Calvin's Canadian Cave of Coolness Cool Comic Covers Of The Week

Without further ado, let's take a look at some fantastic—and sometimes historic—comic book covers! Action Comics #1 (1939) Drawn by Superman co-creator Joe Shuster, this is the cover of the first official superhero comic. It has become an iconic symbol of superhero comics as a whole—this list is probably the billionth time you've seen it. view 450,000+ covers of comics, books & more. A1 Adventures Into the Unknown All Star Comics Alpha Flight Archie Astro City Avengers Batman Battle of the Planets Black Magic Bone Books Captain America Captain Marvel Jr. Cerebus Challengers of the Unknown Conan Creepy DC Special Daredevil Daredevil (1998) Dark Horse Dark Mysteries Dick Tracy.

What are the best Marvel comic book covers? r/Marvel

I hope you enjoy it. With that, here are the best comic book covers, ever. 100. Avengers #1. 99. Flash #1. 98. Amazing Spider-Man #1. 97. The covers are takes on classic comic book covers from the Marvel universe - this one is based on The Avengers #4 cover by George Roussos. >> Marvel Zombies #2. Number 10. Comic artist Simon Bisley burst onto the scene with the painted fantasy series Slaine. This is one of the covers from the series. >> Marvel Zombies #2. Comic book cover art is its own specialized form of entertainment. You need to catch the eye of the reader and show some of what's going on within the book's pages, all while not giving too much away. The most awesome comic book covers of all time do just that. Cast your votes for the greatest comic book covers below - those covers throughout. The issue came out at the beginning of the year, but could not be surpassed. This series pits the eponymous hero against many demons, making Bosch's work a fitting artistic influence. Immortal Hulk #42 is the BEST comic cover of 2021 and we wouldn't mind having a Hulk-centric triptych.

CRACK! POW! WHAM! Gallery of Great Comic Book Covers THE FLASH 258

The 25 Most Iconic Comic Book Covers of All Time. 26 Images. For more on your favorite comic book heroes, check out our roundup of the craziest retcons Marvel and DC have ever made. Then learn. Comic book covers of year credits: 2020 Machine Man #2 by Nick Roche and Mike Spicer. Aliens Vs. Predator Thicker Than Blood #3 by Chun-Lo. Amethyst #5 by Amy Reeder. Archie Vs. Predator II #1 by Robert Hack. Backtrack #4 by Jake Elphick. 8. Green Lantern #85 (1971) I find this particular story - and cover - to be one of the most iconic points in comics history. Without any introduction or any previous "heads-up" - right on the covers, we see Green Lantern revealing to Green Arrow that his ward, Red Arrow, aka Speedy - is a junkie. These are the 15 Greatest Covers in All of Comics. WARNING: MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD!!! 15. Green Lantern #49 (1994) DC / Via YouTube. The '90s saw the Green Lantern turn to the dark side as Hal.

13 Underrated SPECTACULAR SPIDERMAN Covers 13th Dimension, Comics

Black Panther #9 Trevor Hairsine. Another cover where we see the main character in a scene of peril and hopelessness. The Black Panther being attacked by Dr. Doom, the artist decided to go with a simple cover that conveys a lot of emotion which we can see in the eyes of Dr. Doom and the position of the Black. Panther. The Top 20 Venom Comic Covers. Comic Books April 8, 2022. We dig into the best comic book covers of all time, featuring Marvel, DC and indie issues, plus iconic characters like Spider-Man, Batman and more. We've collected some amazing examples of comic book covers from our global community of designers. Get inspired and start planning the perfect comic book cover today. by. L1graphics. 45. by. IsaDesignNet. 34. by. Swamp Thing #34 (March 1985) "Rite of Spring" Artists: John Totleben. Many comic book covers began taking on a more traditional artistic look in the '70s and '80s. Gone were dialogue and traditional comic action, and in were more stylized renderings. This beautiful coveris a perfect example.

The Top 100 Most Industry Changing Comic Book Covers of All Time

Cool Comic Book Covers. Just a fun list of really cool comic book covers. List items. 1. Love the monkey wielding dualies. 2. The Gold is Mine, The Grave is Yours (Part 2 of 2) So slam that next button, and we'll take a look at the 60 greatest DC Comics covers that were ever fit to print. 60. Lois Lane #111 (Dick Giordano) To say this cover is unusual is a bit of an.