
noun 1. (general) a. la tontería (F) Valerie brightened up our somber mood with her silliness.Valerie alegró nuestro ánimo sombrío con su tontería. b. la estupidez (F) Alex's weekend at his cousin's house was full of fun and silliness.El fin de semana de Álex en la casa de su primo estuvo lleno de diversión y estupidez. c. las tonterías (F) WordReference Collins WR Reverse (11) WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023: Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement. 'silliness' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: In the English description: asininity - fatuity - inanity Spanish:

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noun [ uncountable ] / ˈsɪlinɪs/ tontería [ feminine, singular ] bobada [ feminine, singular ] (Translation of silliness from the GLOBAL English-Spanish Dictionary © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd) Examples of silliness silliness It does not need very much of a contrast to show the position and its futility and silliness. From the Hansard archive Translation for 'silliness' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. silliness [ˈsɪlɪnɪs ] noun (= quality) estupidez f (= act) tontería f Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. Examples of 'silliness' in a sentence silliness Example sentences from the Collins Corpus silliness - Traduccion ingles de diccionario ingles. Principal Translations: Spanish: English: sillín nm (asiento de bicicleta) (bicycle) seat n: Baja un poco el sillín si no alcanzas lo pedales.

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silliness [A ˈsɪlinɪs, B ˈsɪlɪnəs] N U silliness tontería f the silliness of the idea lo tonto de la idea stop this silliness déjate de tonterías silliness in the PONS Dictionary Translations for silliness in the Spanish » English Dictionary Show summary of all matches Your search term in other parts of the dictionary babosada silliness vaciedad nf. 1) silliness (f), 2) silliness (pl.f.) "silliness": examples and translations in context. In view of their ignorance and silliness it seemed sensible. En vista de su estupidez e ignorancia, me pareció lo más prudente. Homie, I'm worried about all this silliness at work. Homie, estoy preocupada por toda esa estupidez en el trabajo. vocabulary! Reverse translation for silliness tontería - foolishness, stupid remark or action estupidez - stupidity, nonsense How to say silliness in Spanish - Translation of silliness to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English - Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. Example sentences: ^ Translation of "silliness" in Spanish Noun tontería f estupidez f necedad f bobería f majadería f zoncera f Show more In view of their ignorance and silliness it seemed sensible. En vista de su estupidez e ignorancia, me pareció lo más prudente. Homie, I'm worried about all this silliness at work.

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silliness. Examples have not been reviewed. ¡Las sorpresas y el silliness hacen lecciones tanto más memorables para sus muchachos! Surprises and silliness make lessons so much more memorable for your boys! Agregue las sorpresas y el silliness a sus lecciones y traiga la diversión nuevamente dentro de aprender de sus muchachos. silliness noun tontería f less common: estupidez f · necedad f · torpeza f · estulticia f See also: silly adj — tonto adj · adj · bobo adj · necio adj · adj See alternative translations © Linguee Dictionary, 2023 External sources (not reviewed) Inglés. Español. do silly things v expr. informal (act childishly) portarse como un chico loc verb. The boys are always doing silly things, like trying to put dolls' clothes on the cat. Los muchachos siempre se portan como chicos, por ejemplo queriendo vestir al gato con ropa de muñeca. (AR) hacer boludeces loc verb. bobada {f} silliness (also: drivel, foolery, hogwash, nonsense) tontería {f} silliness (also: foolhardiness, foolishness, senselessness, insanity) insensatez {f}  SYNONYMS Synonyms (English) for "silliness": silliness absurdity - fatuity - fatuousness - giddiness CONTEXT EXAMPLES Context examples for "silliness" in Spanish (!)

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Translation for 'silly' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. share. The film is almost deliriously stylish, which helps mask the silliness. more_vert. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; It was a show done at two levels. English Spanish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. silliness tontería silliness necedad silliness estupidez .. Meanings of "silliness" in Spanish English Dictionary : 49 result(s) Category English Spanish; Common: 1: Common: silliness: tontería [f] General: 2: General: silliness.