UK Butterflies Small White Pieris rapae

Distribution and habitat Global invasion history of Pieris rapae Small whites mating. German/Dutch border region The species has a natural range across Europe, Asia, and North Africa. [6] It was accidentally introduced to Quebec, Canada, around 1860 and spread rapidly throughout North America. [7] Abstract This datasheet on Pieris rapae covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Prevention/Control, Further Information. Identity Preferred Scientific Name Pieris rapae Linnaeus Preferred Common Name cabbage white butterfly Other Scientific Names

Pieris r. rapae The Cabbage Butterfly

The small, or European, cabbage white ( Pieris rapae) was introduced to North America c. 1860 and is one of the most common white butterfly species in North America. P. rapae has white or cream-coloured wings with small black dots and lays its eggs singly on leaves. The Cabbage White is a species of very common white butterflies found everywhere in Asia and Europe, though their exact place of origin is yet unknown. These are small- to medium-sized butterflies found flying in numbers especially during the late spring and the summer months. Cab­bage but­ter­flies ( Pieris rapae ), known as cab­bage worms in their cater­pil­lar stage, are found all around the world in tem­per­ate cli­mates. They were in­tro­duced to Mon­treal in the 1860s and have spread through­out North Amer­ica. ( Bar­lett, 2004; Cap­in­era, 2014) Biogeographic Regions nearctic palearctic oriental ethiopian The cabbage white, Pieris rapae, is a plain white butterfly with small black spots above and a pale yellow ground color below. They begin life as a little egg that hatches into a caterpillar. The caterpillar is very well camouflaged on green cabbage leaves. The adult, like most adult insects, has one function: to mate and lay eggs.

Cabbage White Butterfly Pieris rapae North American Insects & Spiders

Pieris rapae Common Name European Cabbage Butterfly Imported Cabbageworm Cabbage White Our only introduced butterfly - from the Old World - this is also one of our weediest, occurring in disturbed habitats from sea level to about 8000'. It even invades riparian woodland and montane coniferous forest habitats in summer. Green-veined white butterfly (Pieris napi) - Streaked (greeny-grey lines following the wing veins radiating out towards the wing's outer edge)Large white butterfly (Pieris Brassicae) - Plain (a creamy-white color, no obvious markings)Small white butterfly (Pieris rapae) - Plain (a creamy-white color, no obvious markings)Orange-tip white butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) - Blotchy. These butterflies feed successfully only on specific native vegetation. [1] Some members of Pieris are threatened by the rapid spread of some plants in the Brassicaceae, such as the way the highly invasive garlic mustard ( Alliaria petiolata) kills the larvae of Pieris oleracea and Pieris virginiensis in North America. Pieris rapae, the small cabbage white butterfly, is arguably one of the world's most widespread and abundant pest butterflies. Caterpillars of this species are a serious agricultural pest of crops in the Brassicaceae family (e.g., cabbage, canola, bok choy, turnips) ( 9 ).

UK Butterflies Small White Pieris rapae

Pieris rapae - Raising Butterflies--How to find and care for butterfly eggs and caterpillars Pieris rapae Beginner Rearing Instructions: Cabbage White Photo Life History: Pieris rapae Habitat: Mountain Canyons ; Agricultural Areas ; Valley Wet Meadows ; Forest , Valley Lakes & Rivers ; Desert Hills & Mountains ; Urban-Suburban; MyCAS Cabbage White Butterfly Cabbage White Butterfly Authors: Pamela Opfer and Dan McGrath, OSU Dept. of Horticulture Cabbage White Butterfly; Imported Cabbageworm ( Pieris rapae ) The Imported Cabbage worm is also known as the cabbage white butterfly (see adult picture below). Pieris rapae is a small- to medium-sized butterfly species of the whites-and-yellows family Pieridae. It is known in Europe as the small white, in North America as the cabbage white or cabbage butterfly, on several continents as the small cabbage white, and in New Zealand as the white butterfly. Identification of the Small White Butterfly. The Small White has a wingspan of up to 45mm and is best identified from the Large White by its smaller size and reduced black on the tips of the forewing. The males generally have a single black spot on the upper surface of the forewing and two on the underside. Although the single spot on the upper.

Pieris r. rapae The Cabbage Butterfly

Info Books Home » Guide » Arthropods (Arthropoda) » Hexapods (Hexapoda) » Insects (Insecta) » Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera) » Butterflies and Skippers (Papilionoidea) » Whites, Sulphurs, Yellows (Pieridae) » Whites (Pierinae) » Cabbage Whites, Checkered Whites, Albatrosses (Pierini) » Pieris » Cabbage White - Hodges#4197 (Pieris rapae) Insect pests of economic significance affecting major crops of the countries in Asia and the Pacific region. Technical Document No. 135. Bangkok, Thailand: Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific region (RAPA). Google Scholar AVA, 2001.