Wall Pedestal Aoudad Sheep Mount Right turn, Wall Pedestal… Flickr

Aoudad Sheep Wall Pedestals Aoudad Sheep - Wall Pedestal Forms Exotic Wall Pedestals are a great option for trophy mounts! The forms are anatomically accurate and easy to mount. The McKenzie pedestal forms feature positive-set eye sockets and jaw. Naugahyde is a great, inexpensive material to use when finishing the back of a wall pedestal mount. 1/2 Body Aoudad taxidermy mount for sale SKU 1917. Aoudad 1/3 body wall pedestal taxidermy mount for sale SKU 1833 $ 1,595.00 View Details; SOLD. Nice Skull! Aoudad European Skull taxidermy for sale SKU 1760 $ 345.00 View Details; SOLD. Unique Looking Down. African Aoudad Taxidermy Shoulder Mount for sale SKU 1526

Aoudad 1/3 body wall pedestal taxidermy mount for sale SKU 1833 All

The meat tends to be more tender and less strong in flavor, plus it is lean and healthy. One of the very unique aspects of mounting your trophy Texas Aoudad is to consider a life-size or half-size mount. Description Outstanding Trophy SCI Bronze requirements with an extra long mane. This 1/3 rare mount wall pedestal with a SCI score of 109 0/8″ and outstanding detail has earned our highest Quality Grade of "Trophy Class." Additional Information Grade Trophy Class In Stock/Ships Free item is in stock and ships FREE!! Display Location It was in the 20th century that the Aoudad was introduced to Europe and Mexico, it can now be found in North America in Texas and New Mexico. Below is a gallery of our Aoudad mounts, including wall pedestals, wall pedestals with habitat, floor pedestals, half-lifesize mounts, and lifesize mounts. Aoudad Address 204 Peterson Dr. Kerrville, TX 78028. Hours Monday—Friday: 8:00AM-5:00PM (830) 792-4694

Aoudad 1/3 body wall pedestal taxidermy mount for sale SKU 1833 All

New Mexico Barbary Sheep Aoudad taxidermy wall pedestal mount. Barbary Sheep / Aoudad CB. New Mexico Barbary Sheep Aoudad taxidermy wall pedestal mount. Barbary Sheep / Aoudad CB. New Mexico Barbary Sheep Aoudad taxidermy wall pedestal mount. Barbary Sheep / Aoudad SB. New Mexico Barbary Sheep Aoudad taxidermy standard shoulder mount with chaps. North American Introduced Aoudad Taxidermy Photos. Shoulder mounts, Life-size mounts, Pedestals, and floor bases. Aoudad Bear Bison. One shoulder pulled away from the wall, back covered in leather, habitat of the animal typically on two sides of the mount. Wall Pedestal with Habitat. Floor Pedestal. The front two legs are included in this mount and can be displayed as a wall style mount or freestanding floor pedestal mount. 1/2 Life Size. Life Size #1 Custom Wall pedestal Auodad, aggressive canted head, hard turn, open mouth detail. $995.00 crating with these mounts for return back to our clients. This one leave for the northeast coast Friday. Thanks for looking at our work on AH. DENNIS Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2016 James.Grage AH legend Joined Feb 8, 2010 Messages

Aoudad 1/3 body wall pedestal taxidermy mount for sale SKU 1833 All

Sold $489.00. Awesome female Aoudad European taxidermy mount. Posed on a walnut-stained wall pedestal. Very nice horns and a professionally cleaned skull. This beautiful piece will make a unique addition to your collection of exotic mounts or exotic or oddity-themed decor. Product Rating: Excellent. Dimensions: 19" tall X 18.25" wide X 16.5" deep. aoudad sneak shoulder mount with chaps: 9½ x 24: $90.00: au73: right turn: aoudad wall pedestal with chaps: 9¼ x 21¾: $100.00: au74: left turn: aoudad wall pedestal with chaps: 9¼ x 21¾: $100.00: au83: right turn: aoudad wall pedestal with chaps: 9½ x 24: $105.00: au84: left turn: aoudad wall pedestal with chaps: 9½ x 24: $105.00: au10. Taxidermy Forms Wall Pedestals Wall Pedestals By offering a unique pose showing a lot of shoulder and an attractive turn, the Wall Pedestal has grown in popularity since its introduction years ago. McKenzie Supply has grown our line-up of Wall Pedesatals to include Whitetail, North American, African and Exotic. Wall Pedestal Shoulder Mount - Aoudad Sheep also known as a Barbary Sheep Anderson Taxidermy & Guide Service, Inc. www.THEHUNTPRO.com. California Desert Bighorn Sheep Pedestal Mount Anderson Taxidermy & Guide Service, Inc. www.THEHUNTPRO.com.

Wall Pedestal Aoudad

Ron Schaefer, Taxidermist. Heads Above The Rest LLC ®. 2716 FM 708. Clifton, Tx 76634. (254) 675-3237. Contact Us. Big game animal taxidermy photo gallery featuring halfsize taxidermy mounts and pedestal taxidermy mounts by award winning big game taxidermist studio in texas. Custom Wall pedestal Auodad, aggressive canted head, hard turn, open mouth detail. $995.00 crating with these mounts for return back to our clients..