Betula pendula ‘Dalecarlica’, Cutleaf Weeping Birch, Zone 2, H3040’, S1520’, Yellow Fall
European white birch Betulaceae (birch family) Europe, N. Asia Cutleaf weeping birch 'Dalecarlica'. From Trees of Stanford and Environs, Ronald Bracewell A popular garden tree in residential areas, noted for its grace and elegance, immediately identifiable at a distance by its white or silvery bark with characteristic pattern of black fractures. Species pendula (PEND-yoo-luh) Info Synonym Sun Exposure Sun to Partial Shade Foliage Deciduous Height over 40 ft. (12 m) Spacing Unknown - Tell us Hardiness USDA Zone 4a: to -34.4 °C (-30 °F) Danger Unknown - Tell us Bloom Color Unknown - Tell us Bloom Time Unknown - Tell us Other Details Category Trees Water Requirements Swedish birch Large, deciduous tree, rare in cultivation, with branches pendent at the tips and diamond-shaped, deeply cut feathery leaves. Peeling white bark becomes black and roughened at the base with age. Bears yellow-brown catkins in early spring, leaves turn yellow in autumn Synonyms Betula 'Dalecarlica' Join the RHS Betula pendula 'Dalecarlica'Cutleaf European white birch. A cut-leaf, very pendulous form of the European white birch with good yellow fall color. The pest problems that afflict the species will also attack this cultivar. Its use is limited in areas prone to birch borers. Habit: Oval but more pendulous than the species. Texture:Description: Betula pendula 'Dalecarlica', also known as Swedish Birch is a tall, slender, graceful tree with delicately arched branches. The bright green cut are quite unique, with their feather-like appearance that turn to strong yellow in the autumn. Drooping branchlets. The glistening white bark provides winter interest and fissures with age. A tree ordinarily from 40 to 60, occasionally over 100 ft high, with a silvery-white trunk; branches pendulous at the ends; young wood not downy, but furnished with glandular warts. Discuss Betula pendula 'Dalecarlica' with other Shoot members Read more ShootChecker™ Get the Right Plant, Right Place Betula pendula 'Dalecarlica' (Swedish birch 'Dalecarlica') Select a garden project to check if this is the right plant for the garden conditions. Garden project. Update garden condition details. More Taxa Info; Guides; Places; Site Stats; Help; Video Tutorials; Log In or Sign Up