kinds of subjects/agents of knowledge recommended by standpoint theories with those favored by the older epistemologies. Then I shall show why it is reasonable to think that the socially situated grounds and subjects of standpoint epistemologies require and generate stronger standards for objectivity than do those that turn away from providing Chapter Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What Is "Strong Objectivity"? By Sandra Harding Book Feminist Epistemologies Edition 1st Edition First Published 1992 Imprint Routledge Pages 34 eBook ISBN 9780203760093 Share ABSTRACT "Feminist objectivity means quite simply situated knowledges." Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Rethinking objectivity in social science Social Epistemology Vol 18, No 23
Literature Books Journals Abstract. For almost two decades, feminists have engaged in a complex and charged conversation about objectivity. Its topics have included which kinds of knowle From a feminist standpoint, the question of objectivity stems from what kinds of knowledge projects are objective and which aren't, and why; whether or not objectivity is necessary; and how, or if, it is possible to achieve objectivity. A critical case study of Sonde Health, a Boston-based startup that purports to offer "objective" depression detection and monitoring via its Mental Fitness app that extracts and analyzes the acoustic features of the user's voice, and identifies and illustrates three hegemonic norms that contribute to troubling social implications of the technology. Standpoint epistemology is committed to the view that some epistemic advantage can be drawn from the position of powerlessness. Call this the epistemic privilege thesis . This thesis stands in.
Objectivist Epistemology in Outline ARI Campus
In her article Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What is "Strong Objectivity?", Sandra Harding, a prominent advocate of feminist standpoint theory, addresses this topic explicitly and argues that the objective strength of standpoint theory is its belief that knowledge is socially situated. RETHINKING STANDPOINT EPISTEMOLOGY: WHAT IS "STRONG OBJECTIVITY?" (pp. 437-470) Sandra Harding xml READING THE HOLOCAUST: A POSTMODERN PERSPECTIVE READING THE HOLOCAUST: A POSTMODERN PERSPECTIVE (pp. 471-496) K. V. Tirumalesh xml THE FUSIONS OF POETRY Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology : What is « Strong Objectivity? » Author HARDING, S Source. The Centennial review. 1992, Vol 36, Num 3, pp 437-470 The standpoint epistemologist argues that facts about Elsabeth's situatedness - as someone living with a disability - enable her knowledge of some proposition (i.e. that Bovie College is not accessible), knowledge that Janie lacks. Thus, as this example makes salient, the central idea of standpoint epistemology is that knowledge is situated.
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is the name we give to the cluster of questions we have about how we (humans) know things about the world. As beings made up of matter with various sensory organs, our ability to "grasp" the world out there is constrained by those sensory organs and the matter (e.g., brain) we use to process what our senses take in. Harding S. Alcoff L and Potter E. Rethinking standpoint epistemology: "What is Strong Objectivity?". Feminist epistemologies 1993 New York. A problem with constructivist epistemology. Philosophy of education 1992 1992 Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of. Rethinking the elementary science methods course.
Strong objectivity is a key concept in Sandra Harding's version of standpoint theory, operationalizing the idea that knowledge is socially situated. In contrast to traditional models of value-free ob. They disagree about 1) the kind of diversity within scientific communities that is epistemically beneficial and 2) the role that ethical and political values can play. In these two respects, feminist empiricists have much to gain from the resources provided by standpoint theory.
📌 Free Essay in Philosophy Strong Objectivity and Standpoint Theory
Feminist standpoint theorists make three principal claims: (1) Knowledge is socially situated. (2) Marginalized groups are socially situated in ways that make it more possible for them to be aware of things and ask questions than it is for the non-marginalized. Sandra Harding 'Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology:What is 'Strong Objectivity'?', in L Alcoff and E Potter (eds. 1985; Catherine V Scott, Gender and Development: Rethinking Modernization and Dependency Theory. 'Introduction: Standpoint Theory as a Site of Political, Philosophic, and Scientific Debate', in Sandra.