Naim Palas Hotel: Established: 1941 September 11: Location: 1. Kordon (Atatürk Boulevard), Gündoğdu Square, Alsancak, İzmir:. The Izmir Atatürk Museum is a museum in İzmir, Turkey. Founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, a Turkish field marshal, revolutionary statesman, and the first president of Turkey, the Izmir Atatürk Museum opened to. The building known as Naim Palas was constructed in Izmir, Turkey in 1875-1880 by carpet merchant Takfor. It was originally used as a house, but was abandoned by its owner and taken over by the treasury in 1922. It was then used as a headquarters by the Turkish army during their occupation of Izmir.
Atatürk’ün anıları bu müzede yaşıyor İzmir Dergisi Yaşasın Dergicilik
During their visit to Izmir on 16 June 1926, Atatürk and Ismet Pasha stayed in this hotel named as Naim Palas. On 13 October 1926 Izmir Municipality purchased the building and after refurbishing it presented to Atatürk as a gift. During his visits to Izmir between 1930 and 1934, Atatürk always stayed in this residence. 1. Atatürk Museum was founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Mustafa Kemal Atatürk photo by TYalaA - Wikimedia commons The İzmir Atatürk Museum is a museum in İzmir, Turkey. Founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, a Turkish field marshal, revolutionary statesman, and the first President of Turkey. After 1923 the Army left the building and it was converted into a hotel, named as Naim Palas. During their visit to Izmir on 16th of June 1926, Ataturk and Ismet Pasha stayed here for a while. Naim Palas Hotel: Established: 1941 September 11: Location: 1. Kordon (Atatürk Boulevard), Gündoğdu Square, Alsancak, İzmir:. The Izmir Atatürk Museum is a museum in İzmir, Turkey. Founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, a Turkish field marshal, revolutionary statesman, and the first president of Turkey, the Izmir Atatürk Museum opened to.
İzmir Atatürk Evi ve Müzesi Forum Gerçek
Atatürk came to Izmir on 16 June 1926 and stayed at Naim Palas with İsmet Pasha. On October 13, 1926, the building was bought by the Municipality of Izmir and some new items were added to the building. Then it was given to Atatürk as a gift . Atatürk stayed in this house every time he came to Izmir between 1930-1934. The building is in Izmir, I. Kordon (Ataturk Boulevard) built in between 1875-1880 by a carpet merchant, Takfor, as a resident.. Ataturk and Ismet Pasha stayed in this hotel named as Naim Palas. On 13 October 2021 Izmir Municipality purchased the building and after refurbishing it presented to Ataturk as a gift. During his visits to Izmir. After 1923 the army left the building and it was converted into a hotel, named as Naim Palas. During their visit to Izmir on 16th of June 1926, Ataturk and Ismet Pasha stayed here for a while. In the same year Izmir Municipality purchased the building and presented to Ataturk as a gift, so Ataturk always stayed in this residence during his. The old NAIM PALAS HOTEL, a typical Izmir kosk converted into a hotel in 1862, became the army headquarters in the last years of the Independence Struggle. Presented by the Municipality of Izmir to Ataturk In 1927, it was converted after his death into a museum and opened to the public in 1940. It contains Ataturk's personal belongings.
When Atatürk came to İzmir on June 16th, 1926, he stayed in Naim Palas with İsmet Pasha. The building was purchased by İzmir Municipality on October 13th, 1926 and given to Atatürk as a gift with some new furniture. At his each visit to İzmir, Atatürk stayed in this house between the years 1930 - 1934. İzmir - Atatürk House and Museum. İzmir Ataturk museum; It is a building on Atatürk Street, in Gündoğdu Square, with its façade facing the sea. Built as a house by the carpet merchant Takfor between 1875 and 1880, this mansion was abandoned by its owner on September 09, 1922 and became the property of the treasury.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, İzmir Naim Palas Oteli'nden ayrılırken. (9 Temmuz 1926) Bu fotoğrafı paylaş. İzmir'den ayrılışında, Basmane Tren İstasyonu'nda. (09.07.1926) 1926 Aylar. Şubat 1926. Mart 1926. Mayıs 1926. Haziran 1926. Temmuz 1926. Eylül 1926. Ekim 1926. Hotels Büyük Abdülkadir Paşa, Naim Palas, Sadık Bey (Yeni Sadık Bey),. Cihan Palas (Emniyet), Aydın-Kasaba (Huzur), Bahçeli, Ege Palas and İzmir Palas. It is certain that there have been a few lodgings with different solutions of planning that dated to the 19th century when characteristic types of hotels were born. As far as is.
İzmir Palas Apartmanı Konumu, Fotoğrafları ve Hakkındaki Bilgiler
Atatürk İzmir'e geldiğinde, İsmet İnönü ile birlikte Naim Palas'ta kaldı. Daha sonra 13 Ekim 1926'da İzmir belediyesi tarafından bina satın alınarak Atatürk'e hediye edildi. Atatürk 1930-1934 yılları arasında İzmir'e geldiğinde hep bu evde kalmıştı. Günümüzde ise kapılarını ziyaretçileri için açmaktadır. The Treasury leased it to Naim Bey to be used as a hotel and the hotel was named as Naim Palas. Atatürk and İsmet İnönü stayed in this hotel. İzmir Municipality purchased the building and gave as a gift to Atatürk. After Atatürk's death, the municipality transformed the building into a museum.