NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Gulf of Mexico 2017 Mission Logs Gulf of Mexico Loop Current NOAA

Official U.S. high and low tide predictions. High Tide Flooding Outlooks Show when, where, and how often high tide flooding may occur at specific locations. Coastal Condition Forecasts Nowcast and forecast (out to 48-72 hours) model information on water levels, currents, wind, salinity, and water temperature. Tides & Currents Home Page. Analysis & Forecast Data Information News Hurricane Warnings in Effect Atlantic: High Seas Pacific: High Seas EPI Gulf Stream Imagery and Data The data below is provided to the Ocean Prediction Center by the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO). It is usually updated 3 times per week, not including weekends and holidays.

ESA Path of Loop Current and Gulf Stream

The loop current is one of the fastest currents in the Atlantic, traveling at speeds of approximately 0.8 m/s, and is typically about 800 m deep. The extent of the loop current's intrusion into the Gulf varies with eddies frequently breaking off when the current stretches far into the Gulf. References and Related Reading The map below shows the estimate of the surface currents in the Gulf of Mexico. The red star indicates the location of the Deepwater Horizon. The solid contours indicate the location of the Loop Current and anticyclonic rings and eddies (red) and cyclonic eddies (blue). These maps are only available for the period of the oil spill. published 25 July 2023 Researchers have predicted the collapse of the AMOC could happen any time between 2025 and 2095 — far sooner than previous predictions, although not all scientists are. A river of sea water, called the Atlantic North Equatorial Current, flows westwards off the coast of Central Africa. When this current interacts with the northeastern coast of South America, the current forks into two branches. One passes into the Caribbean Sea, while a second, the Antilles Current, flows north and east of the West Indies. [13]

Charting the Gulf Stream Worlds Revealed Geography & Maps at The Library Of Congress

This world map shows the five oceanic gyres and how they impact ocean circulation. Credit: NOAA The ocean is constantly in motion, moving water from place to place via currents. The Gulf Stream brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico all the way up to the Norwegian Sea. The Gulf Stream is part of a general clockwise-rotating system of currents in the North Atlantic. It is fed by the westward-flowing North Equatorial Current moving from North Africa to the West Indies. Off the northeastern coast of South America, this current splits into the Caribbean Current, which passes into the Caribbean Sea and through the. Thunderstorms will douse several Gulf Coast states. Meanwhile, severe thunderstorms and damaging winds will beset states along the Gulf Coast, including parts of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi. Widespread wind gusts in excess of 50 m.p.h. are likely in the eastern Gulf Coast, Central Appalachians and much of the East Coast and New England, forecasters said. They warned residents to be.

The Florida Current

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. and British militaries bombed more than a dozen sites used by the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen on Thursday, in a massive retaliatory strike using warship- and submarine-launched Tomahawk missiles and fighter jets, U.S. officials said. The U.S. Air Force's Mideast command said it struck over 60 targets at 16. Yemen is situated along the sea's south-east coast, where it meets the Gulf of Aden.. Red Sea attacks map. The situation escalated on 19 November, when militants used a helicopter to seize a. The map below shows the geostrophic currents field in the Gulf of Mexico. The background image represents the dynamic height. Drifter trajectories during the last 15 days are indicated by solid tracks with different colors for each drifter. The yellow squares indicates the initial position of these drifters 15 days ago. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.

Slowing Gulf Stream current to boost warming for 20 years BBC News

The best passages start with a current, accurate map of the Gulf Stream. Don't rely on average positions: getting the up-to-date position and speed maps is as easy as a few mouse clicks! There are a number of paid services for detailed information on the Gulf Stream. Probably the best known is Jenifer Clark's Gulfstream. The Gulf of Mexico is a semi-enclosed basin connected, to the south, to the Caribbean Sea, and to the North Atlantic Ocean to the east. The main dynamical feature of the Gulf of Mexico is the Loop Current, which is a portion, upstream of the Gulf Stream, of the North Atlantic western boundary current that carries ocean waters from the Tropics towards the high latitudes.