Black Rock chicken, cross between a Rhode Island Red and a Barred

November 18, 2011 Updated: 3 years ago Cross: Unique strain of Rhode Island Red Cock / Barred Plymouth Rock Hen. Eggs: Around 280 Brown Eggs. Useful to Know: The parent strains are unique and have undergone careful selection over many years in order to maintain their essential qualities. The Black Star chicken is a relatively recent addition to the backyard chicken world. This breed was created to lay a huge amount of eggs to satisfy the grocery needs of the expanding population in the 1950s. However these days you are most likely to find them on homesteads.

Black Rock chicken, cross between a Rhode Island Red and a Barred

Black Rock Chickens are an American bred Hen. Known to lay 280 eggs per annum, they are hugely popular with back garden Chicken Keepers. They are known to be very docile birds and love the outdoor life whatever the weather. Black Rock owners say.. My Black Rocks mix very well with other breeds. The Barred Rock chicken is a hard-working member of the backyard chicken flock. She is a beautiful, calm, and productive member of any flock. One of Americas' first and finest poultry creations, she has been a worldwide success for thousands of poultry breeders, enthusiasts, and backyard 'keepers for well over 100 years. Whereas females have black bars that are slightly wider than the white bars, this can sometimes give them a slightly darker greyish hue than the boys. There are several other varieties in the Plymouth Rock family, as we shall see. The Barred Plymouth Rock is the oldest and best known of the Plymouth Rock family. A Natural Outdoors Unlike most hybrids, which are bred for laying indoors, Black Rocks were bred to wander outside. They are energetic, active foragers with hardy constitutions, making them perfect for commercial poultry farmers looking to raise free range birds.

Black Rock Chickens ® Hedgerow Henporium for Garden Chickens

Black Rock Chicken Life Expectancy; Preferred for their rich black plumage and remarkable egg production, Black Rock hens have a longer lifespan than most common varieties. These feathery. With black and white stripes, these birds will always be an American classic. But what exactly is the Barred Rock chicken, and how will they fit into your flock? Let's look at Barred Rock chickens: complete breed profile. Barred Rock Chicken Temperament Barred Rocks are most well known for their sweet and docile temperament. Black Rocks are one of several breeds known as "sex links". Sex-link chickens are unique in that male and female hatchlings can be easily distinguished by color. Sex-link chickens are known to be prolific layers that produce healthy-shelled eggs throughout their reproductive life. An introduction to the Rhode Rock, also known as the Black Rock, Copper top.These hens are one of the best starter chickens for first time keeperswww.courtfa.

A Brief History of the Black Rock Chicken All About the Black Rock

Weight: Hen: 1.85 - 2Kg. Hen Colour: predominantly black with chestnut colouring around the neck. Egg Colour: Tinted brown Av egg weight: 62.5g Egg Quantity: 280 per Annum Temperament : Hardy, great characters, very friendly and active foragers. They have a much longer life expectancy than most hybrids (up to 7/8 years). Adult Appearance Full-grown Barred Rocks have gorgeous feathers with a black-and-white striped pattern. They are large chickens with a triangular-shaped body. Hens usually weight around 7.5 pounds while roosters are a pound or two heavier. Barred Plymouth Rocks have vivid red combs and faces. The Blue Rock has a lovely bluish gray body with darker feathering on the head. Blue Plymouth Rock chickens tend to look more gray than true blue. Partridge Rock chickens have reddish brown plumage, fading to black feathers on the back, breast, and body. Silver Penciled Rocks are eye-catching and rare. Plymouth Rock chickens are an American breed, named after the landing site in Massachusetts of the first pilgrims in 1620. This breed has an unusual history. The first development of the breed was in the late 1840s by the breeder, Dr. John C. Bennett. These birds were of the barred variety.

Black Rock Chickens ® Hedgerow Henporium for Garden Chickens

The Muirfield Black Rock chicken is one of the most popular choices for free range poultry keeping, both domestically and commercially. There are plenty of reasons for this : their hardiness, shell quality, productivity, active ranging, longevity, and they are great characters. More superficially, the Black Rock is an extremely attractive bird. Plymouth Rock Chicks. The classic black and white Plymouth Rock Chicken has black or dark grey chicks with yellow or white chests and a yellow or white mark on the back of the head. In many lines, the head marking is smaller on females than on males, allowing for some early sexing of chicks.