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Subclasses View the homebrew subclasses that users around the world have created and shared, or create your own. View Homebrew Subclasses Create Homebrew Subclasses Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Homebrew Backgrounds, Homebrew Magic Items, Homebrew Monsters, and Homebrew Spells Spells Spells for all levels of gameplay. (3664 items) Character Options Subraces, subclasses, feats, and variants for both races and class features alike. (5891 items) Optimized Character Builds Anything you can do, I can do better. (112 items) For Dungeon Masters

DnD 5e Homebrew — Compendium of Spells 2 by Anathemys

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Best Homebrew Spells By Christopher Julian Anaya Updated Apr 25, 2022 D&D players certainly know how to channel their creativity. These homebrewed spells will add. 105 New Elemental Spells for 5e by KibblesTasty Generic Elemental Spells One of the common things I see folks at my table and across the D&D Community looking for all the time is spells that better fit elemental archetypes - particularly once you get beyond "fire". Generally speaking, they could all use some new options and variety. Homebrew is a celebrated part of Dungeons & Dragons, but what are some of the best homebrew spells? Well, it's time to find out! Druid of the Emerald Grove by Edgar Sánchez Hidalgo / Tasha, the Witch Queen by Martina Fackova / Potion of Healing by Pauline Voss Magic is a pillar of Dungeons & Dragons, and similarly, so is homebrew. Homebrew spells in DnD refer to spells that are created by players or DMs that are not found in the official D&D rulebooks. These spells can add unique mechanics, effects, and flavor to a campaign and allow for more customization and creativity in gameplay.

Three Lightning Spells at 2nd, 5th, and 8th level DnDHomebrew in 2021

Homebrewed spells are a great way to bring flavor and uniqueness to spellcasters in your Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Despite the numerous spells available, sometimes you just want to have a fireball do lightning damage or craft something wholly unique and disturbing to fit your gothic horror setting. Homebrew Compendium. By Andrew/Ogskive. This document is the definitive list of all of Andrew's homebrew material created for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Rules, game abilities, and mechanics are minimally presented here. For lore, illustrations, and other tidbits, continue to one of the following documents: 1. Aarion's thunder charge 2nd-level evocation Punchy wizards, unite! If you're the sort of squishy spellcaster that enjoys getting up close and personal with your enemies, Aarion's thunder charge is the perfect spell to cast if you're certain that battle is imminent. The process for supplying the advanced information for spells, magic items, and monsters is, well, advanced. It's not for the faint of heart. Over time, we will listen to feedback and see if there are ways to improve the experience, but at its core, it's not intended for beginning players and will take a few times for a veteran to feel like a.

Pin on DnD Homebrew Spells

balanced with the other official spells, so if a homebrew spells functionally do something strictly better than an official spell, it should be because of some other "cost", be it more situational, higher level, expensive component spell cost and so on polished text, 5th edition-style. No two pages long spells Spells Ignore the ban and seize the Epic! Seventeen epic spells that mean you're a big deal. Introduction This document lists the complete homebrew epic spell list I use for the campaigns I run in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition. I originally created this document in Word, for the benefit of me as the DM and my players. Step 1 - SPELL NAME. Currently, this will show the text COPY_OF_Hallow. Click in the SPELL NAME field and change the text to Veil of Shadows, or whatever name you would like for our homebrew spell. There are a number of fields we can skip, because we're happy with the values they contain: SPELL LEVEL & SPELL SCHOOL. My Homebrew Spell System for Dungeons and Dragons lets you Create BALANCED Homebrew Spells that are FUN and don't break your games. D&D 5e has a balance syst.

DnD 5e Homebrew (Search results for Compendium of spells) D&D Spells

Create a spell description. Decide on spell level and other stats. Playtest your spell. Creating Homebrew Spell Ideas Coming up with fresh ideas can be an intimidating process, but try to remember that nothing we do in D&D needs to be unique. Everything takes inspiration from something else. We discuss the ins and outs of creating your own custom spells for your games of D&D. TIME STAMPS0:00 - Intro1:24 - What is the Fantasy?4:06 - What Classes?7.