15 Beautiful Mother's Day Quotes in Spanish Feliz Día de la Madre

¡Feliz día de las mamás! Below are some short common phrases that you can use to wish your mother a Happy Mother's Day in Spanish as well as the English translation. Use these phrases with your mom verbally, send them in a mother's day message, or use them in your mother's day card. April 14, 2022 10 10 In this post: 15 Beautiful Mother's Day quotes to help you have a Feliz Día de la Madre! Post may contain affiliate links. Mother's Day is fast approaching and it's the perfect time to read and appreciate these beautiful Mother's Day quotes in Spanish.

Madre Spanish Quotes. QuotesGram

¡Feliz día de la madre! If you simply want to say happy mothers day in Spanish, you will need to remind these words: ¡Feliz día de la madre! or ¡Feliz día mama! This is definitely the easiest way to wish her a great special day! I would encourage you to say something else to make her feel how much you love her. ¡Feliz Día de la Madre! Happy Mother's Day! ¡Feliz Día de las Madres! Happy Mothers' Day! Mother's Day Vocabulary This useful vocabulary will help you express your feelings on this special day. Recommended reading: 80+ Spanish Words to Describe Your Mom. Happy Mother's Day in Spanish - Common Phrases Translation of Mother's Day Quotes to Spanish. Now, let's learn how to say these beautiful quotes in Spanish: 1. "Madre solo hay una.". - There is only one mother. Spanish Translation: "There is only one mother.". 2. "Dios no podía estar en todas partes a la vez, así que creó a las madres.". - God couldn't be everywhere. 21 Emotional Mother's Day Spanish Quotes Te debo mucho, pero no pides mucho a cambio. No sé cómo podré devolverte ni la mitad del amor que me das todos los días. Gracias mamá. Para todas ellas, ¡Felicidades! - I owe you a lot, but you don't ask for much in return. I don't know how I can return even half of the love you give me every day.

Imagen Dia De Las Madres 374

Write The Words En Español Wonderful Day In Spanish Whatever You Want En Español What Is Good Afternoon In Italian What Does Tóxica Mean In Spanish Slang What Does Cuando Mean In Spanish Slang Weibo English Translation Wedgie In Spanish Slang Venite Ad Me Omnes Translation English Vending Machine En Español Velar Meaning Spanish Va En Español Download the file, (click the links below the photos) Print on white cardstock. Cut out the card and fold it. Write a special mother's day message on the inside. Pick a nice quote from our list of words at the end of this blog post. ¡Feliz día de las madres! Such a beautiful card! Eres la mejor mamá Your mom will be so happy to receive this card! 17. "Madre, siempre serás mi luz en la oscuridad. ¡Feliz Día de las Madres!" (Mother, you will always be my light in the darkness. Happy Mother's Day!) 18. "Tu amor es mi mayor fortaleza. ¡Feliz Día de las Madres!" (Your love is my greatest strength. Happy Mother's Day!) 19. "Eres mi razón de ser. ¡Feliz Día de las Madres!" There are so many ways you can celebrate Mom in Spanish this Mother's Day! Here are some Spanish Mother's Day phrases you can learn: Feliz Día de la Madre (feh- lees dee -ah deh lah mah -dreh) - Happy Mother's Day. ¡Feliz día, Mamá! (feh- lees dee -ah mah- mah) - Happy Day Mama!

15 Beautiful Mother's Day Quotes in Spanish Feliz Día de la Madre

Feliz Día de las Madres (feh-lees dee-ah deh lahs mah-drehs): Happy Mother's Day. Gracias por todo lo que has hecho por mí (grah-syahs pohr toh-doh loh keh ahs eh-choh pohr mee): Thanks for all. ¡Feliz Día de la Madre! Dictionary Examples Pronunciation Mother's Day in the Spanish-Speaking World Happy Mother's Day! () phrase 1. (holiday) a. ¡Feliz Día de la Madre! Happy Mother's Day! You're the best mother in the whole world. ¡Feliz Día de la Madre! Eres la mejor mamá del mundo. b. ¡Feliz Día de las Madres! Relax and enjoy your special day. ¡Feliz día de la madre! Several basic happy mothers' day quotes in Spanish are used to congratulate them. If you say ¡Feliz día de la madre!, you are just telling her 'Happy mothers' day!'. This cute Spanish phrase may be the perfect starting sentence of a loving letter to your mom. 4. Siempre estás ahí cuando te necesito Feliz Dia de la Madre: Celebrate Mother's Day in Spain! ¡Feliz Dia de la Madre! Mother's Day, or Dia de la Madre, is a deeply significant holiday in Spain. Take, for instance, the following information: A study was done in 2012 about the role of European mothers. The psychologist responsible for the Spanish case said that "the Spanish.

Happy Mother's Day Quotes in Spanish

Felíz día de las Madres (Happy Mother's day) Madre solo hay una, y como la mía ninguna." (There is only one mother, and none like mine). "La vida no viene con un manual, viene con una madre." (Life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a mother). 1. ¡Feliz día de las madres! Happy Mother's Day! 2. Gracias por estar siempre ahí. Thank you for always being there. 3. Eres la madre más asombrosa. You are the most amazing mother. 4. Aunque tomó mucha paciencia, nunca me diste por vencida. Although it took a lot of patience, you never gave up on me. 5. Estoy orgulloso de ser tu hijo.