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Devon Edward Sawa (born September 7, 1978) is a Canadian actor. Sawa began acting when he was a teenager and appeared in several films in the 1990s including Little Giants, Casper, Now and Then, Wild America, Idle Hands, and Final Destination.He also portrayed the title character of the Eminem music video "Stan" and starred as Owen Elliot in The CW action spy drama series Nikita. Devon Sawa. Actor: Final Destination. Devon started his career as a young actor in Vancouver, Canada. First in the theater, and then moving onto smaller roles on TV. His breakout role was the title character in the Universal motion picture, Casper. He went on to star in many more films during his teens such as Now and Then, Little Giants and Wild America.

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Devon Sawa. Actor: Final Destination. Devon started his career as a young actor in Vancouver, Canada. First in the theater, and then moving onto smaller roles on TV. His breakout role was the title character in the Universal motion picture, Casper. He went on to star in many more films during his teens such as Now and Then, Little Giants and Wild America. In his early twenties, Devon sought out. Devon Sawa's son expected a big birthday present for his big milestone birthday yesterday. And rightfully so! Hudson turned 10, and the first double digits birthday usually equals a doubly. If you were coming of age in the 1990s, there's a strong chance that one of your first celebrity crushes was Devon Sawa.The young actor's roles in Casper, Little Giants, Now and Then, Idle Hands, and, later, Final Destination cemented his teen heartthrob status. But his popularity also led him to rebel in order to break away from it all. Devon Sawa Reflects on Teen Fame and Reveals the Big Role That Got Away (Exclusive). "Especially as a kid, to think, to play young Darth Vader in what was going to be the biggest thing ever.

Devon Sawa Pictures POPSUGAR Celebrity

After a stint in the theater, Sawa began taking on more serious roles, but there were some hiccups along the way. When he was around 9 years old, the Canadian actor was fired from a toy commercial. Apparently, young Sawa was struggling to hold the toy correctly for the camera, so he was ushered off-set. A young computer hacker (Devon Sawa) robs from a school bully's (Joshua Jackson) rich father to give to an ailing classmate, in an updated version of "Robin Hood." 9. SLC Punk! Jason Segel, Matthew Lillard, Devon Sawa. 36 votes. SLC Punk! is a 1998 American comedy-drama film written and directed by James Merendino. The film is about the young. Devon Sawa reflected on Casper, Now and Then and being on the cover of every teen magazine in the '90s in a nostalgia-fueled chat ahead of Chucky's premiere. By Tierney Bricker Oct 12, 2021 7:00. On the big screen, Sawa has continued to work steadily throughout the years. Casper made him a star, yes, but some of the other movies in his filmography, particularly in the late 90s and early 2000s, are super impressive.. 1998's SLC Punk is a certified cult classic, and Sawa wound up being one of the most memorable aspects of the film, which says quite a lot.

Devon Sawa. Devon sawa, Toddler hairstyles boy, School hairstyles for teens

For years, Devon Sawa was the epitome of a Hollywood "teen heartthrob," winning over legions of young fans thanks to movies like Casper and Wild America.Then, like the Friendly Ghost himself, Sawa. The Evolution of Devon Sawa: A Journey from Heartthrob to Horror Icon. When someone mentions Devon Sawa, a cascade of nostalgia is triggered for any '90s kid who remembers the charismatic ghost-boy who stole hearts in "Casper" or the luck-defying teen in "Final Destination."Yet, if you've not kept up, prepare to be wowed—because the Devon Sawa of yesteryear has morphed into. For many fans of Devon Sawa, it was his role in Casper as the physical,. Now and Then, released in 1995, was essentially a coming-of-age story for young women comparable to what Stand by Me was for teen boys (at least according to Roger Ebert's review of the film). In one unforgettable scene, the four lead girls in the film catch Sawa (who. Setting the Scene: The Year 1993 and Devon Sawa's Early Career. In the neon-hued heydays of the 1990s, an ethereal young actor emerged from the frost-laden landscapes of Canada. Named Devon Sawa, this promising prodigy was about to take Hollywood by storm.

¿Dónde está Devon Sawa? The 90s, In love and The o'jays

Sawa's Alex appearing in Final Destination 2 would have sent the franchise in a different direction, as Reddick originally planned to depict Alex and Clear as a couple with a newborn baby. However. Devon Sawa. Actor, Producer, Director, Writer.. Devon started his career as a young actor in Vancouver, Canada. First in the theater, and then moving onto smaller roles on TV. His breakout role was the title character in the Universal motion picture, Casper. He went on to star in many more films during his teens such as Now and Then, Little.