Anatomical Quadrants / The 4 Quadrants And 9 Regions Of The Abdomen Qd

Here's a list of the axial body's main regions: Head and neck Cephalic (head) Cervical (neck) Cranial (skull) Frontal (forehead) Nasal (nose) Occipital (base of skull) Oral (mouth) Orbital/ocular (eyes) Thorax Axillary (armpit) Costal (ribs) Deltoid (shoulder) Mammary (breast) Pectoral (chest) Scapular (shoulder blade) Sternal (breastbone) The Nine Abdominal Regions The nine abdominal regions divide the abdomen into even smaller sections by using two parasagittal planes that run down the middle of the clavicle bones (also called midclavicular planes) and two horizontal (transverse) planes.

Anatomical Regions SCIENTIST CINDY

Anatomy Terms Last Updated On June 27, 2022 by Dr. Andrew Chung Human anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body. Anatomical terms allow health care professionals to accurately communicate to others which part of the body may be affected by disorder or a disease Matthew J. Streitz The retroperitoneal structures include the suprarenal glands, aorta and inferior vena cava, duodenum (parts 2 to 4), pancreas (head and body), ureters, colon (descending and ascending), kidneys, esophagus (thoracic), and rectum. The abdomen derives from three primary germ layers as an embryo. Features Regions Variations Movements Systems Structures Muscles See also v t e This illustration labeled regions of the human body show an anterior and posterior view of the body. Regions The cranial region includes the upper part of the head while the facial region includes the lower half of the head beginning below the ears. Using this method of organization creates a three-section division that includes 9 regions of the abdomen. Each section and its corresponding abdominal regions are organized as follows: The.

nine regions of the abdominopelvic cavity Beating Pancreatitis

The regions of the body are labeled in boldface. A body that is lying down is described as either prone or supine. Prone describes a face-down orientation, and supine describes a face up orientation. These terms are sometimes used in describing the position of the body during specific physical examinations or surgical procedures. Regional Terms Abdominal Four Quadrants. The abdominopelvic region can be divided into four quadrants. These quadrants are defined by the intersection of the sagittal plane with the umbilical plane (the transverse plane through the navel). Clinicians use these regions to determine the organs and tissues that may be causing pain or discomfort in that region. 3.7: Anatomical Location. To better identify the locations of the organs that contribute to vital functions, you need some points of reference for description. To serve that function, we will now define different planes of the body. These imaginary flat surfaces run through the body in different directions. The term "anterior" would be used even if the hand were palm down on a table. Figure 1. Regions of the Human Body. The human body is shown in anatomical position in an (a) anterior view and a (b) posterior view. The regions of the body are labeled in boldface. A body that is lying down is described as either prone or supine.

Anatomical Quadrants / The 4 Quadrants And 9 Regions Of The Abdomen Qd

Created by rishitrivedi Terms in this set (9) Epigastric liver, stomach, pancreas, duodenum Left Hypochondriac Region spleen, colon, liver, left kidney, small intestine Right Hypochondriac Region gallbladder, liver, right kidney Umbilical Region naval, duodenum, colon, kidneys, major abdominal vessels Left Lumbar Region The epigastric region of the abdomen contains the stomach, liver, pancreas, duodenum, and adrenal glands. The suprapubic region of the abdomen contains the bladder, sigmoid colon, rectum, and uterus. Organization of the abdomen in this manner allows for universal communication among healthcare providers and aids in differential diagnoses. What are The Nine Abdominal Regions? Aside from the four abdominal quadrants, there are more detailed sections. These are the nine abdominal regions. Draw two imaginary parasagittal planes, trace an imaginary line in between the clavicles. This is also known as the midclavicular bones. The abdomen is the part of the body that contains all of the structures between the thorax (chest) and the pelvis, and is separated from the thorax via the diaphragm. The region occupied by the abdomen is called the abdominal cavity, and is enclosed by the abdominal muscles at front and to the sides, and by part of the vertebral column at the back.

Location and Pictures of Different Organs In The Abdomen (updated in

9 Regions of the Abdomen There are three layers to the abdomen, and they are known as the muscle, superficial fascia, and the skin. Within the abdomen itself, there are some organs that are considered to be major organs, and because of this, it needs to well protected and taken care of. The abdomen and pelvic regions are continuous with each other, making up the distal part of the trunk. Bar the brain, heart and lungs, this region contains virtually all your body organs, including those involved in the digestive, endocrine, lymphatic, urinary and reproductive systems. So, it is crucial that you cover this section thoroughly.