The Sephirothic Tree Gnostic Warrior By Moe Bedard

Sefirot ( / sfɪˈroʊt, ˈsfɪroʊt /; Hebrew: סְפִירוֹת, romanized : Səfīrōt, Tiberian: Săp̄īrōṯ ), [1] meaning emanations, are the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah, [2] through which Ein Sof ( The Infinite) reveals itself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms ( Seder hishtalshelus ). The Jewish mystical doctrine known as "Kabbalah" (="Tradition") is distinguished by its theory of ten creative forces that intervene between the infinite, unknowable God ("Ein Sof") and our created world.

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The names of the ten Sefirot are: Chochmah - wisdom, Binah - understanding, Daat - knowledge, Chessed - kindness, Gevurah - strength, Tiferet - beauty, Netzach - victory, Hod - splendor, Yesod - foundation, and Malchut - kingship. Everything that happens in the spiritual worlds takes place through the medium of the Sefirot. sefira or sephira See all related content → sefirot, in the speculations of esoteric Jewish mysticism (Kabbala), the 10 emanations, or powers, by which God the Creator was said to become manifest. The concept first appeared in the Sefer Yetzira ("Book of Creation"), as the 10 ideal numbers. Sefirot are God's messengers, or extensions of God. Because God is infinite, God's energy is too vast for the finite material world that humans inhabit. God used the sefirot to translate God's energy and infinite qualities into the finite world. As a result, the sefirot are formless and consist purely of energy. This mystical Tree of Life flows from the boundless Ein Sof —the Divinity beyond our knowing—into the created universe that we inhabit, through the medium of the ten Sephirot. The destination of this divine energy is the Shechinah, the feminine presence of God right here in the physical world. It is not so easy to define the Sephirot.


As you can see from the diagram, the attributes of God are highly interdependent, with each one linked to several others. (According to the kabbalists of Safed, each of the ten sefirot contains within it all of the others [i.e., each sefirah represents a piece of a totality and contains an image of this totality within itself].) By understanding their interrelationship, we can understand in. Definition: The 10 Sephirot can be considered in a way as spiritual lights and as as revealed aspects of God, containing spiritual laws which govern and bring forth all of Creation. They link what is above them - the infinite and ungraspable nature of the Creator - with what is below them, the finite physical creation. The tree of life ( Hebrew: עֵץ חַיִּים, romanized : ʿēṣ ḥayyim or no: אִילָן‎, romanized : ʾilān, lit. 'tree') is a diagram used in Rabbinical Judaism in kabbalah and other mystical traditions derived from it. [1] The sefirot are ten spheres or classes, as it is stated in Sefer Yetzira, "Ten and not nine; ten and not eleven."This is their order: keter (crown); chochma (wisdom); bina (understanding); chesed (kindness); gevura (might); tiferet (beauty); netzach (endurance); hod (splendor); yesod (foundation); malchut (kingship). In some schemes keter is omitted from the order of the ten sefirot, as will.

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In this class we present a Hasidic Psycho-Spiritual reading of the Ten Sefirot, the Tree of Life, as a schema for understating Reality, the Self, and God, th. Description Hesed represents the generous, benevolent (masculine) side of God. There are 72 "bridges" of Hesed. Human Imagery (Primordial Man) Right arm. Biblical Figures Abraham Names of God El. Supreme God ( El 'Elyon ). Colour White. Other Symbols and Images Upper waters. Lion. Sources: Prof. Eliezer Segal The Tree of Life in mystical Judaism, called Kabbalah (sometimes spelled "Qabala"), illustrates how God the Creator, expresses his creative energy throughout the universe, through angels and on to human beings. Each of the tree's branches (called "sephirot") symbolize a particular type of creative force that a different Archangel oversees. By focusing on the different energies one by one. What are 10 Sephiroth? How do you develop your ten Sefirot? Kabbalah Revealed Course do you define the part in you tha.

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The ten sefirot — the lenses which refract the Light of the Infinite into the colors and shapes of our own experience — are a web of associations, symbolic references, and Divine potency. Each is like a node of meaning, bringing together hundreds, if not thousands, of literary, cultural, physical, emotional, historical, theological and. The Ten Sefirot: Introduction. A sefirah (pl. sefirot) is a channel of Divine energy or life-force. This most fundamental concept of Kabbalah is that in the process of creation an intermediate stage was emanated from God's infinite light to create what we experience as finite reality. These channels are called the Ten Sefirot, Ten Divine.