The 10 Most Beautiful Places in Italy HuffPost Life

It describes people, animals and things that you consider pleasant to the eye, more than pretty or nice, very enjoyable and it translates directly with beautiful. Here you will not only learn how to use the adjective bello, but also many ways to say beautiful in Italian, that will bring your vocabulary to the next level and step up your game! beautiful boy bella = feminine singular bambina bella beautiful girl belli = masculine plural bambini belli beautiful boys belle = feminine plural bambine belle beautiful girls When it stands before the noun, it follows the same rule as definitive articles. This only applies to the adjective bello.

The 10 Most Beautiful Places in Italy HuffPost

1. Bello /bèl·lo/ Perhaps the most straightforward and recognised translation for beautiful in Italian is bello (masculine). Even those who aren't learning Italian have probably encountered the cliché phrase Ciao bello! / Ciao bella! ( Hello beautiful!) at some point in TV shows or movies about Italy. The Italian word for beautiful is bello. However, Italian uses different forms of the word 'bello= beautiful' depending on the gender and quantity of the thing you are talking about (yes, in Italian everything is either masculine or feminine, even objects!). To use the word beautiful the right way, this is what you need to know. volume_up. beautiful (also: attractive, captivating, charming, considerable, conspicuous, cute, fair, fetching, fine, good) volume_up. bella {adj. f} more_vert. The beautiful city of Famagusta is still uninhabited. It is a ghost town. expand_more La bella cittadina di Famagosta è ancora disabitata, una città fantasma. When people begin learning Italian, "beautiful" is often among the initial words they seek to master. However, unlike some words with a single, precise translation, this word can be conveyed through various expressions. Masculine Singular (Bello): "L'uomo è bello." (The man is handsome.) "Il mare è bello oggi." (The sea is beautiful today.)

27 Most Beautiful Places in Italy

The general Italian word for beautiful is Bello/Bella. But it is not the only way to say beautiful in Italian! In this short free lesson, you will discover which words can be used to say beautiful in Italian. The Italian word that you use to say beautiful, bello, is used for both people and inanimate objects. Italian Phrases When addressing a woman and wishing to compliment her on her beauty in Italian, say, " Sei molta bella!" This means, "You are quite beautiful," or, "You are most beautiful." When addressing a man, use the masculine variation, " Sei molto bello!" When greeting a beautiful person, say " Ciao bella!" or " Ciao bello!" The Italian word that is used to say Beautiful, Bello, is used for both people and inanimate objects. Differently from English, where a woman is beautiful but a man is handsome, Italian uses the same word. Resources for further reading: Want to know how long it takes to learn Italian? Improve your pronunciation of Italian words A1 very pleasant bello, stupendo beautiful music musica bella It's a beautiful day (= the sun is shining). È una giornata stupenda. beautifully adverb uk / ˈbjuː·tɪ·fəl·i/ / ˈbju·t̬ɪ·fə·li/ B1 in modo magnifico She sings beautifully. Canta meravigliosamente.

6 Words for 'Beautiful' in the Italian Language Daily Italian Words

Beautiful in Italian: how to say it in 6 pretty waysItaly is such a beautiful country!If you haven't been and you have the chance to go, we totally recommend. The main translation for the word 'beautiful' is bello/a (depending if it refers to a masculine or a feminine noun). Think of the famous film by Roberto Benigni, titled 'La vita è bella' (Life is beautiful), where the word bella (beautiful) ends with an 'a' to agree with the word vita, which is feminine. Bello in Italian means. When describing something as meraviglioso, you're acknowledging its extraordinary beauty, almost as if it's a work of art. It goes beyond the physical appearance and delves into the realm of emotions, capturing the essence of something truly remarkable. Read Ways To Say Goodbye In Italian The Meaning of Bellissima As you may have already guessed, bellissima is the feminine form of bellissimo. It is the combination of the adjective bella and the absolute superlative -issima. Bellissima can describe females, or nouns that are defined as being feminine. La ragazza è bella. La ragazza è bellissima. The girl is beautiful.

The Most Beautiful Places in Italy Photos Condé Nast Traveler

This week's bonus video is all about the word 'Bello' (beautiful) and its synonyms in Italian.Want to know more? Check the article on our website:https://dai. Bello (masculine) and bella (feminine) mean beautiful. Place -issimo or -issima at the end to add emphasis (very beautiful) and they become valid translations for gorgeous. IPA: /belˈ, /belˈ Sei bellissima stasera! You look gorgeous this evening!