[The Dative] Case [is] used to express direction towards an indirect object, the receiver, and is generally indicated in English by to or for with the objective case. The unspecified subject es in your sentence is providing fun (accusative) to me (dative). As I, sort of, receive having fun, I am put in the dative case. A fun look at the meaning of "der Spaß", the various idiomatic phrasings like "Spaß machen" or "viel Spaß" and we'll learn how to say "It was fun." in German (#notLikeEnglish) Vocab: der Spaß, Spaß machen, Spaß haben, aus Spaß, Spaß verstehen, bespaßen,. 60 Comments Hello everyone, and welcome to our German Word of the Day.

Mr. Kandah Einen schönen Sommer wünsche ich euch!! Viel Spaß und Vergnügen

Deutsch macht Spaß. Αρχική. Deutsch - ein Hit 1! Deutsch - ein Hit 2! Deutsch - ein Hit 3. Grammatik. Vokabeln. Musik. Projekte. macht Spaß More translations in context: it's fun, is enjoyable, is funny. See more translations and examples in context for "macht Spaß" or search for more phrases including "macht Spaß": "Spass macht", "macht keinen Spaß" Deutsch macht Spass! Schnupper-Fernsehkurs © Hueber Verlag Sie müssen nicht Einstein sein, um Deutsch zu lernen. Sie brauchen nur Ihren Fernseher. Der Schnupper-Fernsehkurs „Deutsch macht Spaß" umfasst 13 Folgen à 30 Minuten. Jede dieser Folgen widmet sich einem eigenen Thema und gibt dem Zuschauer einen ersten Einblick. Here you will learn: how to say what you like / do not like to do in your free time; to talk about leisure activities in general

Język Niemiecki 1 Deutsch macht Spass 1 iPomoce

Word of the Day - "der Spaß". A fun look at the meaning of "der Spaß", the various idiomatic phrasings like "Spaß machen" or "viel Spaß" and we'll learn how to say "It was fun." in German (#notLikeEnglish) Das macht mir Spaß! 01:39 German class with Lisa: Nico and Selma have to say what they like doing and what they do well and don't do so well. In the process, Nico and Lisa find out that Selma. Deutsch macht SpaAY! means German is Fun! Living up to its title, the book makes clever use of German versions of amusing HagarA(R) and PeanutsA(R) cartoons to review German grammar and vocabulary. Avoiding grammatical mumbo jumbo, the author clearly and concisely shows you how German sentences are put together. Includes audio links, answer keys, and a complete German"English glossary. Deutsch macht Spa Y! (German is fun!) lives up to its name with a unique approach that makes learning and reviewing German grammar fun. The clever use of Hagar the Horrible and Peanuts cartoons in German, combined with related exercises, helps students who want to improve their command of the German language. For more advanced learners, Deutsch macht Spa Y! can serve as an excellent refresher.


Das macht Spaß! That's fun! "er/sie/es macht Spaß" could be 3rd person Spaß machen verb be fun v Er ist so ein netter Kerl. Es macht Spaß, mit ihm zu arbeiten. He is such a nice guy; it is fun working with him. Es macht Spaß, philosophische Fragen zu diskutieren. It is fun to debate philosophical questions. less common: joke v · josh v · Deutsch macht Spaß! means German is Fun! Living up to its title, the book makes clever use of German versions of amusing Hagar® and Peanuts® cartoons to review German grammar and vocabulary. Avoiding grammatical mumbo jumbo, the author clearly and concisely shows you how German sentences are put together. Includes audio links, answer. es macht Spaß! she is fun to be with. es macht immer Spaß, mit ihr zusammen zu sein. children get a lot of fun out of playing with water. Kindern macht es großen Spaß, mit Wasser zu spielen. it's a pity you have so little love for your job. es ist schade, dass dir deine Arbeit so wenig Spaß macht. I have no relish for hunting and killing. Deutsch Macht Spass: A First Year German Reader Paperback - January 1, 1820 German Edition by Marilyn B. Rey (Author), Katharina Maloof (Author)

Whistling Prairie Deutsch Macht Spaß!

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