Ferncliff Illusion' Dahlia, Decorative Dahlias, Dinner Plate Dahlias Looking for an eye-catching beauty in your garden? Try Dahlia 'Ferncliff Illusion'. This large-flowering Dahlia or 'Dinner Plate Dahlia' features huge and magnificent white flowers, delicately purple-edged. Ferncliff Illusion has a large, 8-10″ impressive flower that is white with a lavender edge. Whispy petals and grows tall in the garden, up to 5 feet in height. Super cut flower and tuber producer! Growers Notes: Dahlias are planted in spring after the soil has warmed up to 60 degrees
Ferncliff Illusion Dahlia Brecks Premium Bulbs
Ferncliff Illusion Dahlia Expect to be wowed by this Dinnerplate Dahlia! Lush white, 8-10" blooms fill borders or cutting beds while the lilac-pink petal tips add extra impact. Though the large flowers hold some heft, this robust plant keeps them upright and straight—even during inclement weather. Light Full Sun Size #1 Clump Zone 3-10. In conclusion, the time it takes for a Dahlia Ferncliff Illusion bulb to flower after planting can range from 12-14 weeks. However, it's important to keep in mind that this timeline is a rough estimate, and the actual flowering time can vary depending on various factors. Ferncliff Illusion Dinner Plate Dahlia produces sensational pure-white petals tipped in vibrant ultraviolet purple. Fully double blooms emerge packed with petals mid-summer, and last through frost. Sturdy stems hold the massive 8- to 10-inch blooms upright, even after a rain. 'Ferncliff Illusion' is a clump-forming, tuberous perennial with toothed, dark green leaves and large, double, bi-coloured, white flowers with lavender edges blooming from midsummer until autumn. Season of interest Height and spread Metric | Imperial Where to grow Soil type Clay Loamy Sandy Soil drainage Moist but well-drained Well-drained Soil pH
Dahlia 'Ferncliff Illusion'
Ferncliff Illusion Dahlia Tubers Color: White with Lavender Tips Flower Size: 6" Plant Height: Approx. 62" Best For: Market Bouquets, Floral Design Dahlia tubers purchased from Summer Dreams Farm will ship out in early April, weather permitting. For more information on how to grow dahlias, check out the Dahlia Care section of our website! Ferncliff Illusion is a 6-8" informal decorative variety reminiscent of Hapet Blue Eyes, but closer to straight white, with subtle blush tips and dark centers. Ferncliff Illusion $12.00 Quantity Add to Cart Tubers ship between April 15 - May 3, 2024 Fls to 150mm wide; florets (upper surface) white (155C), overlaid with light reddish purple N78D towards apex, with some thin moderate purplish pink 186D veins on the bottom three-quarters of the florets; florets (lower surface) white (155C), overlaid with light reddish purple N78D towards apex, with pale greenish yellow 160C midvein and some th. Dahlia 'Ferncliff Illusion' (Giant Tree Dahlias) Half-hardy FROM £9.99 86% (6 Reviews) Garden Club Members Price: FROM £8.99 JOIN TODAY Flowers from July to October Amazingly grows over 5ft tall Double white blooms have delicately blushed pink petal tips Delivery Information View Product Description Choose available pack sizes: Add To Basket
Stanford Dahlia Project Dahlia 'Ferncliff Illusion'
18 inches Flowering Height 36 to 48 inches Flowering Time Summer through Fall Fragrant No Naturalizing No Planting Depth 4 inches Sunlight Full Sun USDA Zones Hardy 9-10, Suitable 3-10 More details Dahlia Ferncliff Illusion Top Sized Bulbs, Tubers and Roots! Pre-Order Now! Plant database entry for Dahlia 'Ferncliff Illusion' with 19 images and 23 data details.
Dahlia 'Ferncliff Illusion' (Decorative) The border dahlia is more imposing than the bedding dahlia and generally grows taller, often with much larger blooms. Always dig in organic matter before planting out and dead head regularly to prolong flowering. Dahlias are thirsty and hungry plants. Water in dry weather and occasionally feed with. Informal Decorative Dahlia 'Ferncliff Illusion' Dahlia . 2 more photos VIEW GALLERY. View gallery. Family: Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY-see-ee) Genus: Dahlia (DAHL-ya) Cultivar: Ferncliff Illusion: Hybridized : by Jack: Registered or introduced: 1994 » View all varieties of Dahlias. 2 members have or want this plant for trade.
Flower Farm, Flower Garden, Exotic Flowers, Beautiful Flowers, American
Ferncliff Illusion is a pure white Dahlia with lavender tips. It's a great producer of bright and beautiful blooming flowers. Also an excellent cut flower! search. close. check_circle Free Shipping above $100; check_circle. Dahlia Ferncliff Illusion is a stunning addition to any garden, boasting white-edged lilac-purple flowers that are fully double and impressively large, measuring up to 20-25 cm wide. Unlike some dahlias, these blooms stay upright and straight even during rainy weather, thanks to their strong stems.