Crayfish Diagrams 101 Diagrams

A quick guide to crayfish anatomy In using keys to identify crayfish (or in describing the differences between male and female crayfish ), it can quickly become a confusing word soup of technical terms. This section will help you wade through the jargon-y maze of words used to describe the anatomy of crayfish. (A) coloration (B) areola width The Body. The body of the crayfish consists of a fused head and thorax: the cephalothorax. The cephalothorax is covered by a thick armor called a carapace. Extending from the carapace is a pointy structure called the rostrum. Locate the cephalothorax and rostrum. The abdomen of the crayfish is segmented and flexible.

crayfish. arthropods arthropods activity Crayfish, Biology, Arthropods

Crayfish are arthropods, which are the most diverse and abundant animals on earth. There are more species of arthropods than all animals combined. Arthropod characteristics: Jointed appendages - bend to move in specific directions and specialized for specific jobs In this Biology lab, we will take a close look at the external and internal anatomy of a freshwater aquatic invertebrate—the crayfish. As we study the anatom. Abdomen The abdomen is flexible and the segmentation is visible here. The appendages of the crayfish attach to both the cephalothorax and the abdomen. The appendages that attach to the thorax are called WALKING LEGS and you can see how they are jointed in the figure below. The External Anatomy of the Crayfish . Google Doc. Crayfish are freshwater crustaceans that belong to the Phylum Arthropoda (subphylum Crustacea). They are also known as crawfish, crawdads, and mudbugs. They can be found in freshwater streams or even in muddy ditches.. Label the diagram as you locate structures using the abbreviations. 8.

Labeled Crayfish Diagram

Day 1 I. Abdomen - Ventral View (Day 1) top Place the crayfish supine (ventral surface up) on the dissecting tray and DRAW the following: Telson (What is the telson's function?) Uropod (Describe the location of the Uropod to the telson. How do the add to the telson's function?) Internal anatomy of a crayfish: edible freshwater crustacean, with pincers on the two forelegs. Encephalon: site of the mental functions of a crayfish. Stomach: part of the digestive tract between the esophagus and the intestine. Heart: blood-pumping organ of the crayfish. Gonad: sex gland of a crayfish. As shown in the diagram below, the crayfish body is divided into two main parts: cephalothorax; abdomen; The cephalothorax consists of the cephalic (or head region) and the thoracic region. The rostrum is the most anterior part of the cephalic region of the cephalothorax and will form what is commonly known as the "brow ridge". The part of the exoskeleton that covers the cephalothorax is. The crayfish belongs to the Phylum Arthropoda, which includes organisms having an exoskeleton, jointed appendages, and segmented bodies. The word "Arthropoda" literally means "joint foot." The anatomy of this animal can be studied as external and internal anatomies. External Anatomy of Crayfish Crayfish External Anatomy

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Answers Label Crayfish External Anatomy Crayfish Printout More on Crustaceans Read the definitions below, then label the crayfish diagram. Abdomen - The abdomen is the segmented tail area. The swimmerets, telson, and uropods are attached to the abdomen. Carapace - The protective shell (exoskeleton) of the cephalothorax. Arachnids breathe via book lungs. More information on arachnids will follow in a subsequent lab. Subphylum Crustacea ( crusta = crust, rind) includes crayfish and lobsters, crabs, pillbugs, and several other groups. They have gills, thus terrestrial pillbugs need to maintain a 100% humidity environment around their gills to be able to "breathe." Objectives: Students will be able to identify types of crustaceans and provide examples. Students will be able to describe the basic biology of aquacultured crustaceans. Students will be able to identify key anatomical features of common crustacean species. External Anatomy Step 1 Place the preserved crayfish in a dissecting tray. Step 2 Note that the body of the crayfish is divided into three parts: the head, the cephalothorax, and the abdomen. Step 3 Head - Identify the compound eyes on the rostrum portion of the head. Step 4

Dorsal view of generalized male crayfish (Redrawn from Hobbs 1976

The Anatomy of a Crayfish. Let's take a closer look at the anatomy of a crayfish. These creatures have a segmented body that is divided into two main regions: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. The cephalothorax contains the head, which includes the eyes, antennae, and mouthparts, as well as the thorax, which houses the walking legs and small. The purpose of this lab activity is to help you learn the anatomy of a crayfish and give you a better understanding of the anatomy of invertebrate animals in general. After completing this dissection, you should be able to: Correctly identify the locations involved in the dissection procedures, and