50 Outrageously Funny Book Titles Bookfox

Find below over 40 hilarious, cringeworthy, and funny book titles. All of these are real books, rather than spoofs. Sometimes the reasoning behind the titles becomes evident and other times, it's simply meant to make you laugh. Love these? You'll also love 30 hilariously cringeworthy book titles. Hilarious, Cringeworthy, and Funny Book Titles November 15, 2020 Sometimes the inspiration you need is in a book title. If you're struggling to come up with a solid story idea, then this book title generator is for you! With over 160 unique book title ideas, you're sure to find the inspiration you need for your next story.

34 YA Book Titles That Are MindBlowingly Creative Epic Reads

Listopia Hilarious Titles Book titles that are deliberately funny, or are spoofs of other titles, or are witty. Embarassingly funny too! flag All Votes Add Books To This List ← Previous 1 2 3 Next → 228 books · 159 voters · list created January 31st, 2010 by Lynn (votes) . 50 Outrageously Funny Book Titles ‹ Back to blog Share Don't judge a book by its cover — judge it by its title! From flirtatious farm equipment to the prose of pee, these funny book titles will have you reading until you're laughing, crying, or wetting the bed — hopefully all three. This list includes but is not limited to: cannibalistic cookbooks Need an original book title, and fast? We got you. Here are 8 ways to come up with book title ideas. 1. Start free writing to find keywords Write absolutely anything that comes into your head: words, phrases, names, places, adjectives — the works. You'll be surprised how much workable content comes out from such a strange exercise. 2. 46 Hilarious Books Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Out Loud 📚 + 😂 = GOLD! By Minou Clark Nov 4, 2015, 03:47 PM EST | Updated May 31, 2016 LEAVE A COMMENT Want a fun new read to dive into? Well, you're in luck! We've got you covered with everything from classic to contemporary titles.

35 Funniest Book Titles And Covers

1. The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank by Erma This title is intended to be funny, as it's comedienne Erma Bombeck's look at the problems of suburban living. She delves into the Great American Dream and contrasts expectations with reality through a winning, witty writing style. 2. Here are some of NPR's favorite funny books of 2021 December 11, 20217:56 AM ET Heard on Weekend Edition Saturday By Jason DeRose , Malaka Gharib , Sam Yellowhorse Kesler , Erin Sells 5-Minute. Your Feet Are Killing You (1953) by Dr Simon J. Wikler (see also Your Feet Are Literally Killing You (1979) by T. O. 'Tip' Berg) The Boring Sponges Which Attack South Carolina Oysters (1956) by Bears Bluff Laboratories. The Inheritance of Hairy Ear Rims (1961) by Reginald Ruggles Gates and P. N. Bhaduri. Laughter is the best medicine, or so we hear — so read two (heck, read three) and call us in the morning! To make navigating the list a little easier, click these links to get to each category:.

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1. A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole Genre: Humorous fiction John Kennedy Toole won a posthumous Pulitzer Prize for his epic 1987 novel. In short, A Confederacy of Dunces is a modern. Today's Top Ten Tuesday is funny book titles. Considering that we're just hitting a whole freaking year of COVID (in the US at least), I feel like this is some good timing for this post. I think we could all use a little bit of levity to lift our spirits. And maybe one or two new books to add to our TBRs, hmm? You know, for. luck? The New York Times bestseller The Eyre Affair, written by British novelist Jasper Fforde, follows the story of Thursday Next, a literary detective who tries to figure out who kidnapped literary. Funny Book Titles. Funny book titles and author names are as old as books themselves. I grew up with the classics, like Feeding Your Dog, by Nora Bone and Falling off a Cliff by Eileen Dover. Now that I'm an author I thought I'd try to write my own novel titles.. Get Your Eyes Tested. My Motorbike Accident. Drinking Too Much Water. Ready.

8 Fun Books for Kids to Read Dorky Doodles

A book title that tries to make a joke, advertises a funny story, or generally is worded in a way that tries to evoke laughter from the reader is considered a funny book title. It might not make you laugh, but you can tell it's supposed to. 7. The October Country, Ray Bradbury. 8. Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck. This is a phrase from Robert Burns's poem "To a Mouse," which reads: "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley." (The best laid schemes of mice and men / Often go awry.) 9. * House of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski. 10.