Confronting Christianity

purchase Publication Confronting Christianity 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion Religion's decline in the modern world turns out to be a myth. Christianity is the most widespread global belief system, and promises to remain so well into the future. Confronting Christianity is a book I will draw upon myself and will recommend widely to believers and skeptics alike." Karen Swallow Prior, author, On Reading Well and Fierce Convictions "Rebecca McLaughlin addresses the most frequent and pressing objections to Christianity in our time with unflinching honesty, rigorous clarity, and deep com-

How to Answer the 12 Strongest Objections to Christianity

Jon Bloom Cofounder, Desiring God; author, Not by Sight Addressing 12 controversial issues about Christianity—the Bible's teaching on gender and sexuality, the reality of heaven and hell, and more—this book shows how current psychological and scientific research actually aligns with teaching from the Bible. eBook - ePub Confronting Christianity 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion Rebecca McLaughlin Book details Book preview Table of contents Citations About This Book "Compelling reading, not only because of its intellectual rigor but also because of its honest, empathetic humanity." —John C. Lennox Confronting Christianity: 12 hard questions for the world's largest religion was published by Crossway, April 2019, and named "2020 Book of the Year" by Christianity Today, and apologetics and evangelism book of the year by The Gospel Coalition. Religion's decline in the modern world turns out to be a myth. Channeling state-of-the-art research, personal stories, and careful biblical study, Confronting Christianity explores 12 questions that keep many of us from considering faith in Christ. Look more closely, McLaughlin argues, and the reality of suffering, the complexity of sexuality, the desire for diversity, the success of science, and other.

Confronting ChristianityMcLaughlin ACTS Kenya

Confronting Christianity will help you understand the hard questions of the Christian faith while also igniting a love for neighbor. McLaughlin doesn't shy away from tough questions about diversity and the nations, as well as slavery and facing America's past and present.. Product Documentation (PDF) Important information. To report an. Confronting Christianity p. 20). • Another 9% claiming "other religions" make the total 40% of incoming freshman who identified as non-Christian. Sixty percent said they were "Christian," but even that number makes me wonder how many of them are active and growing in their faith, or PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-6424-6: Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-6425-3: Published:. Confronting Christianity will help you understand the hard questions of the Christian faith while also igniting a love for neighbor. McLaughlin doesn't shy away from tough questions about diversity and the nations, as well as slavery and facing America's past. This book explores 12 issues that might cause someone to dismiss orthodox Christianity—issues such as the existence of suffering, the Bible's teaching on gender and sexuality, the reality of.

Confronting Christianity ECPA Book Cover Awards [Top Shelf]

As Rebecca McLaughlin puts it in her book Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion, the question for this generation isn't "How soon will religion die out?" Rather, the question is "Christianity or Islam?" (14). For many today, both Christianity and Islam are unappealing because they seem violent and oppressive. Christianity is the most widespread global belief system, and promises to remain so well into the future. But for many educated westerners, biblical Christianity is a dangerous idea—challenging some of their deepest beliefs. Recently, several of our small groups from church read together Confronting Christianity:12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion by Rebecca McLaughlin to great enjoyment and profit. McLaughlin's refreshing approach to Christian apologetics seems to me to be exactly what is needed in our day. McLaughlin covers 12 difficult questions that face the Christian faith. In a sense, these questions confront Christianity; in another sense, our culture finds Christianity confronting because of our faith's understanding of these 12 issues. Either way, Confronting Christianity is an apt title. At St Matthews this term we won't have time to.

Confronting Christianity

Confronting Christianity is an incredibly helpful book for all believers. I feel more equipped to share my faith, particularly in the highly educated, academic environment my husband and I find ourselves in while he's attending Tuck Business School at Dartmouth. You definitely want to get the hard copy for your bookshelf, as I envision myself. Faith Resources | Christian Books, Biblical Counseling Resources, and More