School Smarts Class Rules Chart Durable Material Rolled and SEALED in Plastic

Looking for our SMART Rules poster? A3 posters to download A3 copies of our posters free to download A printed version of Childnet's SMART rules for Primary aged children. BE SMART ONLINE S SAFE Keep your personal information safe. When chatting or posting online don't give away things like your full name, password or home address. Remember personal information can be seen in images and videos you share too. Keep them safe to keep yourself safe. Meet

SMART rules! Eskdaler's Esafety advice!

Take the SMART rules quiz and find out how SMART you are online! Find out how you can be SMART with a heart and follow our top tips for using the internet safely and positively. How do I teach internet safety for kids using the SMART rules? These days, it's more important than ever to be safe online. Fortunately, Twinkl's dedicated team of teachers has designed this comprehensive lesson plan to teach kids the SMART rules for internet safety! Helpful Hi there acceber84, Thank you so much for letting us know about this issue! Our lovely resource creation team have amended the resource and emailed you the corrected version. It will also be updated on the website very soon. [email protected] 7 years ago Helpful To help you add some colour to your classroom in 2019 we have created some free posters which cover key online safety topics and provide top tips for children and young people of all ages. For 3-6 year olds

School Smarts Class Rules Chart Durable Material Rolled and SEALED in Plastic

SMART Rules Poster Subject: Personal, social and health education Age range: 5-7 Resource type: Visual aid/Display File previews pdf, 761.38 KB Creative Commons "Sharealike" Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. Last updated This SMART rules Safer Internet Day Poster features the SMART way to use the Internet. It's a fantastic tool for teaching your children key Internet safety tips and how to stay safe when they're online. It's quick and easy to download and is a brilliant and informative way to decorate your classroom. Show more Related Searches This is the last of six video lessons designed to support families with online safety at home using Childnet's SMART Rules. As part of our work in the UK Safer Internet Centre Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of European Union A3 SMART rules poster PDF Format (761.38kB) SMART Rules Cards PDF Format (3.35MB) For. 3-7 years 7-11 years. Topics. Online bullying Reporting Online reliability Grooming. Type. Learning activity Poster. Donate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Velit natus culpa illo sequi, voluptates magnam cum animi, facilis non.

Safety Lansdowne Primary School

A free poster that can help older students stay safe online. The rules on this poster are based on the SMART tips from the ThinkUKnow site: S - Stay Safe, M - Don't Meet Up, A - Accepting Files, R - Reliable? T - Tell Someone. An alternative poster for younger children is available here. Downloads: SMART eSafety Poster Download File Description. Back to School Classroom Rules Poster :This colorful and creative poster is great for decorating your classroom! This 8.5 x 11 Rules Poster will look wonderful in your classroom. Just print, laminate, and post. If desired, you could enlarge it or have it printed at a local print shop like Office Depot, Costco, or Staples for a. A great poster to hang in a classroom of all ages to remind kids of your expectations and to be SMART in the classroom. Features an eye-catching design with hidden smart acronym to draw in student's eyes to ensure they READ and REMEMBER the Classroom Rules/Values! A great poster to decorate the classroom - nice bright colors and a faux style. A stay smart online poster for school classrooms. Perfect for providing pupils with guidance on how to stay safe when using the internet, social media and other online applications. Can be used in Information Technology classrooms or as a more general purpose safety poster. Size * Small - 450mm x 450mm -£ 3.00 Medium - 600mm x 600mm

Keeping Safe BlackHeath Primary School

10 printable rules posters for your SMART Board including a blank sheet to create your own rules. This file is in Microsoft Word format, but if you are interested in having it in SMART Notebook or the PDF version, just contact me after purchase. I also have a generic Interactive Whiteboard version a. SMART ESafety Rules Posters 0 comment Ages: 5-11 The posters available for download below show the five SMART eSafety rules. These are available as a single poster with all five rules or a set of five separate posters with one rule on each. Downloads: SMART eSafety Rules Posters Download File SMART eSafety Rules Poster Download File