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Discover an Easy, yet Powerful, Proven Approach to Energy Healing. Reserve Your Spot Here. With Physician, Author of The Emotion Code & Creator of the Body Code™ Dr. Bradley Nelson Yes. Work backward to find the line of inheritance. Emotion identified! Identify one (or more) of the following: Yes When it occurred (age, prenatal, or preconception) That it was absorbed from someone More about the associated life event © 2020 Discover Healing All Rights Reserved Identify the row (1-6)

Emotion Code Chart Explanation Passion/Gratitude The Introverted

The Emotion Code Chart is an easy-to-use tool that allows Emotion Code practitioners to identify which emotions have become trapped within the body. The chart includes commonly found emotions, which are listed in columns and rows. An Emotion Code Chart is a system for healing in the form of a chart that contains a matrix. It is laid out with six rows and two columns containing divisions of emotions and feelings within them. There are 60 emotions distributed in groups of five emotions in each box. A: The Emotion Code Chart is a tool used in the practice of emotion code therapy. Q: What is emotion code therapy? A: Emotion code therapy is a healing technique that involves identifying and releasing trapped emotions from the body. Q: How does the Emotion Code Chart work? The Emotion Code® chart reveals how it can be related to your emotional baggage. According to Emotion Code® practitioners and energy healers, emotional baggage is real and can be the underlying cause of our diseases, pain, and self-sabotaging patterns. And the Emotion Code® therapy is a brilliant tool anyone can learn to use to heal it.

Free Printable Emotion Code Chart Printable Templates

Title: 2021-Chart of EmotionsEN-EmotionCode-Light Author: Dr. Bradley Nelson Created Date: 2/10/2021 11:05:03 AM The Emotion Code Chart PDF categorizes over 400 detrimental trapped emotions like anger, apathy, betrayal, frustration, greed, hatred, jealousy, stress, and more. Each emotion is assigned to one of 60 columns corresponding to physical areas, relationships, thought patterns, or characteristics. An Emotion Code Chart is an instrument mental health professionals show their patients with the intention to determine the psychological challenges imperceptible at first glance or during more traditional therapy.. Numerous practitioners use this method of healing when working with their patients - whether the person is dealing with constant anxiety and stress, trying to overcome long-term. Guilt: The feeling of having done wrong or committed an offense. Feeling responsible for the harmful actions of another (e.g., abuse, parents' divorce, death, etc.) Often accompanied by feelings of depression, shame and self-abuse. Hatred: To loathe; despise; great dislike or aversion.

Emotion Code Chart (PDF Template)

Emotion Code chart help to be more mature in feeling and thinking. Figure: Emotional Code Faces Figure: Emotional Intelligence strength the team performance, leadership ability, improve decision making, decrease occupational stress, and staff turnover . Ernotion Code Chart HEART OR SMALL INTESTINE SPLEEN OR STOMACH LUNG OR COLON LIVER OR GALL. The Emotion Code Starter Kit - Downloads Kristi Nelson 2022-09-06T12:06:58-06:00 YOUR FREE EMOTION CODE STARTER KIT You Dont Have to Live with Discomfort Everything is Energy Dr Brad Story Muscle Testing The Emotion Code Formula The Heart-Wall Discover Healing - The Bigger Picture Our Entire Healing World The Emotion Code@ Chart ©2007-2016 well- ness Unmasked, Inc. Row 1 Heart or Small Intestine Row 2 Spleen or Stomach Row 3 Lung or Colon Row 4 Liver or Gall Bladder Row 5 Kidneys or Bladder Row 6 Glands & Sexual Organs Column A Abandonment Betrayal Forlorn Lost Love Unreceived Anxiety Despair Disgust Nervousness An Emotion Code Chart has six rows and two columns with 5 emotions in each section (with a total of 60 emotions). Each row corresponds with specific areas of the body where trapped emotions can affect function and performance. PDF | Image How to Use The Emotion Code Chart to Release Emotions

Printable Emotion Code Chart

PDF Description: This Printable PDF chart can be viewed, downloaded and also printed. Use this chart for your own personal use completely free. This chart can be downloaded in seconds along with the other valuable charts we provide. View, Download or Print this Emotion Code Chart PDF completely free. The Emotion Code Chart consists of 60 emotions, divided into two columns and six rows. Start by asking yourself or your subject, "Is this trapped emotion in Column A?" Perform the muscle test and, if the muscle being tested weakens, the answer is "No." In that case, ask if the trapped emotion is in Column B.