In adult male deer, a 12-point buck refers to mature male deer approximated to be at least 5 to 7years old. Points on a given buck refer to the distinct tines of the antlers. The specific number of tines on the antlers is the determiner of the points in a buck. But What Are 12-Point Bucks exactly mean? To answer this question, we need first to understand what points are on a buck. Points refer to the individual tines on a buck's antlers. Bucks with 12 points or tines on their antlers are prized more than those with fewer points. So 12-points bucks mean the buck has 12 unique tines on his antler.
Digital Photography 12 Point Buck
2.1 Measuring the Protrusions 2.2 Consider End Tips of Main Beams as Points 2.3 Go for the Non-Typical or Abnormal Points 2.4 Include Brow Tines for Whitetail Deer 2.5 Make the Additions 3 Why Count the Points on Buck's Antlers? 3.1 To Estimate the Buck's Age 3.1.1 A 1-2 Years Old Buck 3.1.2 A 3-5 Years Old Buck 3.2 To Determine the Buck's Health Mossy Oak Your Obsession Antler Size and Determining a Deer's Age November 14, 2018 Antler Size and Determining a Deer's Age Todd Amenrud Whether it's while in your treestand or when viewing trail camera photos, it is important to learn to judge age by looking at an animal. Let's quickly summarize the main steps to count the point on a buck: Measure the length of the two major beams. Measure the lengths of each point. Add the four circumference measurements together. Count the spread credit. Subtract the total length of all atypical tines on a typical rack. The towering, massive, 12-point buck green-grossed 213-1/8 inches B&C and netted 208-4/8. If these numbers hold up after the required 60-day drying period and inevitable B&C panel score—Huff's.
🔥 Majestic 12point buck r/NatureIsFuckingLit
North Carolina Hunter Shoots "Three-Horned" 12-Point Buck Jamie Moore shot this unique whitetail at 28 yards By: Bob McNally Posted on October 25, 2021 2 minute read Captain Hook featured three distinct main beams. Jaime Moore Jamie Moore of Stokesdale, N.C. had plenty of trail camera photos of a buck he nicknamed "Captain Hook." A lot of antler growth happens between a buck's yearling and 2nd seasons. By 2 ½, a buck's rack has added a lot of mass and begins to resemble its peak form.. While it is a commonly held belief that mandatory antler-point restrictions will increase rutting intensity and breeding behavior visibility, this has not been well-documented in. 12-Year-Old Bowhunter Tags a Stud 12-Point Buck Avery Branden could have hunted with a crossbow. Instead, he shot his compound all summer, and tagged this stud buck in the fall By: Bob McNally Posted on October 29, 2021 4 minute read Avery Branden with his 12-point buck. Scott Branden The buck he missed was a solid 8-point, but wasn't the buck Carson was initially hoping to harvest. Rineheart said Carson's target buck, named Carson's Buck, was a 12-point with a drop-tine that.
Southern Ohio 12 point Big Buck scored 139 1/8 points! Taken with a
The Biggest Early-Season Bucks of 2021 Five 200-plus inchers, a 190-class typical, one crazy cactus buck, and a whole lot more incredible deer already tagged this season By Scott Bestul |. During the 2021 Ohio archery season, Krivoniak targeted one specific buck: a unique main frame 10-point with split brow tines. It was a buck with history, one he had been watching on private property since 2019 when it was an 8-point that would have scored about 130 inches. In 2020, he found the buck's sheds. It had grown to a 140-class 10-point.
Ohio Crossbow Hunter Stalks into Position on a Bedded 200-Class Buck. "With my finger ready to touch off the arrow, I watched the buck through my bow sight. He looked my way again and this time, he saw me." Jason Thomas with the giant, 12-point buck he killed in central Ohio. Courtesy Jason Thomas. I'd hunted from the same stand in the. Frank Mangone shot this 9-point buck on his land in Marilla, N.Y. in Erie County on Nov 22. The buck was chasing a doe at the time. He used his Mossberg 500 12-gauge shotgun and said it was a 50.
12 Point Buck 12 Point Buck Mark Lasnek Flickr
Elvis is a 12-pointer with a main-frame 5Ă—6 rack with one sticker at the base. The inside spread is 21 2/8 inches, and he has a 8-inch G4 on the right that if he'd matched on the left would have put him way into Booner range. They've taped the rack at 165 inches and some change. "What a morning that was," Bob said. An hour later, she had shot a 12-point typical that scored 158 5/8. The Week 11 Truck-Buck winner is the No. 6 buck ever killed in Coweta County, according to GON's Georgia Deer Records. No tree stand, no special food plots, no game cameras and no feeders.