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Tim Kenneally. Nancy Fields O'Connor, widow of "All in the Family" star Carroll O'Connor, died Nov. 10 of complications from Alzheimer's Disease at the couple's Malibu home, a spokesperson for. Early life. Carroll O'Connor, the eldest of three sons, was born on August 2, 1924, in Manhattan, New York City, to Edward Joseph O'Connor, a lawyer, and his wife, Elise Patricia O'Connor (née O'Connor), a teacher. Both of his brothers became doctors: Hugh, who died in a motorcycle accident in 1961, and Robert, a psychiatrist in New York City. O'Connor spent much of his youth in Elmhurst and.

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Who knows how much money Carroll O'Connor made off of All in the Family. "Wood is correct when he says these contracts are like scraps of paper," said Carroll O'Connor, the high-paid (approximately $30,000 per episode) "All in the Family" actor: "A contract between a performer and a producer or a network is of no value whatsoever to the performer, in that it does not protect him. November 16, 2014 10:15am. Everett Collection. Nancy O'Connor, the widow of All in the Family star Carroll O'Connor, died Nov. 10 at her Malibu home after suffering for a decade from Alzheimer. November 20, 2014 @ 1:28 PM. Nancy Fields O'Connor, widow of "All in the Family" star Carroll O'Connor, died Nov. 10 of complications from Alzheimer's Disease at the couple's Malibu. They are all standing in this. New York September 20th 1973. Carroll O'Connor and wife leaving on liner Raffaello for Naples, Italy. All in The Family" actress Sally Struthers hugs the wife of her co-star actor-director Rob Reiner during the funeral service for actor Carroll. New York September 20th 1973.

'All In The Family' Star Carroll O'Connor Once Opened Up About Son's Death

Carroll O'Connor (born August 2, 1924, New York, New York, U.S.—died June 21, 2001, Culver City, California, U.S.) American character actor who was classically trained and appeared in scores of movies and television programs but was known to the majority of the viewing public as the irascible but lovable bigot Archie Bunker, the lead character in the groundbreaking sitcom All in the Family. By Brian Lowry, Times Staff Writer. June 22, 2001 12 AM PT. Carroll O'Connor, the Emmy-winning actor best known for his iconic role as Archie Bunker in the groundbreaking 1970s television comedy. Carroll O'Connor. Actor: All in the Family. Carroll was born in Manhattan and raised in Forest Hills, a heavily Jewish community in New York City's borough of Queens. After graduating from high school in 1942, O'Connor joined the Merchant Marines and worked on ships in the Atlantic. In 1946, he enrolled at the University of Montana to study English. Carroll O'Connor. Actor: All in the Family. Carroll was born in Manhattan and raised in Forest Hills, a heavily Jewish community in New York City's borough of Queens. After graduating from high school in 1942, O'Connor joined the Merchant Marines and worked on ships in the Atlantic. In 1946, he enrolled at the University of Montana to study English. While there, he became interested in theater.

Missoula's Mrs. Archie Bunker Nancy O'Connor dies at 84 in Malibu

The death Thursday of actor Carroll O'Connor, 76, marked a milestone for Americans of a certain age. We remember O'Connor best as the lovable bigot, Archie Bunker, in the TV sitcom "All in the. Playing a television character beloved by generations of viewers is a rare achievement. Doing it twice makes you an icon. Carroll O'Connor did just that: first, as loveable loudmouth Archie Bunker on All In The Family and then as Mississippi police chief Bill Gillespie on In The Heat Of The Night. O'Connor could not have been more different than Archie, but that didn't stop him from. About this interview. In his four-hour interview, Carroll O'Connor (1924-2001) talks about being a struggling actor in New York: "Carroll O'Connor from the Gate Theater meant nothing. They did an O'Casey play. I was probably the one actor in New York who really could sound like a Dublin man…. I thought to myself innocently, 'I'll just do my. Across the courtroom, Carroll O'Connor's face reddened and his wife, Nancy, wept. "I called him," Angela O'Connor said of her husband's last day. "It was our wedding anniversary. I.

How Carroll O'Connor Found Purpose in His Son's Death

He left behind a two-year-old son who now looks just like him. Advertisement. To the public, Carroll O'Connor had it all: fame, money, a successful career, and a seemingly happy family. What people didn't know was that his son, Hugh O'Connor, was fighting demons. Hugh dealt with drug issues for years, and a few days before turning 33, he called. Childhood & Early Life. The Irish-American actor was born on August 2, 1924, in Manhattan, New York City, to Edward Joseph O'Conner and his wife, Elise Patricia O'Conner. His father was a lawyer, and his mother was a schoolteacher. He had two brothers who later became doctors. One of them, Hugh, died in a motorcycle accident, and the.