MEASUREMENT It is a process of comparing an unknown quantity with an accepted standard quantity. 1.1. ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT &INSTRUMENTATION It is the branch of Electronics which deals with the study of measurement and variations of different parameters of various instruments. ⮚Why measurement of parameters and study of variations for MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 1.1 Definition of instruments An instrument is a device in which we can determine the magnitude or value of the quantity to be measured. The measuring quantity can be voltage, current, power and energy etc. Generally instruments are classified in to two categories. Instrument

(PDF) Descargar Measurement And Instrumentation Principles Alan S. Morris 3rd Edition

• explain the basic working principle of pressure measuring devices, bourdon tube, bellows, diaphragm, capsule, strain gauge, capacitance capsule; • explain the basic operation of a differential pressure transmitter; • explain the effects of operating environment (pressure, temperature, humidity) on pressure detectors; • state the effect of. Measurement science provides the theoretical framework, which is used in an initial feasibility study prior to the actual measurement to assess whether the parameter of interest (the measurand) is measurable. Measurability can be impaired due to a fundamental limitation or a practical constraint. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION LECTURE NOTES ON ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT & INSTRUMENTATION (Th. 3) Name of the course: Diploma in Electrical Engineering. t (4 h Semester) Notes Prepared by: RUBY SOREN.. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION 1 = = in, is The . dc. (), ((or the the moving coil. Part 1: Principles of Measurement 1 1 INTRODUCTION TO MEASUREMENT 3 1.1 Measurement units 3 1.2 Measurement system applications 6 1.3 Elements of a measurement system 8 1.4 Choosing appropriate measuring instruments 9 2 INSTRUMENT TYPES AND PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 12 2.1 Review of instrument types 12 2.1.1 Active and passive instruments 12

Unit 1 Measurement and Instrumentation LECTURE NOTES UNITI Signals and their representation

Introduction Instrumentation: Where Knowledge and Reality Meet Instrumentation comprises scientific activities and technologies that are related to measurement. It is a link between physical, chemical and biological phenomena and their perception by humans. Measuring Instruments: Classification, Absolute and secondary instruments, indicating instruments, deflecting, control and damping torques, Ammeters and Voltmeters, PMMC, Moving Iron (MI) type, expression for the deflecting torque and control torque, extension of range using shunts and series resistance. A multimeter is a devise used to measure voltage, resistance and current in electronics & electrical equipment. It is also used to test continuity between to 2 points to verify if there is any breaks in circuit or line. There are two types of multimeter Analog & Digital. Analog has a needle style gauge. Course Objectives: The objectives of the course are to make the student learn about The basic principles of different types of electrical instruments for the Measurement of voltage, current, power factor, power and energy. The measurement of R, L, and C parameters using bridge circuits. The principles of magnetic measurements.


Measurement - The process of determining the amount, degree, capacity by comparison (direct or indirect) with the accepted standards of the system units being used. Accuracy - The degree of exactness (closeness) of a measurement compared to the expected (desired) value. INTRODUCTION TO MEASURING Classification of InstrumentINSTRUMENTS: - deflecting, controlling and damping torques - -Ammeters and Voltmeters PMMC, moving iron, Electrostatic, induction type instruments - expression for the deflecting torque and control torque - Errors and compensations, extension of range ofinstruments. UNIT -II Lecture 20 : Resistance measurement with a Voltmeter and an Ammeter (Main) Download Verified; 21: Lecture 21 : Four-Terminal Resistance (Main) Download. Lecture 75 : Instrumentation Amplifier: Download Verified; 76: Lecture 76: Function generator: Download Verified; 77: Lecture 77: 555-Timer circuit: Download measurements system. UNIT - 3 CO3: To impart knowledge of mathematical modeling of the control system under different time domain. UNIT - 4 CO4: To analyze the stress and strain measurements and humidity measurements. UNIT - 5 CO5: To understand the measurements of Force, Torque and power and Elements of Control Systems.

Measurements and Instrumentation Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions

Measurement & Instrumentation Lectures analytical or numerical results (e.g., from a finite element analysis) and verify that stress levels remain below safe limits for the material (e.g., below the yield strength). It is important to note that, because strain gages are finite in size, a measurement actually reflects an average of the strain over Contain an elastic elements that deforms under pressure and. creates a linear or angular displacement. The displacement is either displayed on a dial by means of. purely mechanical linkages or transformed to an electric signal. that can be displayed or recorder at will.