ODEX equipment enables you to drill and case deep holes simultaneously in all types of formation, even those with large boulders. Casing diameters from 114mm (ODEX 90) to 273 mm (ODEX 240) can be used - 90 and 240 in the ODEX code stands for pilot outer diameter. ODEX equipment enables you to drill and case deep holes simultaneously in all types of formation, even those with large boulders. Casing diameters from 114mm (ODEX 90) to 273 mm (ODEX 240) can be used - 90 and 240 in the ODEX code stands for pilot outer diameter.
D Mininwell odex drilling method with eccentric pdc bitD Miningwell Driling Machine
Basic Technique The term Odex is an abbreviation for Overburden Drilling EXcentric. Odex piling is a drilling method suitable for boring through boulders and rock strata. A specialist heavy duty drill 'string' is lowered into a steel tube or outer casing. Product catalogue Odex overburden drilling systems fOverburden As much as 90% of the land surface of the earth is covered with loose, unconsolidated material such as soil, clay, silt, sand, gravel and boulders, which varies in depth from a few drilling centimetres to hundreds of meters. ODEX drilling is extremely useful and felt essential in drilling the following: - While drilling through obstructions, rock strata, and boulders - When installing permanent or temporary casing - While drilling the rock-sockets - While pre-drilling for the purpose of a Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) project Overburden Drilling EXcentric | Grassroots Drilling Inc.
[email protected] 1-866-500-1005 3455 Auby Pl, Duncan, BC Request a Quote Services Contact Start Now Grassroots Drilling Inc. is your premier choice for extreme access, limited access, and every day drilling projects. Servicing the Vancouver Island region.
Odex Drilling Tools with Casing Tube China Overburden System and DTH Casing System
General Introduction: ODEX (short for "Overburden Drilling Excentric") is also called Stratex, Tubex or ODS. It is an adaptation of the air-circulation DTH hammer. It is with a swing-out eccentric bit to ream the bottom of the casing. ODEX is an adaptation of the air-operated down-the-hole hammer. It uses a swing-out eccentric bit to ream the bottom of the casing. Cuttings blow up through the drive sub and casing annulus to a swivel conducting them to a sample collector or onto the ground. High penetration rate, especially in resistant rock formation (e.g. basalt) ODEX is an abbreviation of Overburden Drilling EXentric and is a generic term used to describe percussively drilled and cased piles. Typically used in challenging ground conditions such as soils with cobbles, boulders and rock layers, and can be used to pile through mine workings, and broken or laminated rock. THE PROCESS It allows the drilling with the down the hole hammer while going down a casing simultaneously. Two methods are available : the casing system by rotation called SATURN and the casing system by impulse of the hammer on the casing shoe of the casing called commonly ODEX or TUBEX. Some examples of applications of the overburden drilling system :
Odex Drilling Global Drilling Africa
The ODEX system is very economic when it comes to shallow and short holes. At the start, the ODEX eccentring reaming wing is in a close position, and when the system starts drilling at the end of the casing, the reamer swings out in the drilling position and thus enlargers the hole for the casing to advance. With its eccentric reaming wing. For unconsolidated overburden, the ODEX 3-method offers a way to install a casing down to the bedrock while drilling and to proceed drilling in the hard formation with normal DTH-equipment. If the overburden is too thick, or if instable rock is found at considerable depth, the DTH with pneumatic flushing of the cuttings can not be used.
Atlas Copco Odex Casing Advancement. PRODUCTIVITY IN A PIPE Creating stability Drilled casings, or casing advancement systems, are today's preferred method for drilling in difficult ground. A drilling casing is a type of drilling tool that enables you to case and drill simultaneously. It can be used with rotary percussion drilling where the impact of the hammer drives the casing down the wellbore. Installing casing, while drilling, minimizes the risk of holes collapsing and enables projects to be completed faster and more efficiently.
D Mininwell odex drilling method with eccentric pdc bitD Miningwell Driling Machine
Rock Anchors & ODEX. With our proven rock drilling techniques, piles can be installed into solid rock, or in voided ground such as heavily faulted rock, coal or other workings, and natural solution features. In these circumstances, our flexible drilling rigs are capable of drilling vertically and at any angle, so small and medium diameter piles. Odex drilling and or Symmetrix drilling is often used in situations where the ground formation is relatively soft or less consolidated, such as in loose soils, clay, and sand or boulders. It is also commonly used in areas where there is a risk of collapsing boreholes or unstable formations. Odex and Symmetrix drilling methods both include using.