In a dystopian world populated by animated wine glasses, a timid character tries to escape an important rite of passage. When he disrupts the standard pourin. Pour 585 is a cautionary tale about the dangers of conformity that uses metaphor to illustrate the process of indoctrination. "Pour 585" qualified for 2018 entry into the Oscar's short animated film category. Directed and Animated by Patrick Smith. Produced by Kaori Ishida. Music by Leon Riskin.
Pour 585
Pour 585: Directed by Patrick Smith. A timid character with a wine glass for a head grows larger than his numbered peers while participating in a prosaic cycle of pouring. Patrick Smith is known for his metaphorical, hand-drawn short films. A member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (AMPAS) since 2018, his formative years were spent as a storyboard artist for Walt Disney, and animation director for MTV's Daria and the Emmy-nominated Downtown.. "Pour 585" uses metaphor to express the process of. Veteran independent animator Patrick Smith, whose fluid 2D style pairs brilliantly with a unique, viscerally metaphorical and often haunting storytelling sensibility, has just put his latest award-winning film, Pour 585 online for audiences to enjoy. The director's description of Pour 585:. In a dystopian world populated by animated wine glasses, a timid character tries to escape an. A timid character with a wine glass for a head grows larger than his numbered peers while participating in a prosaic cycle of pouring."Pour 585" is a hand dr.
Pour 585 (S) (2018) FilmAffinity
Pour 585 • Patrick Smith • 5m. • In a dystopian world populated by animated wine glasses, a timid character tries to escape an important rite of passage. When he disrupts the standard pouring ritual, he discovers that individuality comes with a price. Pour 585 is a cautionary tale about the dangers of conformity that uses metaphor to illustrate the process of indoctrination. In a dystopian world populated by animated wine glasses, a timid character tries to escape an important rite of passage. When he disrupts the standard pouring ritual, he discovers that individuality comes with a price. is a cautionary tale about the dangers of conformity that uses metaphor to illustrate the process of indoctrination. Smith, who. Pour 585. 2018 Directed by Patrick Smith. Synopsis. In a dystopian world populated by animated wine glasses, a timid character tries to escape an important rite of passage.. Genres; Releases; Director Director. Patrick Smith. Producer Producer. Kaori Ishida. Composer Composer. Leon Riskin. Country. USA. Original Language. English. Spoken. POUR 585. Directed by. Patrick Smith. United States, 2018. Animation, Short. 5. Synopsis. A timid character with a wine glass for a head grows larger than his numbered peers while participating in a prosaic cycle of pouring. Synopsis.. Patrick Smith. United States, 2018. Animation, Short. 5.
Pour 585, um curta sobre ódio e poder. Lugar Nenhum
Pour 585 is a cautionary tale about the dangers of conformity that uses metaphor to illustrate the process of indoctrination." Directed and animated by Patrick Smith , U.S.A., 2018. Produced by. Pour 585 is a cautionary tale about the dangers of conformity that uses metaphor to illustrate the process of indoctrination. The film qualified for 2018 entry into the Oscar's short animated film category. Directed and Animated by Patrick Smith • Music by Leon Riskin. "POUR 585" Tyranny grows from the indoctrinated in this Animated Short.
When he disrupts the standard pouring ritual, he discovers that individuality comes with a price. Pour 585 is a cautionary tale about the dangers of conformity that uses metaphor to illustrate the process of indoctrination. "Pour 585" has qualified for entry into the Oscar's short animated film category. Directed and Animated by Patrick Smith "Pour 585" is a hand-drawn animated film that visually interprets the individuals' role in the hierarchy. The conflict occurs when a cycle is interrupted and a new order is established, possibly even more tyrannical than the first. Directed by Patrick Smith (USA)
Pour 585 (2018) MUBI
20K subscribers in the learnanimation community. A subreddit for animators, amateur and professional alike, to post articles about animation… Pour 585 (S) is a film directed by Patrick Smith with Animation. Year: 2018. Original title: Pour 585. Synopsis: A timid character with a wine glass for a head grows larger than his numbered peers while participating in a prosaic cycle of pouring.You can watch Pour 585 (S) through on the platforms: