Présentation Kel'Thuzad Heroes of the Storm JudgeHype

Kel'Thuzad's Overview. Kel'Thuzad is a combo-oriented ranged damage dealer with outstanding area of effect crowd control and burst damage potential. Relying on skillshot Abilities to grow through Master of the Cold Dark makes him weak in the early stages of the game and harder than most Heroes to play, let alone master. 2. Create a fissure anywhere on the Battleground that explodes after 1.5 seconds, dealing 320 damage to enemy Heroes in its area. If an enemy Hero is hit, set its cooldown to 1.5 seconds. Kel'Thuzad has faithfully served the Lich King both in life and after death. Reanimated as the Archlich of the Scourge and given domain of the Dread Necropolis.

Kel’Thuzad es el nuevo héroe de Heroes of the Storm Zona MMORPG

Kel'Thuzad was a powerful member of the Kirin Tor, but his interest in the dark arts caused him to be expelled from Dalaran. He went on to become the founder of the Cult of the Damned and one of the principal agents of the Lich King. After bringing the plague to Lordaeron, he was slain by Arthas Menethil.When Arthas became a death knight, he used and defiled the powers of the Sunwell to. Atk Speed. 1.00 per second. Damage. 72. (+ 4.0%) Kel'Thuzad has faithfully served the Lich King both in life and after death. Reanimated as the Archlich of the Scourge and given domain of the Dread Necropolis, Naxxramas, Kel'Thuzad remains Arthas's most trusted advisor and master of the cold dark. Builds & Guides Abilities & Talents Discussion. Launch a chain, dealing 97 (+2.5% per level) damage to the first enemy Hero hit. For 3 seconds after hitting an enemy, Chains can be reactivated to launch to an additional enemy, pulling both enemies together and Stunning them for 0.5 seconds. Chains of Kel'Thuzad is one of the most complex Abilities in Heroes of the Storm, and the first piece. Heroes of the Storm. Abathur Alarak Alexstrasza Ana Anduin Anub'arak Artanis Arthas Auriel Azmodan Blaze Brightwing Cassia Chen Cho Chromie D.Va Deathwing Deckard Dehaka Diablo E.T.C. Falstad Fenix Gall Garrosh Gazlowe Genji Greymane Gul'dan Hanzo Hogger Illidan Imperius Jaina Johanna Junkrat Kael'thas Kel'Thuzad Kerrigan Kharazim Leoric Li Li.

Heroes of The Storm Resurrecting Kel’Thuzad

Trait . Master of the Cold Dark - Kel'Thuzad's Trait allows him to boost his damage every time he lands Frost Nova or Chains of Kel'Thuzad against an enemy Hero.Each Hero hit contributes one stack, with 30 completing the Quest chain. It's imperative that you aim to complete your Quest Trait as quickly as possible, as Kel'Thuzad not only needs Glacial Spike at 15 Blight, but he also needs the. While Kel'Thuzad can be highly impactful in Heroes of the Storm, the lack of consistency or the wrong allied comp or difficult enemy comp can render him almo. Kel'Thuzad Top. Der char ist sehr gut im slown und stanen von Gegnern. Meine erste Einschätzung von ihm ist das sich duch ihn viel im spielverhalten ändern wir das er duch seine Charquest bei 15 geslowten oder mit den Ketten getroffenen feinden 2 Sekunden reduzierte Fähigkeitsabklingzeit, bei Abschluss 75% mehr Fähigkeitsstärke bekommt. The Lich Lord of The Plaguelands, Commander of The Dread Necropolis, Master of the Cold Dark, Founder of the Cult of The Damned, Former Member of the Council.

Kel'Thuzad Heroes of the Storm Wiki Fandom

Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad - Granting Kel'Thuzad 10% healing on all spell damage dealt, plus the ability to fully respawn after collecting 10 Regen Globes, Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad is a perfect double-dose of survivability that is extremely valuable to the Archlich of Naxxramas. Glacial Spike - Glacial Spike allows Kel'Thuzad to summon an exploding pillar of ice that blocks movement. Become a Member Streams Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad - Granting Kel'Thuzad 10% healing on all spell damage dealt, plus the ability to fully respawn after collecting 10 Regen Globes, Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad is a perfect double-dose of survivability that is extremely valuable to the Archlich of Naxxramas. Glacial Spike - Glacial Spike allows Kel'Thuzad to summon an exploding pillar of ice that blocks movement. Build a talent tree for Kel'Thuzad that you can easily share with your friends.

The Time Has Come For Kel'thuzad To Join His Master In Heroes of the Storm Unpause Asia

(8/10) (7/10) (4/10) (7/10) Kel'Thuzad is a Ranged Assassin Hero from the Warcraft franchise. Kel'Thuzad has faithfully served the Lich King both in life and after death. Reanimated as the Archlich of the Scourge and given domain of the Dread Necropolis, Naxxramas, Kel'Thuzad remains Arthas's most trusted advisor and master of the cold dark. Archlich of Naxxramas, esteemed Lich Lord of the. Kel'Thuzad Chains of Chill Top. At Lvl 4 take Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad for a nice little return to life whenever, which also gives 10% spell vamp at full stacks, if they have a lot of physical damage which is mainly represented by melee take Armor of the Archlich, it's a great get away active talent. IF, the enemy has absorbs/shields, take.