has always been one of the most sought after reef fish available. While similar in shape and appearance to other Zebrasoma Tangs, the Black Tang is distinct with it's extra long nose. Also Black Tang has a jet black appearance only broken up by it's white scalpel.