Thank God For Another Birthday: #1. I thank god for another birthday. Thank you for your mercy that has made me go through misery. Grace me with kindness and your love to bless me this year. #2. Lord, I thank you for another present. As you have never fallen out of grace; teach me the art of living. As you've blessed me with another year. 27. You've kept me under the shadow of Your wings for a whole year, today I begin another year, thank You for always shielding me, Happy Birthday to me , and thanks to God. 28. Dear God, I thank you today for the precious gift of life that You have blessed me with.

Thank You Lord Birthday Quotes

3. Lord, I thank you for all the answered prayers through the years. And I am grateful for another year you have added to seek your face in truth and spirit. Happy birthday to me from you. 4. Lord, I thank you for your mercy and grace which are new every morning since I have been on this planet earth. Thank You, God, for Giving Me Another Year of Life. 71. Thank you my God for giving me another year of life, it is by your mercy I was not consumed. All my praises belong to you. 72. My Father and my God, all glory, honor, and adoration be into your Holy name. I praise your name for giving me the grace to see another year of life. Thank you. 98. My King, my Majesty, I appreciate You for allowing me to celebrate another year's birthday. Thank You, God, for all You do for me. 99. Thank You God for another year's birthday. I'm alive today because of your mercy and compassion. I love You, Daddy! 100. My life is meaningful because of You. My God, my Rock, thank you for the foundation of faith upon which I build my life. As I celebrate another birthday, may my life reflect the beauty of Your promises. Lord Jesus, on my birthday, I thank you not only for the gift of life but for the promise of eternal life in You. Guard my heart and guide my steps in this new year.

25+ Thanking God Messages For Another Birthday

8. Every breath taken is a blessing that's embedded in new chances, and here is my gratitude to see a new life, thank God for me, friends, for a new year of life. 9. More than ever, I'd appreciate if you'll join me in thanking an amazing God for giving me the chance to see and celebrate a new phase of my life. 10. Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life. Thank you for all the people who remembered me today. by sending cards, and letters, gifts and good wishes. Thank you for all the experience of. On my birthday, I want to thank you, God, for giving me life and happiness. Having such a wonderful family and friends continuously shapes me as a person.. Thank you God for another year of life! Still many dreams, desires… and You are always faithful!. "God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank. 9. "Thank God for the gift of another year, for the lessons learned, and the memories created. Happy birthday to me!" 10. "On my birthday, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible journey of life. Thank you, God, for another year of blessings." 11. "As I blow out the candles, I am reminded of God's faithfulness and love. Thank.

Birthday Quotes For Me Thanking God illustrator

I Thank God for the opportunity to encourage and to be encouraged.I Thank God that I am privileged to serve.I Thank God for blessing me with so much love in my life!. I Thank God for Jesus, I Thank God for Waking Me Up This Morning, I Thank God For The Blessing Of Another Year!. Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord! My Hope Is Found In Jesus - Thank You God! Dear God, thank you for giving me another year to celebrate my birthday with my loved ones. Thank you for all your blessings, for watching over us & protecting our family & for giving us healthy bodies. Please continue to watch over us and help us be your good servant. Help us make good decisions every day. My birthday prayer is to have peace. Today is yet another opportunity for this. Thank You, God, for my birthday. 102. Hallelujah for the Lord God the Almighty reigns and has given me the grace for a new life ready to explore into His blessings. Today is my birthday, glory to You Lord God of heaven. Thank You God for blessing me with another year of life and keeping me safe and healthy. I decree that this year will be filled with joy, love, and peace for our family and friends. Thank You God for giving me another year of life, and allowing me to be a blessing to those less fortunate. I ask that you continue to uphold me so I can continue.

Birthday Prayers For Myself To Thank God Events Greetings

Now say this: Thank God for another year and happy birthday to me! 1. Birthdays bequeath a special kind of radiance that emanates joy. Mine goes the extra mile to make me happy. Thank God for another year. It's my birthday. 2. Heaven is open over me. Earth is full of my splendour for it's my birth anniversary. Dear Father in heaven, on my birthday, I pray that You bless me with a lifetime of joy and peace. Thank you, Father, for I know you have already answered my prayer. On my birthday, dear Father in heaven, I pray that You will give me an abundance of peace and joy to last me for an eternity. I'm proud to be Your child.