A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Historical Atlas of Game of Thrones (802) Omniatlas

The Seven Kingdoms is a realm located on the continent of Westeros, ruled by a monarch styled King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, the king who sits on the Iron Throne in the capital city, King's Landing. Seven Kingdoms Sign in to edit Seven Kingdoms Information Type Feudal hereditary absolute monarchy Location All of Westeros south of the Wall Population Millions Rulers King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men House Targaryen House Baratheon of King's Landing House Lannister Culture Andals Northmen Crannogmen Dornishmen Free Folk

Why is it called the 7 kingdoms when there are 9 of them? Quora

updated Aug 20, 2017 The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are inhabited and ruled by several families or "houses." A list of those houses is displayed below, along with a list of their rulers,. Updated Jul 2, 2022 The Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon map is as detailed as the real world. Here's the full (known) world and a breakdown of all the key locations. The sheer size of Game of Thrones ' map of Westeros alone is already somewhat daunting - and that's just around half of the Known World. The Riverlands The Crownlands The Stormlands The Westerlands The Reach Dorne Where Is The North? HBO The North is the largest continental segment of Westeros. On the day Aegon landed, it was ruled. 8 Studio HBO The Crownlands Image via HBO Perhaps the most obvious of the territories is the Crownlands. On the eastern side and roughly in the center of the Kingdom, the Crownland surrounds.

(No Spoilers) What are the Seven Kingdoms? asoiaf

Enter the world of Westeros with this interactive map of Westeros and Essos. Explore key locations and geography in House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones. W a s t e Yi Ti The North(Daenerys) Daenerys Targaryen Seven Kingdoms(under Cersei Lannister) Ib The Vale of Arryn(Daenerys) The Storm- lands The Wester- lands Iron Islands The Reach(Daenerys) Dorne(Daenerys) The River- lands Valyrian Peninsula(uncon.) to Asshai → Lhazar New Ghis Qarth Omber Qohor Norvos Lys Myr This is a map of the world depicted in the novel series A Song of Ice & Fire and the TV adaptation, A Game of Thrones.The website is designed to display useful information on top of the map layer and link to additional details on the Westeros.org wiki site. If you haven't finished reading the novels or watching the shows, you can hide any details that might spoil the plot. Westeros is one of the four known continents in the known world, the others being Essos, Sothoryos, and Ulthos. Most of the area of Westeros is covered by a political entity known as the Seven Kingdoms, while the far north beyond the Wall includes the free folk. The closest foreign nations to Westeros are the Free Cities, a collection of independent city-states across the narrow sea in western.

Game of Thrones Map, Explained Westeros, Seven Kingdoms

Maps A Game of Thrones, the first installment of the A Song of Ice and Fire series, has two maps of Westeros. Each new book has added one or two maps so that, as of A Dance with Dragons, seven maps of the fictional world are available in the books. The Kingdoms of Westeros, commonly called the Seven Kingdoms, are large regions of land governed from King's Landing. The Kingdoms were once seven independent regions at the time of the. Map showing the location of Dorne within the continent of Westeros. Dorne is one of the nine constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms.It is the southernmost part of the continent of Westeros, located thousands of miles from Winterfell and the North, and has a harsh desert climate.The Dornishmen are ethnically distinct from the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, being largely descended from Rhoynar. Artist J.E. Fullerton made this medieval-style map of the Seven Kingdoms — complete with charmingly drawn sigils for dozens and dozens of houses and clans and groups — some years ago, but.

26 Game Of Thrones 7 Kingdom Map Online Map Around The World

So if you disagree with the countries we picked, say so in the comments! *NOTE: HuffPost divided the map by houses, but technically the Seven Kingdoms are: The North, The Mountain and Vale, The Isles and Rivers, The Rock, The Reach, The Stormlands and Dorne. Dorne = Spain. This one is pretty obvious: Martin has all but said that Dorne is Spain. Interactive map of World for Game Of Thrones with locations, and descriptions for items, characters, easter eggs and other game content, including Castles, Cities, Historic Events, Houses.