‘Curiosity Killed the Cat’ Definition, Meaning and Examples

The meaning of 'curiosity killed the cat' is easy to summarise: don't go poking your nose into other people's affairs, and don't be overly inquisitive about things which don't concern you, as it will only cause trouble. The phrase suggests that a cat that went nosing about in something it shouldn't have came a-cropper and died as a result. " Curiosity killed the cat " is a proverb used to warn of the dangers of unnecessary investigation or experimentation. It also implies that being curious can sometimes lead to danger or misfortune. The original form of the proverb, now rarely used, was "Care killed the cat". In this instance, "care" was defined as "worry" or "sorrow for others".

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The saying "curiosity killed the cat" is a popular expression warning about the dangers of unnecessary investigation or experimentation. It suggests that being overly curious can lead to trouble or harm. In short: It warns about the potential risks of being too curious. The proverbial expression 'curiosity killed the cat', which is usually used when attempting to stop someone asking unwanted questions, is much more recent. The earlier form was still in use in 1898, when it was defined in Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable: "Care killed the Cat. ( saying) used to tell somebody not to ask so many questions, especially in reply to a question that you do not want to answer: 'Are you two thinking of getting married by any chance?' 'Now, now. Curiosity killed the cat!' See also: cat, curiosity, killed (Definition of curiosity killed the cat from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press) C1 Translations of curiosity killed the cat in Chinese (Traditional) 好奇害死貓,過於好奇會惹禍上身… See more in Chinese (Simplified) 好奇害死猫,过于好奇会惹祸上身… See more Need a translator? Get a quick, free translation!

Curiosity Killed the Cat Meaning, Examples, and Synonyms Leverage Edu

You say ' Curiosity killed the cat ' in order to tell someone that they should not try to find out about something which does not concern them. 'All right, I've been reading it. So what?'—'Curiosity killed the cat, that's what.' See full dictionary entry for cat Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers Meaning of Curiosity Killed the Cat Inquisitiveness or curiosity can lead people into dangerous or risky situations. If people take too much interest in things they need not know, they could get into trouble. They might be causing themselves problems by getting into things not concerning them. Curiosity Killed the Cat Meaning Definition: Sometimes learning new information is more harmful than helpful; being inquisitive about other people's affairs can get you in trouble. If someone wants to try and stop another person from prying, he or she will often use this proverb. Origin of Curiosity Killed the Cat Meaning: The term curiosity killed the cat is an expression that's used as a warning for anyone who is acting excessively curious, as their prying behavior may lead them to harm. Example: If you go snooping all over the place, you might spoil the surprise. It's said that curiosity killed the cat, so stop poking your head around.

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'Curiosity Killed The Cat' is an expression used as a warning for someone who is overly curious. The phrase is used to warn them that their curiosity and inquisitiveness can have a harmful result and can put people in dangerous situations. The expression is used to warn people about the dangers of unnecessary investigation and dangerous situations. The saying "curiosity killed the cat" is typically used to warn against asking questions. It carries the connotation that the asker would be detrimentally affected if the answer were revealed. This idiom originates from the late 16th century. The original version of the words was "care killed the cat." ("Care" meant concern or worry.) The whole idiom goes like this: "Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back." That last part really changes the meaning. The cat gets to live. Curiosity does not kill it. So, we. "Curiosity killed the cat" is an English proverb. It describes the dangers of being too curious. E.g. When he couldn't resist any longer, his curiosity killed the cat, leading him to open the mysterious old chest he had discovered in the attic. Related terms: The early bird gets the worm; there are other fish in the sea; let sleeping dogs lie

Curiosity Killed the Cat. Or Did It? Leader's Edge Magazine

The phrase ' curiosity killed the cat ' means curiosity and trying to go to an unknown place can lead to risky, or dangerous situations. In other words, if a person becomes inquisitive about everything, he or she could find themselves caught in unfortunate situations. Origin of "Curiosity Killed The Cat" used to warn someone not to ask too many questions about something Example Sentences When he started asking too many questions of his neighbours about their whereabouts during the weekend, they warned him that curiosity killed the cat. When Jane asked George where he was going at the middle of the night, he replied that curiosity killed the cat.