Hanmer Springs NZ been there! New zealand houses, Travel pictures, New zealand

About Us 0 Buy Online Check out our package options Follow @hanmersprings on Instagram Stay Informed Sign up to receive our newsletters and important announcements, upcoming events, and exclusive offers for the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa. Things to see and do in Hanmer Springs, New Zealand Destinations All destinations New Zealand map National Parks North Island Auckland Bay of Plenty The Coromandel Hawke's Bay Manawatū Northland & Bay of Islands Rotorua Ruapehu Tairāwhiti Gisborne Taranaki Taupō Waikato Wairarapa Wellington Whanganui South Island Central Otago

Things to do in Hanmer Springs, New Zealand CK Travels

18°c Today's Forecast High 28° c Low 13° c Humidity: 67. Wind Gusts: 2 km/h. Current Weather 1:57 pm 9th January. 2024 Hanmer Springs 18° View Full Report Accommodation Events Follow @hanmersprings_nz on Instagram Sign up for our latest news and highlights Get more travel inspiration, tips and exclusive offers sent straight to your inbox. Hanmer Springs is a small in the Canterbury region of the South Island of New Zealand. The Māori name for Hanmer Springs is Te Whakatakanga o te Ngārahu o te ahi a Tamatea, which means "where the ashes of Tamate's (sic) fire lay", referring to Tamatea, the captain of the canoe Tākitimu. [5] Hanmer Springs is a two-hour drive north of Christchurch, so it is exceptionally easy to reach if you fly into New Zealand's second-largest international airport. Self-driving is the most convenient way of getting there, as bus services are limited, and there are no trains to Hanmer. About Hanmer Springs Both a weekend destination for locals and a magnet for tourists craving other-worldly relaxation, Hanmer Springs is the perfect spot for pampering. The tiny spa town is built around a hot spring that was discovered in the 19th century, and the crisp mountain air has restorative properties of its own. Essential Hanmer Springs Do

How to spend a day in Hanmer Springs, New Zealand CK Travels

Find places to go and things to do in the Hurunui District, touring routes, Hanmer Springs, Waipara Valley and the Hurunui Heartland. Home.. Hanmer Springs New Zealand Email: [email protected] Phone: +64 3 315 0000 Free phone : 0800 442 663 (NZ only) Helpful Links. Latest news; Top Attractions in Hanmer Springs. These rankings are informed by traveler reviews—we consider the quality, quantity, recency, consistency of reviews, and the number of page views over time. 1. Hanmer Forest. Loved the Amble walk with the wooden sculptures. 2. Conical Hill. Things to Do in Hanmer Springs, Canterbury Region: See Tripadvisor's 60,058 traveller reviews and photos of Hanmer Springs attractions. Skip to main content. Review.. Hanmer Springs Bungy Jump, New Zealand. 32. Extreme Sports. from . $169. per adult. Hanmer Springs Rafting and Quad Bike combo. 9. 4WD Tours. from . $313. per adult. 1. Go for a Walk in the Hanmer Forest There are plenty of places to stretch your legs in the forests surrounding Hanmer Springs. For a short walk, do the Conical Hill Walk (1-hour return) which is a steep climb through pine forest with rewarding views.

Around the world with Rebecca Hanmer Springs New Zealand

Stay Informed Sign up to receive our newsletters and important announcements, upcoming events, and exclusive offers for the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa. Adult, Child, Seniors and discounted groups and school rates. View our pricing for waterslides, private thermal pools, sauna and steam suites and concession cards. Best known for its natural hot pools and stunning landscapes, Hanmer Springs is a picturesque alpine village 90 minutes' drive from Christchurch. Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa, Christchurch - Canterbury By Visit Hurunui The resort town of Hanmer Springs is an attractive year-round holiday destination for adventure, relaxation and indulgence. Hanmer Springs is New Zealand's only natural geothermal alpine spa village. Cradled by forest clad mountains in a secluded high-country basin, we were New Zealand's original wellness destination. The first bathhouse was built here in 1884 and we've been caring for the wellness for people ever since. Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa. 42 Amuri Avenue, Hanmer Springs, New Zealand . Extensive complex with naturally heated thermal mineral waters in 22 outdoor pools and activity areas including waterslides. Winner World Luxury Spa Awards 2020 and 2021. Winner in the 2006, 2005 and 2004 New Zealand Tourism Awards.

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Hanmer Springs Hot Pools & Spa is the home of aquatic fun and relaxation. See what the thermal pools have to offer, including prices, deals and much more. 1. Explore Hanmer Springs' Hot Pools - One of New Zealand's Premier Hot Pool Facilities If there's one thing and one thing only you do whilst visiting Hanmer Springs, it has to be a visit to the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa!