Congratulations On Your Pregnancy Card Zazzle

Congratulations. Congratulations on Pregnancy Messages. Congratulations on your pregnancy. You have just embraced motherhood - the most beautiful and life-giving journey that any has ever trodden upon. 9 months you carry your little baby in your belly and for the rest of your life, you will have it in your heart. Congratulations on your. Browse through hundreds of heartfelt pregnancy congratulation messages, and find the perfect one with the help of our intuitive category tags, which will help you filter our selection of wishes by tone, recipient, and length. Use our pregnancy congratulation sayings as they are, or build upon them for a more personalized "congratulations on.

Pregnancy Congratulations Messages and Wishes

12. Congratulations on your pregnancy. What a beautiful treasure has been given to you. Soon you will hold a very precious gift in your arms, and I am delighted for you. I hope all the love you feel for your unborn baby will spill over into their life and make them as wonderful a person as you are. 13. 1. "Congratulations and happy nesting to the parents-to-be! May your nest always be filled with laughter, joy, and love as your family grows.". 2. "When two people as amazing as you and your partner have a child, it's bound to turn out spectacularly. Congratulations on your status as soon-to-be-parents!". 3. Congratulations to you and your family. Congratulations on the life growing inside your tummy—I bet you are going to be a fantastic mummy! Pregnancy is the only time when you'll love someone even if kick you in your tummy and give you sleepless nights. Congratulations. I can't wait to meet your little miracle. Funny and Cute Congratulatory Pregnancy Messages, Wishes, and Sayings. You can set yourself apart from all the others congratulating a pregnant couple with a boring text message containing the usual niceties. Go one step further and write your own peppy message to send your congratulations to the couple.

Congratulations On Your Pregnancy Card Zazzle

Wishing You a happy healthy pregnancy and delivery. I can't believe the good news! I'm so happy for you, congratulations! I know you're going to make a brilliant mom! Congratulations on the amazing news. Congratulations and best wishes on the joyous news. You're in for a wild ride. Congratulations on Messages About Pregnancy. Congratulations, Mum! Congratulations! A kid is a gift, and as you foresee a great blessing on the way, I will rejoice with you. Oh, please take care! You feel your kid kicking for the first time. The first time you've ever seen your kid. "Pregnancy is the beginning of many "first moments" of. Congratulation on your pregnancy, dear customer. -Dear customer, my hearty blessings always be there for you and your baby's good health. All the best for the upcoming motherhood and congrats on your joyful pregnancy. -Pregnancy is often said that it is the period to make the connection into a new life. Pregnancy Congratulations. I was so incredibly excited to hear the news. When I think of love, compassion, and gentle kindness, I think of you. That's why I know you're going to be the best mom in the world. Congrats! You have always seemed like a mom to me. Mostly because you are so patient, gracious, and generous.

100+ Pregnancy Wishes Congratulations on Pregnancy

Here are some messages you can write in a pregnancy card: "So happy for you". "Wishing all the best for you and your baby-to-be". "Praying for a safe and healthy delivery for both you and baby". "You'll be a wonderful parent". "Many blessings to your growing family". "We hope enjoy every moment of this time with your new. Congrats on becoming a Mom! ♦ You will soon be receiving a new superpower- that of Super Mom. Congrats! ♦ Things are about to change for the best! Congratulations on your pregnancy! ♦ Oh happy day, the day that you become a Mom. Congrats! ♦ The long nights are coming but the sweet smiles & coos are worth it so much. 05 Hey Laura, congratulations on your pregnancy! You and Crispin must be super excited. I am so happy for you that I had to slide into your DMs. This reminds me so much of Mike and my first pregnancy, we were so green and so excited. I hope you enjoy the whole experience. 06 You lucky, lucky chums of mine! Don't be afraid of giving birth; it will be your greatest achievement. Congratulations on your pregnancy! May God bless you with the strength you need for playing, jumping, and running later with your little love. [Second Baby] Congratulations to you on pregnancy, and congratulations to [first child's name] on having a baby [brother/sister].

This Is So Great Pregnancy Congratulations Card Greeting Cards Hallmark

Here are 100 Pregnancy congratulations messages and wishes for you. Read also: 100 Prayer for Protection Makes You Calm. Pregnancy Congratulations Messages and Wishes. 1. "You are now entering into the most privileged position on this planet, motherhood. I am so excited for you as I think of all the fun times ahead for you and your family. 21. No matter how hard it is, you are in a time worth waiting for, you carry a living thing inside you, it's a miracle, congratulations. 22. You are at a turning point in your life, pregnancy is both a wonderful feeling and, to be honest, exhausting, but we are ready to help you with everything, congratulations. 23.