Aster lateriflorus 'Lady in Black' Farmyard Nurseries

Symphyotrichum lateriflorum, commonly known as calico aster, side-flowering aster, starved aster or white woodland aster, is an herbaceous, somewhat bushy perennial that typically grows to 2-3' tall with a slightly smaller spread. Graceful, Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'Lady in Black' (Calico Aster) is a bushy clump-forming perennial boasting a profusion of branching sprays covered with small white flowers in late summer and fall. Particularly attractive, the flowers feature a rosy-pink center disk surrounded by a ring of white rays.

Aster lateriflorus 'Lady in Black' Farmyard Nurseries

Aster 'Lady in Black' is an elegant 3-4' mound of purplish-black strappy leaves smothered in red-centered tiny white daisies in late summer and early fall. A stronger, more statuesque sister of Aster 'Prince' that will thrive in average soil in sun or part shade, but shows best foliage coloration in full sun. The Plant Guide Browse the Full Plant Guide Aster lateriflorus 'Lady in Black' Aster lateriflorus 'Lady in Black' ASS-ter lat-er-ih-FLOOR-us Audio Although it's valued for its autumn blossoms, 'Lady in Black' creates a stir from the moment its dusky purple leaves unfurl in spring. All 63 results here Alphabetical list of all 4,000+ perennials here

Also known as Fall Asters, these are terrific favorites for autumn colour in the perennial border. Plants form a bushy clump, bearing loads of small white daisy flowers. This is a tall-growing selection with outsta. FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Aster lateriflorus 'Lady in Black' is a shrubby aster with dark stems and plum tinged leaves. In late summer plants produce myriads of starry pinkish daisies with rosy centers. The flowers are prominent against the dark leaves and stems. Plants are tough and adaptable prospering in sun or part shade and in dry or average soils.

Waagerechte Aster 'Lady in Black' Beste Sorten & StaudenWissen

Overview Lady in Black is native wildflower with a profusion of rose-red centered white daisies in late summer and attractive purplish-black foliage. A nectar rich plant that attracts butterflies and bees. Drought resistant/drought tolerant plant (xeric). key features Botanical Name Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'Lady in Black' Growing Zones Aster Laterifolorus 'Lady in Black' en Español Trial: Perennial Years Trialed: 1999, 2000 Good Qualities Year 1 Burgundy stem (2); The dark foliage was really nice (2). It attracted a lot of attention and the fact it had a different look made it a good seller; This may have potential; Flower ages well, centers turn dark but not brown. Description The Calico Aster is a bushy herbaceous perennial that is typically found in moist meadows, woodlands, and near rivers, and swamps. It grows about 2-3 feet tall and has small showy white flowers that bloom in late summer and fall. It is a member of the Asteraceae or Aster Family. Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'Lady in Black'. calico aster 'Lady in Black' 'Lady in Black' is a clump-forming perennial to 1.3m tall with dark purple foliage and dense, branching sprays of flowers made up of white rays and rosy-pink disks

Aster lateriflorus 'Lady in Black' High Plains Gardening

5 - 7. Lady in Black Side-flowering Aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'Lady In Black'): 'Lady in Black' features purple foliage and stems that are topped by a mass of tiny pale pink to white flowers with rosy centers from September through October. It is a mounded perennial that grows 3 feet tall and wide and was rated highly in the aster. Full Sun Partial Shade Full Shade Drought Tolerant Picture Available Drawing Available (PPAF) = Propagation of this plant prohibited without a license. Hardiness Zone Map Aster Michaelmas Daisies We never tire of Aster's cheerful daisy faces and the profusion of colors and sizes that make up this genus, from 6 ft. giants to tiny dwarf alpines. 'Lady in Black' Calico Aster is an unusual native Aster because the foliage is just as showy as the flower display. The narrow leaves start the summer as a deep plum or purple, gradually changing to bronze when 'Lady in Black' blooms in late summer and early fall. Good Drainage Remarks Lady in Black aster is an improved selection over the Midwestern native, Aster lateriflorus (now Symphyotrichum lateriflorus ). Dark canes with musty purple leaves provide a striking contrast in the flower beds and borders that become covered with tiny white aster flowers with pink centers.

Aster lateriflorus ‘Lady in Black’ Cavano's Perennials

Aster 'Lady in Black' is an elegant mound of purplish-black foliage smothered in mauve centered tiny pale pink daisies. An attractive plant even when not in bloom. Perfect accent to changing fall leaf color and fall blooming ornamental grasses. Code ASLB Patent Plant Type Perennials Species lateriflorus Height Medium 30" Spacing Plant 20" apart * Common name: Aster 'Lady in Black' * Botanical name: Aster laterifolius 'Lady in Black' * What it is: A sun-loving perennial with pinkish-white flower clusters in late summer and dark burgundy leaves all season. Drought-tough and heat-tolerant, too. * Size: 2 feet tall. Space 2 to 2½ feet apart. * Where to use: Perennial