Metallic Green Branching Hammer Coral Euphyllia parancora Small

The species of coral can come in two types: the wall hammer and the branching hammer. The type that you have might dictate your hammer coral care and the placement with your tank. Is hammer coral SPS or LPS? Hammer coral is a large polyp stony so keep that in mind when you are preparing your tank for their inclusion. The Hammer Coral ( Euphyllia Ancora ), also known as the Anchor Coral is one of the most popular LPS corals among reef enthusiasts. Beautiful colors, different varieties, and multiple shapes. What's not to like? Did you know that it gets its name from the hammer shape of its tentacles? Pretty awesome, isn't it?

Gold hammer (Euphyllia paraancora) coral frag Hammer, Gold, Coral

Mostly at depths around 90 to 130 feet. Сovering waters from the Indo-West Pacific (Fiji, Indonesia, Thailand) all the way up to the Solomon Islands. Hammer corals are also found near the Great Barrier Reef. They vary greatly in coloration, from pale shades of brown and somber gray to a dazzlingly bright palette! Hammer corals sometimes grow in a wall formation while other hammers grow in a branching formation. Either variety makes an excellent show piece coral for a reef aquarium however the branching varieties tend to grow more quickly. This coral can be found in two different skeletal formations, branching (Euphyllia Paraancora) and wall (Euphyllia Ancora). Hammer Coral can be found in a variety of colors including purple, green, blue, gold, brown, yellow, and pink. This species is also known to be fluorescent when exposed to actinic lighting. The hammer coral ( Euphyllia ancora) is a popular LPS coral that is a must-have for reef tanks. They are bold corals that come in various colors and growth morphs, with beautiful large fleshy polyps that wave around in the water flow, creating the ultimate coral reef display in your home. In This Article What Are Hammer Corals? Hammer Coral Summary

Branch Hammer Coral

The Hammer Coral, Branching is a large polyp stony (LPS) coral and often referred to as Euphyllia Hammer Coral or Anchor Coral. Its common names are derived from the appearance of its hammer-, or anchor-shaped tentacles. Its polyps are visible throughout the day and night and hide its skeletal base. Hammer corals even do well in our 6 gallon pico from Reef Casa A beautiful golden hammer coral variety from the great barrier reef. Hammer corals come in three variations of growth type. Wall type, branching type and a large branching semi wall type. They are aggressive corals and should be given room to stretch. These captivating creatures, also known as Euphyllia, are a stunning addition to any marine ecosystem or reef tank. With their distinctive hammerhead-like appearance and vibrant colors, hammer corals have captivated the hearts of aquarists and marine biologists alike. Hammer corals can also come in branching or wall varieties, both exhibiting all tip-shapes; branching hammers will have independent polyps separated by coral skeleton while a wall hammer coral will have one solid wall of coral skeleton with connected polyps. Placement And Temperament In The Aquarium

Gold Tip Branching Hammer Corals Frag Garage

Hammer corals are an iconic large polyp stony coral (LPS) that has been a staple in the hobby for generations. They are found all throughout the Pacific reefs and come in a variety of colors and growth forms. Hammer corals sometimes grow in a wall formation while other hammers grow in a branching formation. $ 60.00 Branching Hammer Coral (Euphyllia parancora) Placement: Bottom Light: Medium Flow: Medium Care Level: Moderate Type: LPS Compatibility: Aggressive Growth Rate: Slow-Moderate Photosynthetic: Yes Special Care: Proper maintenance of Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium will ensure long term success Add to cart Description This species, known to hobbyists as the branching hammer coral, is found In the waters of the central Indo-Pacific, west Pacific and central Indian Ocean (Turak et. al. 2008b). But, if you want a faster-growing hammer coral, then branching types will produce heads much faster. Branching hammer corals also have an exponential growth rate, which is also why they are usually more popular over wall varieties. With that being said, whether you go for a wall or branching hammer coral, you cannot expect it to grow overnight

Hammer Coral How To Care For This Unique Coral Aquariadise

They like low flow. +1. If you like hammers you try a frogspawn and put them together. I nested my hammer inside my frogspawn. Also they can stretch out pretty far to attack neighboring coral. Mine would attack the sps I had in my tank. The hammer and frogspawn always won the battles vs the sps. Whether you want it clean or slightly dirty, too dirty a tank will of course kill your corals. Keep an eye on your calcium, nitrates and salinity levels as you watch your corals grow. You'll want calcium to be between 400-420ppm, nitrates low and salinity between 1.024 and 1.026. Two healthy hammer corals.