Aerated Static Pile (ASP) Composting Engineered Compost Systems

What is aerated static pile composting, you may ask. ASP is a hot composting method that uses the purposeful movement of air through waste materials to make them compost rapidly, even in a small space. Compost materials are piled on top of ridged or flexible perforated pipes. The piping is connected to fans that circulate oxygen through the pile. Composting is an aerobic process. Aerating the pile aids the decomposition process by providing oxygen that microorganisms need to breathe. Turning the pile, blowing air into the pile through pipes or vents, and adding bulking agents such as wood chips and dry leaves to the pile all help increase aeration.

What Is Industrial Composting? Compost Connect

Aerated Static Pile or ASP systems have been the standard for providing aeration to active compost piles for over 40 years. The ASP concept is simple: Place perforated pipes on the ground that are connected to a blower to push (positive) or pull (negative) air through the compost. Aerated static pile composting is a form of thermophilic composting accelerated and managed through the pushing (positive pressure) or pulling (negative pressure) of air through the composting pile. Composting is - or at least should be - an aerobic process. Aerated static pile ( ASP) composting refers to any of a number of systems used to biodegrade organic material without physical manipulation during primary composting. The blended admixture is usually placed on perforated piping, providing air circulation for controlled aeration. It may be in windrows, open or covered, or in closed containers. The problem I had was with keeping the temperature within the required range after turning the pile. Sometimes the temperature stayed above 131 degrees F., as is stated in the organic rule, sometimes the temperature dropped below 131 degrees. The organic rule also mentions using a static aerated method that requires no additional turning, but.

Covered Aerated Static Pile Composting YouTube

Static pile composting is a number of systems to biodegrade organic material without physical manipulation during primary composting. Because the oxygen is more or less involved in the composting process, it is also called aerated static pile composting or aerobic static composting. ECS aerated static pile (ASP) compost systems provide an efficient tool to minimize odors and make great compost. Our systems feature dynamically controlled aeration with a wide range of air delivery rates required to keep oxygen and temperature optimized throughout the pile. Design Considerations In Aerated Static Pile Composting | BioCycle Examples of a negative aeration system installed at the City of Burlington, North Carolina's biosolids composting facility (left) and a positive aeration system at Blue Hen Organics in Frankford, Delaware (right) are shown. (0.09 x Bulk Density (in kg/m3)) Aerated Static Pile Composting In-Vessel Composting Composting Basics Note You may also consider contacting a compostable waste hauler about designing your compost plan. There are five main areas that must be "controlled" during composting. Feedstock and Nutrient Balance

Aerated Static Pile Composting Floor Types Engineered Compost Systems

Aerated Static Pile (ASP) Composting. Composting is the biological decomposition of organic material under controlled aerobic. conditions. Means we leave the pile right where it is. The Blower/Timer Setup 1.0. timer/controller. Item. Source. Est. Cost. Introduction: Why Cover an Aerated Static Pile (ASP) Adding forced aeration to a composting process holds the promise of faster stabilization and reduced emissions of odors and VOCs. Covered Aerated Static Pile technology is the best solution in nearly every situation with the ability to address these challenges. By Scott Woods Composting has become a vital part of the future of organic waste management. Even with many improvements in the process, composting still has a fair share of challenges. Equipping a composting pile with a cover, whether made of carbonaceous materials, compost or fabric, serves several purposes: Maintaining moisture levels by reducing evaporative losses; retaining heat in smaller piles and in colder climates; reducing the attraction of the pile to vectors; reducing odors either through in-situ biofiltration (comp.

Aerated Static Pile Composting Info Green Mountain Technologies

Increasingly, compost manufacturers — both existing and newcomers — are opting to use aerated static piles (ASP) systems to increase throughput on the same footprint, and to improve control of odor and air emissions. This article highlights aeration floor fundamentals covered in the two-part series. The Aerated Static Pile is a modular composting technology for biological stabilisation of municipal organic waste under a controlled environment. The design can be used for over 500 kg of organic waste, with minimal leachate, to produce a soil enhancer for agricultural fields, gardens, and/or forest land. The process decreases the composting.