Wilma Deering of 2491 Erin gray, Buck rogers, Classic girl

1979 movie and series Colonel Wilma Deering was portrayed by actress/model Erin Gray in the 1979 movie and subsequent NBC television series Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. [5] Initially, Wilma was depicted as a cold, aloof military officer and starfighter pilot, with little interest in Captain Rogers. Erin Gray (born January 7, 1950) [1] is an American model, casting agent, and actress whose roles include Colonel Wilma Deering in the science fiction television series Buck Rogers in the 25th Century and Kate Summers-Stratton in the situation comedy Silver Spoons . Early life

Erin Gray as Wilma Deering in Buck Rogers in the... Boots Are Divine

Wilma Deering is a fictional character featured in the various iterations of Buck Rogers which have spanned many media over the years. Through all the versions of Buck Rogers, Wilma Deering has maintained some clear characteristics. She is a sometimes romantic interest for Buck, always a loyal defender of Earth, and an attractive and smart woman. Here are the details about the dramatic changes made to actress Erin Gray's character, Col. Wilma Deering for the second season of TV's "Buck Rogers in the 2. Colonel Wilma Deering is one of Earth 's most ambitious and ace Thunderfighter pilots in the Earth Defense Directorate, rising through the ranks and achieving the rank of Colonel in 2491 . Notes Initially, Wilma was depicted as a cold, aloof military officer and starfighter pilot, with little interest in Captain Rogers. Many a young man's first crush Erin Gray played Col. Wilma Deering in the classic 1970s/80s Sci-fi series, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. She was and still.

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Col. Wilma Deering original TV series costume

Wilma Deering and Dr. Huer were the only Defense Directorate personnel seen in every episode, though several others were seen in individual episodes. Most Defense Directorate personnel regard Buck as being at least an "honorary" captain, in reference to his 20th-century U.S. military rank, but his membership in Earth's defense forces is unofficial. Video collection of Erin Gray who played Wilma Deering in the 1980s TV series Buck Rogers. She may not be in the same league as some of the other 80s stars.. Space Vampire: Directed by Larry Stewart. With Gil Gerard, Erin Gray, Tim O'Connor, Christopher Stone. Buck Rogers and Wilma Deering arrive at Theta Station to have Twiki serviced, but soon a freighter crashes with the space station. The freighter crew are found in a state between life and death, and believing a virus may be responsible, Commander Royko orders the base under quarantine. Wilma Deering is a fictional character featured in the various iterations of Buck Rogers which have spanned many media over the years. Through all the versions of Buck Rogers, Wilma Deering has maintained some clear characteristics. She is a sometimes-romantic interest for Buck, always a loyal defender of Earth, and an attractive and smart woman.

Colonel Wilma Deering from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Erin Gray, 1979 TV show) RetroFuturism

Wilma was Colonel Deering in the newspapers, but demoted to Lieutenant. Way back in 1939 when Buck Rogers first blasted onto the screens, Wilma was played by Constance Moore. This series drifted. Erin Gray rocked many a young - and not so young - boy's world in the 70s and 80s as the authoritative but sexy Wilma Deering in Glen A. Larson's reboot of Buck Rogers In The 25th Century,. Capt. William "Buck" Rogers (Gil Gerard) and Col. Wilma Deering (Erin Gray) were an essential part of early 80s sci-fi (Image credit: Universal Television) Legendary Entertainment is. Erin Gray starred as Wilma Deering in "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century." (Photo by NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images) "'I'm sorry, I just finished a four-to-six -eek shoot and this is my.

FuturePast (Erin Gray as Colonel Wilma Deering, undercover in...) Erin gray, Buck rogers, Celebs

The evil Vorvon (Nicholas Hormann) creates un-dead minions out of the station crew. He then prepares to make Wilma Deering his immortal bride. If you tally-up all the narrative's details, this episode of Buck Rogers is a dedicated adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula, right down to an epistolary structure. Starring Gil Gerard in the title role and Erin Gray as Colonel Wilma Deering, it was produced by Glen A. Larson who co-wrote the screenplay with Leslie Stevens, based on the character Buck Rogers which was created by Philip Francis Nowlan in 1928.