Can I go to Disneyland too much? If so, can someone give me a ballpark figure of how much is

A ballpark figure or a ballpark estimate is an approximate figure or quantity. Note: A ballpark is a park or stadium where baseball is played. But what are we talking about here — a few thousand, millions, two bucks? Give me a ballpark figure. I think just in a ballpark estimate — about 60-40. Sixty would support, 40 percent would be opposed. Give me a ballpark figure. I think just in a ballpark estimate — about 60-40. Sixty would support, 40 percent would be opposed. See also: ballpark, figure Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012 a ˈballpark figure

Can you give me a ballpark figure? Idioms Pinterest

Ballpark figure definition: . See examples of BALLPARK FIGURE used in a sentence. English Dictionary Sentences Grammar Definition of 'a ballpark figure' a ballpark figure or a ballpark estimate an approximate figure or quantity But what are we talking about here - a few thousand, millions, two bucks? Give me a ballpark figure. Easy Learning Idioms Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers A ballpark figure is a rough numerical estimate or approximation of the value of something that is otherwise unknown. Ballpark figures are commonly used by accountants, salespersons, and. American origin Sports and games What's the meaning of the phrase 'Ballpark figure'? A ballpark figure is an estimate, within a reasonable range of accuracy. What's the origin of the phrase 'Ballpark figure'? The ballpark being referred to is a baseball stadium - commonly called a ballpark in the USA.

Can I go to Disneyland too much? If so, can someone give me a ballpark figure of how much is

What is a Ballpark Figure? A ballpark figure is a close estimate of the actual value of a variable. It is typically computed using a simple approximation instead of going about the actual computation process, which is more complicated. Meaning If you give a ballpark figure or a ballpark estimate, you give a number which you think is fairly close to the actual one. For example We don't know the exact cost, but a ballpark figure would be around six million dollars. I know you can't tell me exactly when it'll be finished, but can you give me a ballpark estimate? This is one of the videos from our English Club series. It describes the meaning and usage of the phrase 'Ballpark figure'. This phrase is mostly used in the. Noun [ edit] ballpark figure (plural ballpark figures) (chiefly US, idiomatic) An educated guess or estimation within acceptable bounds . No more stalling. Give me a ballpark figure of our projected losses.

In the ballpark Gallery Sofie Van de Velde

"Give me a ballpark figure for the value of your car." "What's your weight? Give me a ballpark figure ." Ballpark Figure Origin So, where does the phrase " ballpark figure " come from? Strangely, the meaning of the term is for a general estimate, but baseball is a sport driven by accurate statistics and record keeping. ballpark figure. (a number or amount that is only approximate but not exactly correct) Could you give me a ballpark figure of today's total sales? I don't know exactly how many people were at the party, but a ballpark figure would be about forty. Could you give me a ballpark figure of today's total sales? I don't know how many people were. A ballpark figure is a rough estimate given to understand the value of something which can help in taking important decisions. It is considered a logical measurement that accounts for a margin of error. For example, if one asks, "how many people does the baseball stadium fit?" Catch Word #158 - Give me a ballpark figure. In some situations, you can't be exact, so you have to estimate a number. There are tons of reasons why this happens, and we talk about some in this episode. And of course, we also share some fun expressions to talk about guessing and estimating. How many people were at the concert last night?

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A Ballpark figure is a rough approximation of what the actual value could be. For example, a manufacturer might ask his manager- "I know we haven't really analyzed the actual costs yet, but can you give me a ballpark figure?". As per the Idioms dictionary, the meaning of a ballpark figure is a number that is approximately correct. Give me a ballpark figure of how much the project will cost. big hitter . The big hitter is a batter who hits many hits. These include home runs, grand slams and base hits such as doubles, and singles. The big hitter is used when referring to a someone in a company who has a reputation for doing well in business.