Prairie Mallows are related to Hollyhocks, and produce spikes of similar satiny flowers, though smaller in size, held on compact, bushy plants. This strain has flowers in a range of shades from pink to magenta-red..
Sidalcea Party Girl Perennials S Perennials Plants & Herbaceous Perennials Garden Plants
Sidalcea 'Party Girl' prairie mallow 'Party Girl' 'Party Girl' is a seed-raised, slightly variable deciduous perennial to 75cm tall, with rounded basal leaves, lobed stem leaves, and loose racemes of white-centred, bright pink flowers 5cm across in early summer Join the RHS today and save 25% © RHS © RHS © RHS Save to My plants Prairie Mallow 'Party Girl' (Sidalcea hybrid) Add to My Plants (0) Plant Details Category: Perennial Light: Full Sun Bloom Season: Summer, Autumn Height: 2-3' / 0.6-0.9m Space: 15-18" / 38-46cm Zones: 5, 6, 7, 8 Lowest Temp: -20° to -10°F / -29° to -23°C Colors: Pink Basic Care Adapts to most soil types. Does best in light, well-drained soil. Sidalcea Party Girl Miniature Hollyhock, False Mallow, Checkerbloom $12.95 ea. Order more to save! 3+ for $12.50 ea. ADD TO CART Ships Spring 2024 to Add Zip Butterflies Will Thank You! This miniature Hollyhock blooms pink and rose in July and August on 2 1/2' spikes of silky single flowers. Trouble free, and great for cutting. Description Sidalcea 'Party Girl' is a broadleaf semi-evergreen or deciduous perennial with blue foliage and pink flowers in spring. It can grow 1 FT - 2 FT - wide, 3 FT - 4 FT - tall. It contributes fuzzy texture to the garden. To grow well, it prefers sun and regular water. Grows best in well-drained soil. #showy Plant family: #Malvaceae![](
Sidalcea Party Girl Mix Bluestone Perennials Hollyhocks flowers, Flowers perennials, Perennials
1 of 1 Variety or Cultivar 'Party Girl' is a herbaceous perennial with mounding, bright green, lobed leaves. In the summer it has tall, spire-like racemes of small, deep pink, hollyhock-like flowers. Season of interest Height and spread Metric | Imperial Where to grow Soil type Loamy Sandy Soil drainage Moist but well-drained Well-drained Soil pH Seed Collecting. Allow seedheads to dry on plants; remove and collect seeds. Properly cleaned, seed can be successfully stored. Regional. This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: Blackhawk-Camino Tassajara, California. Danville, California. Los Angeles, California. Paradise, California. Sidalcea Hybrida 'Partygirl' en Español Trial: Annual Years Trialed: 1999 Good Qualities Bright pink/light purple color (3); Held up well in a vase (2); Unique; Lots of bloom; sturdy flower stems (2).Nice color; Good spikes; Nice flower, added something different to bouquets. Problems Sidalcea ( Party Girl False Mallow ) This is a clumping, erect perennial with kidney-shaped, shallow-lobed, grayish-green, basal leaves. Grows 24″-36″ tall and 18″ wide. Flowers are bright pink, funnel shaped, to 1 1/2″ wide, and borne in summer.![](
Sidalcea hybrida Party Girl 1 Litre Pot x 2 Suttons
About Sidalcea 'Party Girl' Prairie mallow (Sidalcea 'Party Girl') is an eye-catching perennial flower, bearing bright pink and white blooms all summer. Its rounded, lobed foliage is covered in a blanket of delicate, dark green leaves. This clump-forming, drought-tolerant native is perfect for xeric gardens or the edge of a wildflower meadow. Terminal racemes. Foliage: Herbaceous. Clumped. Rounded or palmate. Sow Outside: Commonly grown garden cultivars are often hybrids and will not stay true from seed. 1/8 inch (3 mm) Start of spring. Sow Inside: Germination time: two weeks to two months. Temperature: 50°F (10°C). Seven or eight weeks before expected last frost. For sale at Crocus. Sidalcea malviflora (main garden species) a vigorous upright variety with erect spikes of large round, dished flowers, in July-September. Sidalcea malviflora 'Party Girl' blooms from June to September with small, hollyhock-like flowers on tall, narrow stems. It attracts hummingbirds. Sidalcea 'Party Girl' has bright, carmine-rose flowers that combine well with other summer-blooming perennials. Place it in the middle of the border or wildflower garden.![](