camouflage Panther Divers World of Tanks official forum

They were taken from various sources and have either been found on the internet, donated by friends or scanned by myself which explains the variying quality. - The most obvious mistake a lot of artists apparently make is mistaking dusty road wheels to be painted in RAL7028 Dunkelgelb. Actual color of those road wheels depends primarily on time. The Turret Belly and deck armor Side armor Hull machine gun Side straps Suspension Exhaust pipes Panther Ausf.A specifications The Panzer V Ausf. G (September 1943 - May 1945) The Driver's position Schuerzen side skirt armour and headlight Ammunition stowage and machine gun ball mount Radio

Dave's Tank Panther G Disc Pattern Camouflage

The camouflage patterns described below mainly apply to armored vehicles. Still, it is not uncommon to see German soft-skinned vehicles with more or less standardized camouflage patterns. Paint Standardization The paint colors used were defined by the Reich-Ausschuss für Lieferbedingungen (Reich committee for terms of delivery) Look up term. Panther Ausf D tank Camouflage Patterns Rated 4.88 out of 5 based on 17 customer ratings ( 17 customer reviews) Features: • Building difficulty: 7/10 • Estimated building time for normal player: 2.5 hours • Number of bricks: 790 plus extra spare bricks. • Detailed interior structure in the hull. • Open-up design: easy to dismantle. One covers a list of the official (or mostly official) colours that were issued with some notes on them, the second provides examples of how they could be deployed by vehicle maintenance crews (or just 'crews' for the sake of brevity). Some may look familiar, while others a bit obscure. It is a ambush pattern of sorts. But properlly it is called Disc Pattern. Alot of the so called "Panzer Experts, including Jentz) are ackowlaging it as Disc Pattern. I don't know if a certain factory has been identified with this schaeme or not. I included two pictures of thhe same tank so you can see the Disc Pattern better. Best Regards, Mark


The tank factories involved in the application of this new scheme included Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg (MAN), Maschinenfabrik Niedersachsen-Hannover (MNH), Daimler-Benz, Demag, Niebelungenwerk, Skoda, Henschel and Krupp.The new Panthers rolling off the production lines at MAN, MNH and Daimler-Benz were amongst the vehicles that received this new camouflage scheme. Hinterhalt: The Art of Panther Camouflage Painting The Daimler-Benz Ambush Camouflage Scheme with Blake Coster. In my last article, I provided some background information on the two Hinterhalt-Tarnung or Ambush camouflage schemes applied to the Panther G between August - September, 1944. In this article I will demonstrate how to re-create the 'Dot' Ambush camouflage scheme applied by the. Hinterhalt: The Art of Panther Camouflage Painting The MAN / MHN Ambush Camouflage Scheme with Blake Coster In my last article, I demonstrated how to paint the 'Dot' Ambush camouflage scheme as applied by the Daimler-Benz factory, on to the Flames Of War Panther G (Late) miniature. Panther: External Appearance and Design Changes. Panther: External Appearance & Design by Roddy MacDougall and Martin Block, created with assistance from the Panzer Tracts team, is the most comprehensive study on the Panther tank to date. The product of over ten years of research and interviews, this is the first book on the Panther to include.

Dave's Tank Panther G Disc Pattern Camouflage

Camouflage. In 2008 the vehicle received a new 'researched' camouflage pattern presumably depicting a Panther "(…) leaving the factory in the last months of the war. A basic undercoat of red with other colours rapidly applied" [8] . At the time, it was believed that this order resulted in Panther's painted leaving large parts of the. 30 April 2015 Late War German Armour: The Hinterhalt (Ambush) Camo Colour Scheme Hinterhalt Tarnung: Ambush Camo, The Art of Late War German Camouflage I recently decided to paint some 20mm Panthers, King Tigers and Jagdtigers in Ambush (Hinterhalt) camouflage. As usual, a bit of research followed: Note that there are also factory specific differences in the placement of the factory applied Balkan crosses on Panther tanks, in addition to the differences in factory camouflage patterns (which also changed over time). Chnoone 29 September 2022 08:54 11. 1920×994 156 KB. 1920×1023 153 KB. Interests:1/35 WW2 Armour and 1/72 and 1/48 aircraft. Posted July 28, 2019. Well my masking sets arrived, the disc camo one is as per the video, 30 x blocks of disc pattern, each approximately 1 inch square, all identical, then a strip of individual discs in 3 sizes to connect and randomise the camouflage pattern.

Panther tank camouflage east front World War Photos

couldn't find one photo of a Panther D with Zimmerit coating related to Kursk/Citadel. Also (almost all) drawings of camouflage patterns and tank profiles are showing the early Panther D model at Kursk without Zimmerit coating. Nevertheless, here is the only one related to Citadel with Zimmerit covering the hull and the turret, but not the skirts. The scheme become known as Hinterhalt-Tarnung or Ambush camouflage and was designed to aid in the concealment of combat vehicles under trees and other such foliage. Right: A knocked-out Panther G painted in the Hinterhalt or Ambush camouflage scheme.