Synonyms Strong matches oblique round spheroid Weak matches annular circinate disklike indirect orbicular ring-shaped rounded adjective as in circulating Compare Synonyms Synonyms Antonyms Strong matches moving rotating Weak matches ambient circulatory current diffusive fluid in motion adjective as in revolving Compare Synonyms Synonyms Synonyms of circling circling 1 of 2 adjective Definition of circling as in swirling Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance swirling spiral spiraling looping coiling coiled spiralling zigzag zigzagging twisting indirect winding corkscrew roundabout curving curved twisted serpentine bending circuitous wandering curled sinuous tortuous curling curvy
199 Words related to CIRCLES, CIRCLES Synonyms, CIRCLES Antonyms Word list Research
What is another word for circling? Need synonyms for circling? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Contexts Adjective Having or being capable of having rotation Characterized by incongruity in shape or form Moving in a circular path around a central object. more Adjective Synonyms whirl turning turn spin spinning rotation revolving revolution twirl twirling pivoting pivot gyration pirouette wheeling circle swirling REVOLUTION Synonyms revolution revolving movement in an orbit circumvolution circumrotation CIRCULATION Synonyms circulation flow flowing rotation motion Antonym synonyms antonyms definitions sentences thesaurus words phrases Parts of speech verbs nouns adjectives Tags route track trail suggest new encircling adj. , v. # encircling surrounding adj. , v. # encircling turning n. , adj. # track , route revolving adj. , n. # spinning circulation n. # track , route spiral v. , adj. # curling , winding Synonyms for CIRCLING: circulation, flow, motion, rotation, stream, current, movement, motion, course, issue,.
199 Words related to CIRCLING, CIRCLING Synonyms, CIRCLING Antonyms Word list Research
circulation spiral encompassing environing surround wheeling orbiting revolution rotation girding whirl ambient circuit circumnavigation encircle wheel circumnavigate rotating circular circulate circumjacent Antonyms Opposite meaning anchor continuing to be go directly holding circling - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Synonyms and related words for circling from OneLook Thesaurus, a powerful English thesaurus and brainstorming tool that lets you describe what you're looking for in plain terms. Synonyms: wheeling circulating turning rotating revolving orbiting gyrating Form a circle around (Verb) Synonyms: surrounding ringing girdling turning circulating rounding encircling wheeling encompassing spiralling enclosing circuiting girding circumscribing rotating compassing detouring
Synonyms for CIRCLE
Synonyms for circle Collins Roget's WordNet noun ring Synonyms ring round band disc loop hoop cordon perimeter halo noun group Synonyms group company set school club order class society 635 Synonyms 7 Antonyms 3 Broader 1 2. 5 > show d Need more synonyms? | Share & Cite Synonyms for 'Circling'. Best synonyms for 'circling' are 'circle', 'driving around' and 'encircling'.
Synonyms of circle circle 1 of 2 noun Definition of circle 1 as in ring something with a perfectly round circumference a circle of columns surrounds the memorial to the fallen heroes Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance ring round orb roundel loop oval ellipse cirque sphere ball globe circlet ringlet 2 as in loop What is another word for circling? Synonyms for circling cir·cling This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word circling. Did you actually mean crackling or cracklings? PPDB, the paraphrase database Rate these paraphrases: 0.0 / 0 votes List of paraphrases for "circling":
Circle Of Persons synonyms 35 Words and Phrases for Circle Of Persons
More 180 Circling synonyms. What are another words for Circling? Encircling, spiral, circulation, circuit. Full list of synonyms for Circling is here. Synonyms and analogies for "circling" in English grouped by meanings. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation.. Results may contain synonyms and analogies, related words that can be used in similar contexts. Most frequent synonyms in English-1K,.