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Information Conversion Schemes Alternatives Preview Shades and Tints Tones Blindness Simulator In a RGB color space, hex #483d8b (also known as Dark slate blue) is composed of 28.2% red, 23.9% green and 54.5% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 48.2% cyan, 56.1% magenta, 0% yellow and 45.5% black. Slate Blue 1648 Tinged with gray, this versatile blue-green is reminiscent of weathered slate. Shop Now LRV 43.21 Collection Benjamin Moore Classics® Also Known As CC-818 Get your own digital color dollop of Slate Blue 1648 Create My Dollop [object Object] Matching Colors Gray Mist 962 Add to Cart Shopping List Change Color Other Rustic Taupe 999

Slate Blue Envelopments

Dark Stone Blue #343c46 Stone Blue #39565b Midnight Slate #40535d Sea Slate Blue #475f87 Medium Slate Blue #48676a Metallic Blue Slate #517679 Vintage Slate Blue #518aa5 Cold Slate #5c7c86 Antique Slate Blue #5c878d Medium Slate Blue #3 #5e7b87 Slate Blue 1912 Standard #637083 Seafoam Slate #689baa Slate Blue-Green #2 #6da7ab What is Dark Slate Blue Color? Dark Slate Blue has the hex code #483D8B. The equivalent RGB values are (72, 61, 139), which means it is composed of 26% red, 22% green and 51% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:48 M:56 Y:0 K:46. In the HSV/HSB scale, Dark Slate Blue has a hue of 248°, 56% saturation and a brightness value of 55%. Color Preview CSS Codes Color Palettes Related Colors #483d8b color RGB value is (72,61,139). #483d8b color name is DarkSlateBlue color . #483d8b hex color red value is 72, green value is 61 and the blue value of its RGB is 139. The color darkslateblue / Dark slate blue with hexadecimal color code #483d8b is a medium dark shade of blue-magenta. In the RGB color model #483d8b is comprised of 28.24% red, 23.92% green and 54.51% blue. In the HSL color space #483d8b has a hue of 248° (degrees), 39% saturation and 39% lightness.

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Dark Slate Blue Color [HEX: #483D8B] You can find more similar colors of dark slate blue within the Purple Color Codes List. Example: #483d8b Color Codes: HEX: #483d8b RGB: rgb (72,61,139) HSL: hsl (248,39%,39%) HSV: hsv (248,56%,55%) NAME: Dark Slate Blue Lighter and Darker Shades of Dark Slate Blue: #f2f1f9 rgb (242,241,249) #e8e6f4 Dark Slate Blue on Wikipedia X11 color names 100% Green / Lime 180°/25% 25% Dark Slate Gray, 100% Teal 240°/27% 64% Midnight Blue, 100% Dark Blue The Printer Working Group (PWG) of the Slate gray is colored slate gray. Military The Fleet Air Arm aircraft Temperate Day Scheme in the World War Two was Dark Slate Grey over Extra Dark Sea Grey on Tints of Dark Slate Blue #483D8C #564C99 #675DA5 #786FB2 #8B83BF #9F99CC #B5B0D8 #CCC8E5 #E5E3F2 #FFFFFF Find more Tones of Dark Slate Blue #1F06C5 #2710BB #2F1BB0 #3726A5 #3E309B #463B90 #4E4685 #56507B Dark Slate Blue color belongs to the Blue color family (hue). The hexadecimal color code (color number) for Dark Slate Blue is #483D8B , and the RGB color code is RGB (72, 61, 139) . In the RGB color model, Dark Slate Blue has a red value of 72, a green value of 61, and a blue value of 139.

Slate blue wall wall design ideas with blue hues Interior Design

Dark Slate. Dark slate is a medium dark gray blue that takes its name from the metamorphic rock. It is mysterious yet elegant, suave with just a hint of mischievousness. This color is powerful, inspired by a type of stone, and interior decorators favor it. Strong and eye-catching, dark slate gives spaces chic intensity. What Color is Slate Blue? Slate Blue, as its name suggests, is a medium-dark shade of azure, deriving its unique character from the cool grays mixed into its predominantly blue base. The Slate Blue hex color code is #5B7C99, a coded language for the unique blend that creates this fascinating color. The darker the shade of blue that you start with the darker your color will be. Of course, the amount of gray you add will also change the slate blue color you create. This is what slate blue looks like against blue and gray to give you an idea of how the colors blend together: Blue #0000FF The Best Blue Hues From Bold to Blithe. If you're hunting for that perfect blue to set the scene, from formal to laid-back, you'll be sure to find it in a Sherwin-Williams blue paint color. Whether it's a subdued blue gray like Sleepy Blue or a cheerful blue green like Raindrop, a serious dark blue like Loyal Blue or a playful light blue.

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Slate Blue (also called Blue Slate) is a calming and beautiful blue-gray color that's anything but simple or bland. And, thanks to its versatility, it's a terrific color to use in any home. I'm showing you all the ins and outs of slate blue as well as some real-life examples of how others use it in their homes. Let's dive in! Decorating With Blue HTML color code for #483D8B. W3C color name: DarkSlateBlue. Generic color name: Dark Slate Blue. Colors that make up #483D8B. RGB: 72, 61, 139 - HSL: 0.69, 0.39, 0.39. Web safe color: No. Complementary color. A good complementary color for this color is #828C3E.