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Goodnites® Bedwetting Underwear Helps Kids Wake Up Dry. Shop Sitewide. Protects Against Leaks No Matter How Your Child Sleeps. Get Goodnites® May God bless you. As you sleep tonight, may the Lord's love and strength be your shield. And His word—your armor! Good Night May you have a sweet night, full of peaceful rest in the Lord. I hope God blesses you with many more peaceful nights. Good night, dear. Good night, dear one. May you may feel safe and at ease with the Lord as you sleep.

Good NIght Blessings Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr

(Matthew 11:28) Good night, may the Lord give rest and peace of mind as you sleep. May the Lord lie you down in peace and sleep, for He alone, makes you dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8) God bless you as you go to bed tonight. May you dream of His goodness and love. Many many blessings for He grants sleep to those He loves. (Psalm 127:2) Good night, dear one. May you may feel safe and at ease with the Lord as you sleep. "Go to sleep in peace. God is awake." - Victor Hugo "The moon is lighting up the skies - the stars are sparkling there; 'tis time to shut our weary eyes, and say our evening prayer." - Leslie Mounts May God be with you as you go to bed tonight. Not sure what to say to Him as you lie awake? We have 50 good night prayers for you! Nighttime typically brings with it a quiet setting that can allow our thoughts to run wild. Fear, ambition and. 1. A Blessing for Restful Sleep May the Lord bless you with a restful sleep tonight, free from worries and anxieties. May you feel the comfort of his loving presence as you rest. Good night and blessings. 2. A Blessing for Peaceful Dreams Lord, we pray that you would bless our dreams tonight with peaceful thoughts and images.

Good Night Blessings Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr

Evening Prayer of Gratitude Dear Lord, As I close this day, I come to you with a heart full of gratitude. Thank you for your love and provision throughout my life. Thank you for the blessings. Blessing of Rest May you have rest that renews your spirit, as promised by our Savior. 'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.' (Matthew 11:28) Close your eyes and surrender to His holy repose. Blessing of Love Let the love of God enfold you as gently as the night's embrace. Top 20 Good Night Blessings First, let's check out my top 20 good night blessings: 1. "May the good memories of today lull you to sleep." - Kate Summer 2. "Even after a trying day, God will quiet your soul as you remember His presence and intentionally seek to enter into it. Remember He's with you. Invite Him to make Himself present to you." Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. And if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen. Now I lay me down to sleep; I pray the Lord my soul to keep. Thy love guard me through the night, And wake me with the morning light. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, bless the bed that I lie on.

Good Night Blessings Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr

Forgive me for forgetting who I am because of what your Son, Jesus Christ, has done. Forgive me for failing to remember the glorious truths and riches I have because of the gospel. Father, hear my. Dear God, We thank you tonight for the good day and for the special way you take care of us all the time. Thank you for the fun times outside and the quiet times inside, and for helping us learn new things every day. Thank you for creating us special, exactly the way you wanted. Thank you for protecting us throughout the day. Have a peaceful night. Goodnight my love, I pray that you have a peaceful night's sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. I am sending my love and prayers to you. May the Lord bless you with a restful sleep, preparing you for the day ahead. Sweet dreams. Goodnight prayer for a friend. Dear God, as I close my eyes tonight, I'm praying for loved ones around me, for friends, and those who need to know You, Lord. I'm praying that Your love, like the billions of stars in the night sky outside, will touch them and help them see who You really are. I pray for our world and those in it.

Good Night Blessings Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr

3Father, We Thank Thee. 4For A Good Night's Sleep. 5At the End of A Hard Day. 6Before You Go to Bed. 7A Beautiful Prayer to End the Day. 8A Bedtime Prayer to Stop an Anxious Heart. 9Prayer for a Reset. 10Giving Thanks Evening Prayer. 11For Sweet Sleep. Dear Jehovah Jireh, please bless me with rest and a good night's sleep. Also, clear my mind of worry about tomorrow and my numerous needs. Wash over me with your peace and help me trust in your ability to take care of me and all that's mine. Lord, I also ask that you forgive my moments of doubts and unbelief.