Slow Food USA Let's Talk Turkey! Bourbon red turkey, Turkey breeds, Livestock conservancy

The Bourbon Red turkey is a breed of domestic turkey from United States. It is named for Bourbon County, Kentucky and also for it's unique reddish plumage. Previously, it has alternatively been called Kentucky Reds and Bourbon Butternuts. And it was actually originated in Kentucky and Pennsylvania in the late nineteenth century. The Bourbon Red turkey is named for Bourbon County in Kentucky's Bluegrass region where it originated in the late 1800s. It was developed by J. F. Barbee from crosses between Buff, Bronze, and White Holland turkeys though the initial steps actually took place in Pennsylvania, where Buff turkeys of darker red hues - called Tuscarora or Tuscawara - were bred and then taken west with.

Bourbon Red Turkey Poults

Bourbon Red Turkeys are one of the most beautiful varieties — they are a dark, rich, chestnut color with black edging and white wing tips and tail. Bourbon Reds will not grow as large, or as fast, as the Standard Bronze Turkeys or White Holland Turkeys. The Bourbon Red is a tall, high-breasted turkey, characterized by its deep mahogany-red body color. The wing primaries and secondaries are white, as are the main tail feathers. [9] : 454 The beak is dark at the base, lightening to a horn-colour at the tip. The shanks and feet are a deep reddish horn in young birds, becoming pink with maturity. The Bourbon Red Turkey used to be the most popular choice for Thanksgiving birds. So, they have a one-of-a-kind flavor that turkey lovers rave about. However, they make equally excellent egg-laying turkeys. Even though they make wonderful table birds, some people report that they are significantly harder to pluck than other breeds. Bourbon Red Turkey Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 7 customer ratings ( 17 customer reviews) $ 15.95 Hatching on June 10, 2024 Order now for estimated delivery by June 13, 2024. Bourbon Red Turkey - Sold as Baby Poults Only - No Sexing Available Seasonal/Shipped April thru Late July. Your total order requires ANY 3 birds to ship. MAXIMUM OF 40

Bourbon Red Turkey Heritage Turkey Poults Cackle Hatchery

Bourbon Red turkeys are raised primarily for meat and are well loved by many small scale homesteaders for their heritage breed qualities and majestic appearance in the farmyard. After losing popularity due to newer and larger breeds for meat production, Bourbon Reds have made somewhat of a comeback. The Bourbon Red is an American turkey breed from Bourbon County, Kentucky. Hence, the name. In the late 1800s, a Bourbon County farmer named J.F. Barbee crossed Bronze, Buff, and White Holland turkeys. This farmer's efforts created the Bourbon Red turkey breed. Bourbon Red turkeys are medium-sized birds with striking red and brown plumage. They have a small, curved beak, and their heads and necks are adorned with a brilliant red color. They are also distinguished by their white wing bars and tail feathers. Purpose These original Narragansett and Bourbon Red breeds - not hybrids - don't get as large as conventional birds, but make up for it with heavy breasts, dark, rich meat, and authentic turkey flavor. Air-chilled and hand-processed, these heritage turkeys offer extra crispy skin when roasted for a truly show-stopping centerpiece to your meal.

Bourbon Red Turkeys Pics4Learning

Consider the Bourbon Red turkey, a free-ranging bird that is making a comeback on small farms. Early publications place the origins of the Bourbon Red turkey in Bourbon County, Kentucky, probably a cross between the wild turkeys found in mountainous areas of Kentucky and the white domestic. Bourbon Red Turkeys have a light-gray beak, red to blueish wattles, a black beard, and pink legs and toes. Toms weigh around 23 lbs and hens weigh around14 lbs. They lay large potted cream and brown eggs. The Bourbon Red Turkey breed was recognized by the APA in 1909. They became popular because they have a large carcass with a rich flavor. Bourbon Red turkeys are handsome. They have brownish to dark red plumage with white flight and tail feathers. Tail feathers have soft red bars crossing them near the end. Body feathers on the toms may be edged in black. Neck and breast feathers are chestnut mahogany, and the undercolor feathers are light buff to almost white. The Bourbon Red is a very old Heritage Turkey on the Livestock Conservancy List. These beautiful birds breed naturally and brood their own clutches of eggs. They are excellent foragers and have a good temperament. The Bourbon Red is noted for its excellent, rich flavor. Bourbon Reds have the potential to grow up to around 33 pounds for the toms.

Slow Food USA Let's Talk Turkey! Bourbon red turkey, Turkey breeds, Livestock conservancy

Our Bourbon Red Turkeys are bred to the American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection. We are one of the few farms to have Bourbon Red Turkeys again achieving APA Standard weights. We have years of weight and measurement records, egg laying records, fertility records, and hatch records showing production performance on our turkeys. The Bourbon Red Turkey is a breed of domestic turkey from the United States, and its name is due to Bourbon County, Kentucky, and also its unique reddish plumage. Previously, it was also called Kentucky Reds and Bourbon Butternuts. It originated in Kentucky and Pennsylvania in the late 1800s.