Horses, like us, have twelve major meridians, and along these pathways, we find acu-points, specific anatomical locations where we can influence chi. When we access acu-points through either finger pressure (acupressure) or needles (acupuncture), chi imbalances can be resolved, helping the body to return to its natural state of health. Equine acupressure charts are visual guides that provide a detailed map of a horse's body, indicating the location of specific acupressure points. If you are interested in trying equine acupressure and want to get your hands on a chart, click the link below to download our Equine Acupressure Charts.
Equine Acupressure Chart (8.5″ X 11″) Rocky Mountain Holistic Healing
According to TCM, we can influence the flow of Chi energy by stimulating specific pools of energy, called acupressure points or acupoints, located along pathways or channels known as meridians. These meridians form a network of channels that run throughout the horse's body. Point Description Point Chart Lung Large Intestine Stomach Spleen Heart Small Intestine Bladder Kidney Pericardium Triple Heater Gallbladder Liver Governing Vessel Conception Vessel I E: LUNG EQUINE [up] II EQUINE [up] IVAS POINT OUTLINE.. Equine Lung/Large Intestine(Metal)[up] III E: STOMACH MERIDIAN. EQUINE [up] IV How to Treat Pressure Points There are multiple different ways how to work with acupuncture points. Professional practitioners use needles or acupuncture lasers to stimulate them. But you can achieve a beneficial effect by massaging them with your hand as well. This technique is called acupressure. Massage Techniques for Acupressure Look no further! Our printable chart is exactly what you need to take your acupuncture practice to the next level. With detailed information on all 12 equine meridians and the most potent acupuncture points for horses, our chart is an indispensable tool for any dedicated student of equine acupuncture.
Some useful Equine Acupuncture Points Heste Pinterest Heste
Kari $33. After payment you will be returned to a download page. Individual charts can be purchased for $9 each via Paypal and using email
[email protected]. download free explanation page here explanation page $33 (normally $55). below After payment you will be returned to a download page. How to Treat Pressure Points There are multiple different ways how to work with acupuncture points. Professional practitioners use needles or acupuncture lasers to stimulate them. But you can achieve a beneficial effect by massaging them with your hand as well. This technique is called acupressure. Massage Techniques for Acupressure Free Printable Acupressure Points Chart | 11" 2-sided chart. | Equine acupressure, Acupuncture points chart, Acupuncture points Explore Animals Visit Pets Free Printable Acupressure Points Chart | 11" 2-sided chart. Contains the most commonly used acupuncture points. Equine Massage Therapy Sports Massage Therapy Horse Therapy C14 & C17. While there are several acupressure points that may benefit the horse in the realm of reducing anxiety and dispersing excess negative energy, C14 and C17 stimulate chi near the heart and the pericardium or "heart space.". This highlights the reason these points can have such a pronounced impact and a major reason they are.
Acupressure for older horses Equine Wellness Magazine Older horses
Use the Equine Meridian Acupoint chart to formulate your acupressure session and study point locations. You'll also find it a helpful tool to educate your clients and expand their knowledge of acupressure. The Equine Meridian Chart is 12 x 18 inches, 5 ml laminated and color-coded to the 5-Element Theory. Six-Page Laminated Chart. Emergency Acupressure Points for Horses provides medical information and acupressure points so horse owners can support the horse in illness and in medical emergencies. The pages feature 12 color photos showing 30 acupressure points use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for shock, cardiac arrest, heatstroke, colic, respiratory illness, and fever.
This chart is a comprehensive resource that can be used by both beginners and experienced horse owners alike. Each acupressure point is clearly illustrated and labeled, making it easy to locate and apply the appropriate pressure. Alongside the chart, you will find detailed explanations of each point, including their specific benefits and how. Acupressure Point Charts for Horses is an accurate, user-friendly guide to the locations and uses of 128 equine acupressure points and 14 energy channels. The 272-page flip chart book includes 400 Black-and-white photos of horses marked with the points and channels and 100 anatomical illustrations of the muscles and bony landmarks near each point.
V E HEART MERIDIAN… EQUINE [up] Equine Acupressure, Acupressure Points
Equine Acupuncture and Acupressure Points and Meridian charts (31 charts) These are High resolution charts, optimised for ipad. But can be printed out and put into plastic sleeve binder. Horse Acupuncture and Acupressure Points and Meridian charts. To see the resolution, free example chart can be downloaded here; free example chart. Specific acupressure points are known to help maintain tendon, ligament and joint flexibility, enhance the digestive process, and support the horse's spirit. During your grooming routine, you can stimulate four key acupressure points (see chart below) on both sides of your senior horse. When performed regularly, this session will help her.