Yep... Consequences quotes, Motivatinal quotes, Meaningful quotes

49 Bible Verses about consequences. consequences. You have borne the penalty of your lewdness and abominations," the Lord declares. For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality. Moreover, the man will be free from guilt, but that woman shall bear her guilt.'". Consequences Quotes. "If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.". "If you build the guts to do something, anything, then you better save enough to face the consequences.". "You can't hurt me the way you think you.

Yep... Consequences quotes, Motivatinal quotes, Meaningful quotes

In a no-win situation where all the possible solutions present has terrible consequences. 6. Every action has its consequences. 7. Marriage without love-making means sad consequences and sorrow. 8. Marriage without lovemaking means sad consequences and sorrow. 9. Agree, or suffer the consequences. Chris Hadfield. A man is born alone and dies alone; and he experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone; and he goes alone to hell or the Supreme abode. Chanakya. Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune. William James. All the actions we take on earth have consequences. They come with different results, though, most times, they may not be evident immediately. Do not be.. Proverbs 29:15. The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. Bible Verses about Forgiveness and Consequences 1 John 1:9 ESV / 21 helpful votes. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Exodus 22:1-4 ESV / 21 helpful votes. "If a man steals an ox or a sheep, and kills it or sells it, he shall repay five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.

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Everything we do has consequences. Learn from the greats. A human being fashions his consequences as surely as he fashions his goods or his dwelling his goods or his dwelling. Nothing that he says. Proverbs 13:21. Misfortune pursues the sinner, but prosperity is the reward of the righteous. This proverb highlights the consequences of our actions. Sinners will inevitably experience misfortune or hardship in their lives, while the righteous will receive blessings and prosperity as a reward for their good deeds. 15 Proverbs about Consequence 1. The consequence is the reward of the cause. Japanese Proverb. 2. Win a cat and lose a cow -- the consequence of litigation.. Marriage without love-making means sad consequences and sorrow. Maltese Proverb. 13. Marriage without lovemaking means sad consequences and sorrow. Maltese Proverb. 14. Agree, or suffer. Proverbs 9:4 tn Heb "[As for one] lacking of mind—she has said to him." The pronominal suffix is a resumptive pronoun, meaning, "she has said to the [person] lacking of mind." Proverbs 9:4 tn The Hebrew word לֵב (lev) means both the "heart" and the "mind." By metonymy, the mind stands for understanding or judgment.

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What are the effects of our actions on ourselves and others? How can we learn from the wisdom of others who have faced the consequences of their choices? Explore 50 quotes on consequences from. 09. Share. "A State may survive the influence of a host of bad laws, and the mischief they cause is frequently exaggerated; but a law which encourages the growth of the canker within must prove fatal in the end, although its bad consequences may not be immediately perceived.". Alexis de Tocqueville. author. Integrity, Responsibility, Community. 71 Copy quote. The universe does not judge us; it only provides consequences and lessons and opportunities to balance and learn through the law of cause and effect. Compassion is the recognition that we are each doing the best we can within the limits of our current beliefs and capacities. Proverbs 15:25 warned me about the damaging consequences of pride: "The Lord tears down the proud man's house." This verse reminded me of a similar passage I had previously memorized: "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" ( Prov. 16:18 ).

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Proverb illustrating the idea that every decision has consequences. Today's crossword puzzle clue is a general knowledge one: Proverb illustrating the idea that every decision has consequences.We will try to find the right answer to this particular crossword clue. "One has to accept the consequences of one's actions, as any result is the logical consequence of preceding actions." Source for proverb and meaning: (Paczolay, 1997 p. 401) Bear [edit] Some days you get the bear, other days the bear gets you. Kavari, Jekura Uaurika (25 October 2013). Omiano vya Tjipangandjara: Otjiherero Proverbs and Idioms.