Rosa ( Whisky Mac Rose ) 'Whisky Mac' is a hybrid tea rose producing rounded, double, scented, light amber-yellow flowers with reddish green stems and glossy, dark green leaves. Prone to mildrew. Also sold in plant nurseries as 'Tanky' or 'Whisky' rose. In general, roses are a large group of flowering shrubs, most with showy flowers. (Hybrid Tea) Rich gold and amber flowers with dark, glossy foliage. Very free flowering and highly fragrant. Excellent for cutting and for growing in a pot. Well worth growing. Bred by Tantau.
Our Whiskey Mac rose in full bloom. Rose, Beautiful roses, Flowers
Rosa 'Whisky Mac' is a hybrid tea rose, bearing large, apricot-orange flowers with an excellent fragrance. Leaves are mid-green with a bronze tint, and glossy. Its compact habit and long flowering potential make Rosa 'Whisky Mac' an ideal choice for small gardens, where it can be enjoyed at the front of the herbaceous border, or in a large pot. rose [Whisky Mac] Vigorous, bushy, low growing rose to about 75cm tall, with dark green foliage and shapely, very fragrant, free-flowering blooms, in a gold and apricot blend, repeat-flowering through summer and autumn. Synonyms. Rosa 'Tanky'. Join the RHS today and save 25%. Plant database entry for Rose (Rosa 'Whisky Mac') with 11 images and 37 data details. Yellow blend Hybrid Tea. Registration name: Whisky Mac. Exhibition name: Whisky Mac. Origin: Bred by Mathias Tantau, Jr. (1912 - 2006) (Germany, before 1966). Introduced in Germany by Rosen-Tantau/Tantau Roses in 1967 as 'Whisky'. Introduced in Australia by Treloar Roses in 1970 as 'Whisky'. Class: Hybrid Tea.
Rose HT Whisky Mac/Gold Bronze McLarens Nurseries Ltd
It came from an old suburban garden which was planted back in the 1970s. Whisky Mac was then a new and popular hybrid tea, and its unique, unusual colouring appealed to gardeners wanting to be a little daring. Whiskey Mac Rose and Rosebud. Various rose catalogues describe Whisky Mac's colour as : golden-apricot, golden amber, a mid colour shade. About Whiskey Mac Hybrid Tea Rose. Large flowering rose and extremely fragrant blooms with shades of gold and apricot throughout the summer - autumn. Glossy foliage is green with a hint of bronze spraying with a good rose spray will keep this plant looking good . Has a bushy growing habit. Height 75-90 cm. Protea 'Pink Ice'. BUG FILES. Crab Spider. (Misumenops celer) BIRD FILES. Fox Sparrow. (Passerella iliaca) Check out the largest plant identification database in the world. Read plant and insect reference guides at Daves Garden. A large flowering Hybrid Tea rose. Extremely fragrant blooms of a golden/apricot blend are produced throughout the summer into the autumn. The glossy foliage is green with a tint of bronze. Vigorous, bushy growing habit. Grows to 75cm in height. Spray regularly against disease. Gift Card - If you are sending a rose to someone as a gift, click here to select your gift card and add your personal.
Rosa 'Whisky Mac' from Burncoose Nurseries HYBRID TEAS
Retail and mail order rose and clematis nursery. 1278 plants listed. 3 photos. 17 favorite votes. Average rating: GOOD+. Hybrid Tea Rose. A fairly vigorous rose which grows into a well shaped upright shrub. The foliage is plum coloured when it first appears, changing to dark green with age. The flowers are very attractive, containing masses of petals opening freely and bourne in small clusters. The perfume is intense citrus, most delicious.
Rose Whisky Mac - Hybrid Tea Rose. £15.95. Product ref: R12367. Availability: Out of stock. A very famous and popular rose and rightly so. Bronze buds open to reveal wonderful rich-apricot blooms right through the season. A highly scented Hybrid Tea Rose bush growing to approximately 70-80cm. Very strong premium quality plants supplied in. Floribunda Orange Rose Bush for The Garden in a 3 Litre Pot. SATISFACTION - The satisfaction that you get from growing a rose that gives you numerous well shaped orange flowers is incredible. LONG FLOWERING - The long stems are ideal to cut and as the bush is vigorous, it will grow more to replace those that you take away.
Rose Whisky Mac J Parker Dutch Bulbs (Wholesale) Ltd. (B2B)
ROSE WHISKY MAC. Ref: ROSWHMAC9. Size: 3/4 litre. £18.99. Quantity: Request a named day delivery. An old and popular favourite of ours and the perfect plant gift for anyone named Whisky. Plant in full sun to part shade. Height up to 90cm when fully grown. Great prices on your favourite Gardening brands, and free delivery on eligible orders.