We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Use the Feelings Wheel to find accurate labels for whatever you are experiencing. Label your emotions to feel less reactive and more in control of your feelings. F E E L I N G S L E A R N H O W T O L A B E L Y O U R S ou r c e s: h t t p s : / / im g u r. co m / t C W C h f6 F e e l i ngs W h e e l - G eo f fr e y R o b er t s
Feelings Wheel Feelings wheel, Emotion chart, Feelings and emotions
Crying, smiling, raising one's chin, making oneself small, moving one's arms up and down quickly. Physiological. Support. Changes in pulse, blood flow, brain activity. Emotions influence our actions in five main ways. 1. Emotion Component. This is where an individual simply experiences the feelings. 2. Emotion Wheel for Kids. This printable is sort of a simpler version of the previous entry, so it may be appropriate for even younger kids. It only has the basic emotions and fundamental colors. We recommend it to parents with very young children. 3. Emotion Wheel for Children. Download. You can use a feelings wheel to teach kids about their emotions. The wheel has basic feelings in the center circle. More specific feelings are in the outer circle. The feelings wheel has both pictures and words to help kids name their emotions. Kids who don't yet have the words for their emotions can use the pictures. The Feeling Wheel Developed by Dr. Gloria Willcox P o we r f u l ed g xy g getic g yful Amused e gant e Delightful oud eerful ed Satisfied ed aluable Anxious assed e e oolish Helpless k Insignificant onfused ged ed ed itical eptical eful ed y e ed ious Hostile fish t alous y Bashful ed Stupid essed able ely e ed ior y etic e ent oughtful ed.
Wheel of Emotions For Kids (Free PDF) Defend Innocence
PSYCHOEDUCATION: FEELINGS Feelings Wheel Feelings Wheel Peaceful Sad Mad Scared Joyful Powerful Hurt Hateful Rage Angry Hostile Critical turing Thoughtful ving Calm rusting Content Sleepy Ashamed Depressed Lonely Bored Guilty cited Radiant Energetic Playful Creative ware oud Respected Appreciated Hopeful tant aithful Anxious Insecure. Do any of these emotions describe how you're feeling right now or how you've felt this past week? Circle or put a mark next to those emotions. Recognising your feelings Recognising your feelings is the first step towards understanding them and learning how to cope with them. It might feel difficult to recognise your feelings at first, but Do you want to help your kids or students express their emotions better? Download this free printable PDF of a feelings wheel that you can cut out and assemble. It has colorful faces and words that show different feelings and moods. Use it as a fun and interactive way to teach emotional literacy and awareness. Feelings Wheel . Use this wheel to help communicate and express how you feel. Note: The Feelings Wheel is reported to be by Dr. Gloria Wilcox . SLEEPY RELAXED BORED TIRED OVERWHELMED ANXIOUS EXCITED DARING . Author: Administrator Created Date:
Printable Feelings Wheel for Kids and Adults iMOM
The Wheel of Emotions, also known as the Emotion Wheel or Feelings Wheel, is a visual representation of different emotions arranged in a circular format. It categorizes emotions into primary and secondary emotions, providing a comprehensive range of feelings that individuals may experience. The wheel typically consists of a central core of. The wheel can also be used to explore deeper and longer-term emotions that may be impacting you. For instance, maybe you have been feeling scared over the last several months, since the time you lost your job. By going to the core feeling "scared" on the inner band of the wheel, you can look at the two outer bands for feelings associated
Happy Angry. Originally created by Dr. Gloria Wilcox. Nervous Exposed Betrayed Disrespected Disrespected Ridiculed Threatened down Indignant Humiliated Violated Bitter Furious. Mad Jealous. Aggressive Provoked. Frustrated Hostile. Distant Infuriated Annoyed Critical Disapproving Withdrawn Numb Sceptical Judgmental Dismissive. Appalled Embarrassed. worksheet. Plutchik's wheel of emotions identifies 8 basic emotions including joy, trust, fear, surprise, disgust, anger, and anticipation. Combinations of these basic emotions result in advanced emotions, such as optimism, love, submission, awe, disappointment, remorse, contempt, and aggression. This Wheel of Emotions diagram beautifully.
4.1 Feelings Wheel PDF. 4.2 Feelings wheel poster. The feeling wheel was developed by Dr. Gloria Willcox to help clients expand their emotion vocabulary. The feelings wheel helps people describe their feelings and identify their emotions with more accuracy. Since there are thousands of emotions, people often find it difficult to express their. The Feelings Wheel facilitates effective communication. Clear and accurate communication of emotions is pivotal in maintaining healthy connections with others. With the Feelings Wheel, you can effectively communicate your emotional states, enabling your loved ones or colleagues to respond to you with empathy and support.