1 of 1 Variety or Cultivar 'Orange Flair' is a bushy, mound-forming to spreading, deciduous to semi-evergreen shrub with oblong to narrowly ovate, mid-green leaves, paler beneath, and, in summer, clusters of star-shaped or cupped, yellow flowers followed by spherical orange-red fruit ripening black. Season of interest Height and spread Metric | A spreading, deciduous shrub to 75cm tall, forming a neat, dense mound of dark green leaves with paler undersides. From mid to late summer it produces golden yellow flowers; these are followed by red berries that ripen to black Synonyms Hypericum × inodorum 'Orange Flair' Join the RHS today and save 25% Join now < > © visionspictures.com
Hypericum inodorum 'Orange Flair' Hertshooi De Tuinen van Appeltern
Bright red fruits that darken to black as they mature Remarkably drought tolerant Low maintenance ground cover Delivery Information View Product Description 1 x 9cm Potted Plant Despatch By The End Of March 2024 £11.99 In Stock Add To Basket Frequently bought with Select to add to basket 70 Litres + 210g Pack Of Incredibloom® - £19.99 Hypericum 'Orange Flair' Hypericum androsaemum | Androsaemum officinale Hardy Shrub £11.99 Garden Club Members Price: £10.79 JOIN TODAY 100% (2 Reviews) Eye-catching seed heads Versatile shrub A long season of interest Delivery Information View Product Description 1 x 9cm Potted Plant Despatch Within 24 Hours £11.99 In Stock Add To Basket Hypericum 'Orange Flair'.upright branches. As autumn approaches, the eye-catching seed heads turn to a vibrant shade of orange-red, creating a long season of interest in the garden. Once established, Hypericum 'Orange Flair' grows virtually anywhere from fertile, moist soil to poor, dry conditions! This versatile shrub… Hypericum Androsaemum Orange Flair From £5.99 Pack of 1 Supplied as 10-20cm plants supplied in 9cm pots CODE SP666 Pack of 3 Supplied as 10-20cm plants supplied in 9cm pots CODE SP667 10-20cm plants supplied in 9cm pots Delivery within 28 days Suitable for planting in sunny and partially shaded locations Suitable for growing in pots and containers
Buy Hypericum Orange Flair J Parker Dutch Bulbs
This deciduous Hypericum makes superb low maintenance ground cover. The well, branched stems form a neat, bushy plant cloaked in narrow, dark green leaves. From midsummer, the orange-gold blooms contrast nicely with the foliage, followed by berry-like, bright red fruits that darken to black as they mature. Grow Hypericum androsaemum 'Orange Flair' in large groups to create dense ground. Description Hypericum Orange Flair produces buttery yellow blossoms and colour changing berries which do so as they mature from white, red, and eventually to black. Highly recommended for pots and containers for a patio or driveway, a great way to liven up winter garden. 15-20cm plant supplied in a 9cm pot. Key Points Hypericum Orange Flair A new hardy type shrub Hypericum. Very free flowering from Jul-Sep with yellow blossom which is followed by flowers interspersed with orange-red fruit throughout the autumn. Ht. 60-90cm. 15-20cm plant supplied in a 9cm pot. Recommended. OUT OF STOCK Move your mouse over image or click to enlarge Information Instructions Learn more. This deciduous Hypericum makes superb low maintenance ground cover. The well, branched stems form a neat, bushy plant cloaked in narrow, dark green leaves. From midsummer, the orange-gold blooms contrast nicely with the foliage, followed by berry-like, bright red fruits that darken to black as they mature. Learn more here.
Johanniskraut Orange Flair Hypericum androsaemum Orange Flair günstig kaufen
Grow Hypericum androsaemum 'Orange Flair' in large groups to create dense ground cover on banks, or low maintenance areas. Once established, they will prove remarkably drought tolerant, and attract plenty of pollinating insects to the garden. Height and spread: 75cm (29"). Plant this Hypericum in any well drained garden soil in sun or. Das Johanniskraut 'Orange Flair' bezaubert schon ab Juni/Juli mit goldgelben Blüten. Kaum beginnen diese ca. Ende August/September zu verblassen, verwandeln sie sich in zunächst hellrote und dann kräftig orangerote Früchte, die an Dekorativität kaum zu überbieten sind. Sie finden vor allem in Gestecken, Sträußen und anderen Dekorationen.
Commonly known as "St Johns Wort" this plant is widely used as a herbal remedy for depression and is commonly availble in most health stores. Traditionally available in mostly red / burgandy tones, hybridization has recently (2010) given us an array of great new colors including cream, peach, pink, orange,yellow, green and white. varieties and species. 210 photos of varieties and species of Hypericum plants with a name and description. Hypericum androsaemum Sun Pearls Rita. Hypericum androsaemum Sun Pearls Caro. Hypericum androsaemum Sun Pearls Doro. Hypericum Miracle Blossom. Hypericum Miracle Blizz. Hypericum Miracle Marvel.
Hypericum inodorum 'Orange Flair' Hertshooi De Tuinen van Appeltern
Bei einer Grösse von 1 m ist das Johanniskraut 'Orange Flair' etwa 80 cm breit. Ein sonniger bis halbschattiger Standort ist optimal für Hypericum androsaemum 'Orange Flair', besonders wenn der Boden dort durchlässig und nährstoffreich ist. Natürliches Verbreitungsgebiet. Die Ursprünge der Art Hypericum androsaemum sind in Südwesteuropa. Hypericum androsaemum 'Orange Flair' - Johanniskraut, Mannsblut. inkl. MwSt. 7,00 % zzgl. Versandkosten. Im Sommer zieren auffallende goldgelbe Blüten dieses attraktive Johanniskraut. Ein richtiges Highlight sind aber die dekorativen, orangeroten Früchte, die schon kurz nach dem Verwelken der ersten Blüten erscheinen.